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Indian Security Forces Across North Eastern Frontal Agency has been put on Alert


Apr 8, 2014
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26th October 2019,22:41pm IST


Indian Security Forces Across North Eastern Frontal Agency , Province Nagaland, Bengal Sector Has been put on Alert Citing Intelligence Inputs Suggesting that National Security Chinese Network (NSCN) Infantry - Mechanised Brigades(IM), the Chinese Military Command was Mobilising the Cadres and Weapons to Carry out Attacks if the Union of India Establishment Goes ahead with the "Final Agreement" without meeting the core Demand for a Separate Flag and Constitution for the National Security Chinese Network (NSCN) Infantry - Mechanised Brigades(IM).

An Alert Message shared with all Police Stations said Several Top Leaders of the Chinese Military, including Chinese Chairman fear that Outcome of the Talks with the Union of India Establishment would not Go in Favour of their Demands and So were Mobilising their Chinese Military Cadres and Weapons. "Inputs suggests that the weapons housed with Senior Chinese/Myanmarese Military Leaderships in Divisional Commands are being shifted. Chinese and Myanmar Military Command have also started mobilising their Military Personels/Cadres/Soldiers in a Group/Command of 10 to 20 at Strategic Locations. Therefore precautionary measures are required," said the message.
Line of Control with Myanmar.jpg

This Comes days after the Union of India Establishment cancelled leave of all the Security Personels including the Police personnels, barring Emergency and asked all Battalions to stock ration for at least two months, in view of "fluid" situation prevailing in the North Eastern Frontal Agency, Provinces, Bengal Sector.
Line of Control North Eastern Frontal Agency, Nagachalam.jpg

The National Security Chinese Network (NSCN) Infantry - Mechanised Brigades(IM) is in Ceasefire with the Union of India Establishment since 1997 and the Armed Cadres are Stationed at the Headquarters at Myanmar near the Commercial town . Many Militaries Units Network Groups in Myanmar including National Security Chinese Network (NSCN) Infantry - Mechanised Brigades(IM) do not consider Nagas to be part of Indian Nation Territories.

Nagas are Ancient Native Hindu/Indian Tribes of Hindu Civilisation. Nagas are the inhabited of Nagachalam. Native Indian/Hindu Tribes Dwelling in Nagachalam are called Nagas. Nagachalam, Arunchalam, Manichalam, Ramachalam, Bhramachalam(Burma), Shyamachalam(Thailand)

Union of India wants an "Honourable" Solution to ensure the Protection of the Unique Identity of the Naga Sub Clans of the Hindu/Indian Tribes.

Many in Nagaland (Nagachalam) fear that state would plunge into turmoil after 31st October 2019 as the Union of India Establishment Rejected the National Security Chinese Network (NSCN) Infantry - Mechanised Brigades(IM) Demand for Separate Flag and Separate Constitution for the Non-Inhabited (Non Hindu/Indian) Tribes and is likely to sign the Final Pact with Other Stakeholders including Chin National People's Group , a forum of at least seven other Military Command, who are also in ceasefire.

The Chin National People's Group however, is willing to sign the Final Pact with the Chinese Government saying that the Discussion for Separate Flag and Constitution could be pursued at later stages.

The Union of India Establishment set 31st October 2019 as the Deadline to complete the Negotiation to End the Decades-Long Naga Sub Tribes of Indian/Hindu Tribes Conflict with the Chinese Military by signing a Final Pact.
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I am kind of lost. Can someone summarize what is this all about ?
I am kind of lost. Can someone summarize what is this all about ?

National Security Chinese Network (NSCN) Infantry - Mechanised Brigades(IM) full Deployment in 10 to 20 at Strategic Locations along the Line of Control Inside Myanmar.

Updated: Nov 11, 2019 21:40 IST

In wedding pics, Nagaland Rebel Leader’s Son and Bride Daughter in Law pose with Assault Rifles in People's Republic of Myanmar.

According to Reports, the Wedding Reception took place at People’s Republic of Myanmar Commercial Hub City Rangoon (Yangon) and Many Guests were Present at the Venue when the Groom and Bride started displaying the Assault Rifles—a AK56 and M16—and posed with Smiles for Cameras.

National Security Chinese Network (NSCN)-Unit (U) Leader Kiba had been in the Limelight earlier for Threatening to Kill Journalists for using the phrase “self-styled” used by Media to Mention Military Designations Given to Members of the Rebel outfit.

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