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Indian Soldier Killed in Kashmir Gunfight

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Enjoy the little good time but our promise is that we will send u gifts in future the gifts that will make yr country a living hell and that is the biggest promise.

So in other words you are a terrorist sympathizer?

It's amazing, Pakistan is daily hit by terrorists of all sorts and hues, by drones in the air, and all you can think of is more terrorism. It's no wonder why things are the way they are over there.

Word of advice: If you're living in the West, or thinking of even traveling there, I'd be very careful about putting your name (even an internet name) on statements like this. You're never going to live it down.
Check his name at least.

And do not forget about Syria, Egypt and whats happening there
Yes i did n im familier with his contribution in this thread. Actually he is an indian non muslim just under a muslim, name n knows basic duas of islam.
Motherchod Malauns you all wil be slaughtered soon.

Pakistan must bring China in this matter. Arm all the Kasmirish. We are here to support you. You start the battle, we will keep our support on from this side.

" The moment U `raise` Ur voice , U have already lost the argument!! :bunny: . :yahoo: :bounce:

and what have teh IRISH to do with kashmir ?

Your personal, traditional, family practices are of no interest here.

Pakistan must bring China in this matter. Arm all the Kasmirish. We are here to support you. You start the battle, we will keep our support on from this side.

You will arm the 'Kashmirish' how? By sitting in Japan? What is the Japanese government's stand on guest workers who support terrorism?
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How is this guy not perm banned? Malaun is a racist word. @WebMaster @Awesome @Aeronaut @Zakii @Jungibaaz

Chill J.
who cares what he calls us? they did not even had to balls to get their birth right , which is Freedom from their own cousins..i dont have to remind U history bro. do U really think they can realy say this on our face , We are what a Lion is to street dogs .. Chill maar bhai!!
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So in other words you are a terrorist sympathizer?

It's amazing, Pakistan is daily hit by terrorists of all sorts and hues, by drones in the air, and all you can think of is more terrorism. It's no wonder why things are the way they are over there.

Word of advice: If you're living in the West, or thinking of even traveling there, I'd be very careful about putting your name (even an internet name) on statements like this. You're never going to live it down.
No im all for freedom fighters. And by yr logic the mangal panday george washington and ghandhi who was known as political terrorist by british should be consider as terrorists too.
Stupid we know about our history better then an outsider.

And there is no Gods in reality there is only one God named Allah.

The Prophets did came for humanity but the Arabic term he used is used for muslims only and certainly not for those who loot rape kill innocent Muslims just because they dont want to be part of your country.

Hence yr humanity card dies here.

The mass graves of Kashmir | World news | The Guardian

What do U mean OUR HISTORY ? U mean Arabic History ? are tum to hamare chote bhai jaise ho.. hum mein se hi to nikle ho :)
If Allah came to me and says He realy came for the Muslims I will believe it... but till then I`ll believe He (They) came for all of Humanity!!
What do U mean OUR HISTORY ? U mean Arabic History ? are tum to hamare chote se munne se pyare se bhai jaise ho.. hum mein se hi to nikle ho :)
If Allah came to me and says He realy came for the Muslims I will believe it... but till then I`ll believe He (They) came for all of Humanity!!

Our history is written Our Holy Book Quran. and im talking about 1429 years of present Islamic history.
The oppressors dogs must die
If people are going to get into a shyte shoveling contest with professionals who practice religiously (pun intended), then they are going to lose.

Indians should just express our condolences for our hero who made the supreme sacrifice as expected of a professional soldier and leave the vidharmis to their own level, no need to stoop down to theirs.

This forum has selectively allowed insulting dead soldiers throughout and that's not going to change, but a bunch of religious dingbats posting abuse online is not going to change anything either :)
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