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Indian soldier’s b*********: ‘Attack carried out by SSG group: A K Antony

See the problem with such claims is the impossibility of proving them. I can claim the Russians came and attacked and since they left without anyone noticing, people will be hard pressed to prove me wrong. Differentiating between the SSGs, the Army, and the paramilitary is far harder to do when no one is even sure what happened. If I gave an M-4 to a paramilitary guy, does that make him an SSG? In a tense situation lacking only in factual information, to claim suspiciously specific information says a lot more about the propaganda employed by India than any real insight into the actions of the PA.

This whole situation has the scent of a typical Pak-Indo encounter. With more smoke and mirrors than real warfare. All we know for sure is that there were clashes and a loss of life on both sides of the border. Everything else, at this point, comes across as typical grandeur from two sides that refuse to let the facts speak for themselves. Problem is, due to the lack of information, the facts wouldn't speak at all and in the bravado filled world of South Asia, we just can't have that can we?
Who knows. Pakistan Army and terrorists have been buddies for decades. :D

By that logic, everyone in this uniform must be a scum bag. :D

By that logic, everyone in this uniform must be a scum bag. :D
One name, one soldier over and over again. He is in jail. We don't care whoever is terrorist. Killers of Pakistani innocents are not considered as heroes in India.
exactly that's why beware the fury of a patient man. 1971 caused enough of an inferno i hear.
Nice work by Indian Army ..........:tup:

If the people try to take law and order in their hands , they should be given more harsher punishments.

Indian Army should do this work against BJP and RSS............:sniper:
Just adds more and more dust to whole picture. No one profits from such a cloudy picture.
Night night. Sleep tight. Don't let Hafiz Saeed and the LET bite.
Indian Army should do this work against BJP and RSS............:sniper:

I think the Kargil defeat during the rule of BJP might be the cause of the morbid fascination of Pakistanis. In their sub-conscious they fear that if BJP come back in power similar consequence might take place if they try to go for another misadventure....I have never seen any Indian whining about major Pakistani political party like PPP, MQM, PML etc.

It seems people with no knowledge of democracy and politics writes such comments.

@ Green Angel: Do not compare Indian Army to the rogue army of your nation....it does have the tendency to interfere with politics.
Have India and Pakistan signed a peace treaty? Have they settled the boundary dispute? If the answer to any one of those questions is NO, then anything goes.

Does it matter who were killed by whom with what in where on when and how?
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