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Indian soldier critically injured by Pakistani sniper.

It's a vicious cycle my friend. Both countries have been doing these retaliatory strikes for years? Have they stopped? no. Have we stopped? no. Is it helping the Kashmiri cause? No. Is it really helping anyone at all? No.
Well then we would revolve in circles my friend , did we started the Kashmir issue Who is not solving Kashmir issue, did we started to interfere in Indian internal affairs in Kashmir or India started to do that first in Bangladesh now in Balouchistan? We are just giving them back favours
It's a vicious cycle my friend. Both countries have been doing these retaliatory strikes for years? Have they stopped? no. Have we stopped? no. Is it helping the Kashmiri cause? No. Is it really helping anyone at all? No.

But it is necessary and should be done without any remorse
That includes the language you speak, the food you eat and the social traits you have. lol.
Huh we eat completly different food then yours dude. We eat meat. While you pass legislation with complete majority in banning it. And it was the basis of two nations theory
You dont send Hanuman to deal with sneaky cockroaches who attack from the bushes,and like to take bunkers when other people aren't around like at kargil because they lack the balls for a head to head.The last time they went head to head 93k surrender monkeys were captured and Pak PM came begging to India to have them released when they were cleaning our roads.So your culprits at the border can expect a few 120 mm diwali gifts.Then the martial race soldiers will again go hide in the nearby mosque to save themselves from the incoming fire and refuse to disclose casualities to parliament.Also this time dont be this pathetic -

That is also my question.Now the cycle of violence begins again.
Oh you are another one of those losers who has to run back to 71 to salvage their backside...when was the last time you baboons had the will to fight your own war....you either needed Muktis to pat your skinny asses or yanks and Jews to pull you away from under our boots.... even in your own backyard.
And when no one came to hump you, you sat there rubbing land mines on your sorry backsides.
Unlike your starving soormas , PA doesn't target civilians just for the head count.
Go and capture some Pigeon and make the headlines news.
"zindabad" means "long live" does it not ? :disagree:
Now that is a sweet oxymoron.

Accept my condolences in advance for what comes next.
When you people will do something then tag me. Otherwise not interested in your threats. Or maybe Indian army military establishment is much more wise not to escalate the matter because last time somehow your entire bunkers got roasted and Indians end up losing almost 5 soldiers including commander in single fight.

And words of wisdom , next time don't attack our civilian population. Othereise we aren't Nepal or Bhutan. We will retaliate plain and simple
When you people will do something then tag me. Otherwise not interested in your threats. Or maybe Indian army military establishment is much more wise not to escalate the matter because last time somehow your entire bunkers got roasted and Indians end up losing almost 5 soldiers including commander in single fight.

And words of wisdom , next time don't attack our civilian population. Othereise we aren't Nepal or Bhutan. We will retaliate plain and simple

Your words of self professed "wisdom" is wasted on me since I am neither in the army nor do I live near the border.

Indian retaliation is given since the present Modi govt. has absolved the BSF and IA from seeking "permission" before retaliating. They have been given a free hand without any civilian govt. interference.

The only question is when and how many pakistanis will die this time. In any case, I would not be tagging you since its not a "exciting" topic for me. Its just one of the routine killings that happen in the border.
Your words of self professed "wisdom" is wasted on me since I am neither in the army nor do I live near the border.

Indian retaliation is given since the present Modi govt. has absolved the BSF and IA from seeking "permission" before retaliating. They have been given a free hand without any civilian govt. interference.

The only question is when and how many pakistanis will die this time. In any case, I would not be tagging you since its not a "exciting" topic for me. Its just one of the routine killings that happen in the border.
Lol now I see. So you are those famous BJP blind supporters people talk about. May I ask you then, if you are neither in military nor live near border so how do you know IA or BSF will retaliate and not chicken out? Also stop with that crap of permission granted. In border no one asks for permission . There was intense gun battles during the time of Congress rule as well. Much more intense then so called permission granted by MR modi jee. Even one time fighting intensity increased so much that commanders on ground were thinking to start limited war with India.
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