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Indian Soldier Killed in Kashmir Gunfight

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May the soul of BRAVE SON OF INDIA Rest In Peace...:cry:
You Muslims in all of South Asia can act all tough as you want, wont change the fact that you are the aulaad of hindus (your forefathers were hindus), so know your aukaat and learn to speak to us (your daddy) with respect :lol:

Whenever Pakistani Muslims try to act tough on the internet or real life, I just laugh it off. You guys essentially are the coward converted section of Hindus, we realllly have nothing to fear from you guys. We have seen what has happened in the battlefields of 65 and 71. So keep your empty threats to yourself :wave: (No offence to the good pakistanis, but the jeehadi types like you really need a reality check)

KId Our The pakistanis ancestors r mostly arabs, persians or CAs


We even have people of Macedonian n Caucasian backgrounds.

The people who came pak from india r called mohajirs but r in very small numbers mostly in karachi.

So yr claims of us being yr aulaads is total lie but same cant be said about u as yr mothers, daughter, and sisters used to serve our great emperors in the palaces n u had even made a Film called jodha akbar in shown this very thing in the film.
waah! look at the condolence of our pakistani brothers..:)
Gandhi and Washington did'nt go around slaughtering people in name of religion. Stupid analogy.

LOL but according to same west they were still terrorists.

The history shows who ever opposed west was called terrorist by them. By this logic mangal panday, george washington and Gandhi were terrorists.
Yeah.. 5-9 of them did today.. FTW IA

Yeah.. 5-9 of them did today.. FTW IA

Only one: " Indian Soldier Killed in Kashmir Gunfight"
Wow you just keep hitting new lows, dont you?

Learn manners before talking to your daddy kid. The irony of this is too much, especially coming from a Kashmiri Muslim. We all know how your mothers, sisters and daughters have been serving our great soldiers. Do you want me to show you a movie on that? Gotta give it to you Kashmiri muslims, your men are useless terrorists, but your women are true patriots serving the army and nation :laughcry: LOL :omghaha:

Grow up kid, its not too late...

WOW now im hitting low here anyways @Jungibaaz u know what to do.
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So far only 1 website is reporting it.
So it might be wrong news.
No im all for freedom fighters. And by yr logic the mangal panday george washington and ghandhi who was known as political terrorist by british should be consider as terrorists too.

Good point (except for Gandhiji who never espoused violence) , but freedom fighters versus terrorists is a very nebulous definition, and those in Kashmir are not freedom fighters if they are sponsored by and created outside India, and mostly not even from the area....
No main steam Indian news source reporting this incident.... May be a false news
No main steam Indian news source reporting this incident.... May be a false news

The news is most likely fake from a propaganda website.

Mods should close the thread.
Good point (except for Gandhiji who never espoused violence) , but freedom fighters versus terrorists is a very nebulous definition, and those in Kashmir are not freedom fighters if they are sponsored by and created outside India, and mostly not even from the area....

Kashmiri freedom fighter r the first of its kind movement in the history And they supported by Pakistan is because Pakistan's territory doesnt get completed without valley in it. Basically its part of Pakistan.
Hence our support to liberate our part of territory is completely justified.
Ok , your God wins hands down.. now please dont get worked up!!

Its not like yr God or my God. God is too great n unique to be owned by one set of people.

He is the God of all the human kind non Human kinds.
Kashmiri freedom fighter r the first of its kind movement in the history And they supported by Pakistan is because Pakistan's territory doesnt get completed without valley in it. Basically its part of Pakistan.
Hence our support to liberate our part of territory is completely justified.

You will never be completed because East Pakistan no longer exists - as for Kashmir being part of Pakistan - you need to read up on the whole partition process and how Pakistan was formed.
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