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Indian soldier critically injured by Pakistani sniper.

Lol now I see. So you are those famous BJP blind supporters people talk about. May I ask you then, if you are neither in military nor live near border so how do you know IA or BSF will retaliate and not chicken out? Also stop with that crap of permission granted. In border no one asks for permission . There was intense gun battles during the time of Congress rule as well. Much more intense then so called permission granted by MR modi jee. Even one time fighting intensity increased so much that commanders on ground were thinking to start limited war with India.

I am only stating Facts.

Under CONgress rule, the BSF and IA needed to get permission from Delhi for taking any action, and about the intensity and duration of such action.

Under the Modi govt. , no such permission is needed. Its left to the discretion of the area commanders. GoI has promised full support.

All evidence so far suggest that IA and BSF has taken this to heart and have taken serious action including surgical strikes to avenge pakistani actions.

So simple common sense suggest that its only a matter of them before they do more of the same.
lol. ok then. Must be arabic or chinese then.

Whatever it is. It isn't yours.

I am only stating Facts.

Under CONgress rule, the BSF and IA needed to get permission from Delhi for taking any action, and about the intensity and duration of such action.

Under the Modi govt. , no such permission is needed. Its left to the discretion of the area commanders. GoI has promised full support.

All evidence so far suggest that IA and BSF has taken this to heart and have taken serious action including surgical strikes to avenge pakistani actions.

So simple common sense suggest that its only a matter of them before they do more of the same.

More IA and BSF soldiers have died under BJP regime than congres regime when both got free hand by the center

But yeah whatever keeps you fan of Modi :lol:

More IA and BSF soldiers have died under BJP regime than congres regime when both got free hand by the center

But yeah whatever keeps you fan of Modi :lol:

Can you provide proof of the same ? and also the numbers of pakistanis and terrorists killed in the same duration.
Can you provide proof of the same ? and also the numbers of pakistanis and terrorists killed in the same duration.

Proof is in the pudding. Pakistan is continuously targeting Indian troops every now and then.

Where are those claims of bringing 10 heads for 1 Indian head? Those claims have disappeared in thin air.

You can search yourself. Killing poorly trained militants was never an issue for Indian army even under congress regime.

It is all about handling Pak army. And all the big claims and drama of surgical strike have failed to do that.
@Areesh leave this brainwashed modi supporter. Do you know which rifle SSG is using ? Maybe I will also buy this as well.
If not by SSG than Dragunov.
Proof is in the pudding. Pakistan is continuously targeting Indian troops every now and then.

Where are those claims of bringing 10 heads for 1 Indian head? Those claims have disappeared in thin air.

You can search yourself. Killing poorly trained militants was never an issue for Indian army even under congress regime.

It is all about handling Pak army. And all the big claims and drama of surgical strike have failed to do that.

In short, you have NO PROOF for any of your claims.

Providing any proof to you is pointless since you have even denied the surgical strikes even when proof was provided.
In short, you have NO PROOF for any of your claims.

Providing any proof to you is pointless since you have even denied the surgical strikes even when proof was provided.

Proofs are in Indian media and the thread I shared. India never had this much casualties at hands of Pakistani firing in first 6 months during congress regime.

Whatever the proof you gave for surgical strike was as bogus as surgical strike itself.

No wonder no one in Pakistan got impressed by it.
In short, you have NO PROOF for any of your claims.

Providing any proof to you is pointless since you have even denied the surgical strikes even when proof was provided.

Let them enjoy yaar on this forum.
They are not fighting on border otherwise they will not talk like this.
Leave it to army to answer, we released two pakistani soldiers two days back . Reality is different from internet forums.
Proofs are in Indian media and the thread I shared. India never had this much casualties at hands of Pakistani firing in first 6 months during congress regime.

Whatever the proof you gave for surgical strike was as bogus as surgical strike itself.

No wonder no one in Pakistan got impressed by it.

LOL...... here is the supreme Irony of your post.

The first line says the Indian media provides the "proof" which I should believe.

The second line says that the "proof" Indian media provides is "bogus" :lol:

I commend you on your intelligence (lack of). Don't bother to reply and waste my time.
LOL...... here is the supreme Irony of your post.

The first line says the Indian media provides the "proof" which I should believe.

The second line says that the "proof" Indian media provides is "bogus" :lol:

I commend you on your intelligence (lack of). Don't bother to reply and waste my time.
don't waste your time .
The place where this black rat has been shot will be stinking so badly , discard his body Indians.
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