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Indian secularism

I was referring to your Aryan Mallu friend Harivamsha.

Cheers, Doc

Aryan is a British fake theory which has been debunked. Come out of the JNU mindset sir.

But Hinduism virtually wiped your faith off its soil. To the extent that what is now Pakistan and Afghanistan was your last stand.

Only the Dalit converts brought it back.

Do you support that as well?

Cheers, Doc

Is this the narrative you are told?

I pity your knowledge based on what leftist historians have told.

Hinduism wiped my faith?

The last time I recollect, it was your overlords the islamic invaders that destroyed our scriptural library (in Nalanda) and as late as this generation, attacked our holiest site the Mahabodhi temple.
I'm not British sir.

I'm an Athrvan. The progenitors of your Vedic Hindus.

Cheers, Doc

Your statements are totally opposite of what you claim to be, so much so that you try implanting 'religious distinction' in my mind even as I am trying to remove the germ of fake racial faultlines that british created during their occupation of the country.
Aryan is a British fake theory which has been debunked. Come out of the JNU mindset sir.

Is this the narrative you are told?

I pity your knowledge based on what leftist historians have told.

Hinduism wiped my faith?

The last time I recollect, it was your overlords the islamic invaders that destroyed our scriptural library (in Nalanda) and as late as this generation, attacked our holiest site the Mahabodhi temple.

I pity the revisionism you have been made to swallow as an Indian Buddhist sir.

History says otherwise.

Cheers, Doc
Aryan is a British fake theory which has been debunked. Come out of the JNU mindset sir.

Is this the narrative you are told?

I pity your knowledge based on what leftist historians have told.

Hinduism wiped my faith?

The last time I recollect, it was your overlords the islamic invaders that destroyed our scriptural library (in Nalanda) and as late as this generation, attacked our holiest site the Mahabodhi temple.

Modern Indian republic is not the place to take revenge for stuff that took place 1000 years ago. GROW UP. DO you see the British waging war with French to fight off the norman invasion?

This Indian secularism that you call fake runs true for the millions of Indian Sikhs like me. It runs true for the Muslims and Christians. And for all those that are not Hindu. We love the Hindus as most of our friends are you guys and coz we believe all of us Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims are Indians first. If this isn't secularism, then what is? The pride of living in diversity.

A government comes along that is based on the ideology of Hinduism. Lynching of Muslims becomes a thing suddenly. Fake Gau-raksha encounters on Muslims becomes rampant. How do they minorities feel? There are 2 reasons I sympathise with Muslims right now. They are Indians being targetted coz of their religion. They are a minority like us. What do we make of it? Are we next?

I have never felt there is anything wrong about Hinduism. We've all grown up looking at how clean, evolved and accepting is religion is. But suddenly in these past few years, many Hindus seem to have become selfish as fk. Suddenly, they want the country to have only Hindus.
This is definitely fake secularism. But the real one is which causes the greatest institutions like the Armed Forces to run.

I'm sorry if this is a biased view. Surely the Hindus have also been at the receiving end many times. But the statistics, daily news, articles and shit, all point to a rise in crime against Muslims and not otherwise.

Just remember, in democracies governments don't last beyond 2 terms. These jokers who have somehow decided that a temporary mandate means they are rulers for good don't understand this. No matter how dominant they look they'll be booted out eventually. And with that their 'programs'
Just remember, in democracies governments don't last beyond 2 terms.


From we will see you in 2019 to not beyond 2 terms, good let's take one term at a time.

From we will see you in 2019 to not beyond 2 terms, good let's take one term at a time.

It would be a first for the Sangh.

To get the nation's mandate two terms in a row.

Let's take things one at a time.

Cheers, Doc
It would be a first for the Sangh.

To get the nation's mandate two terms in a row.

Let's take things one at a time.

Cheers, Doc
Modi ain't no Vajpayee, with caged parrot in hand he and Amit Shah will make the opposition sing. Congress flew their Gujarat MLAs to Bengaluru out of fear, this is a trailer of things to come in future. And let me mention this is happening without BJP mentioning the cow slaughter stunt that congressmen pulled in Kerala, real backlash would be in the hindi heartland.
Modi ain't no Vajpayee, with caged parrot in hand he and Amit Shah will make the opposition sing. Congress flew their Gujarat MLAs to Bengaluru out of fear, this is a trailer of things to come in future. And let me mention this is happening without BJP mentioning the cow slaughter stunt that congressmen pulled in Kerala, real backlash would be in the hindi heartland.

2019 is some way away still.

Lots can and will happen.

The stakes are high.

The Sangh cannot be allowed their divisive game anymore.

India must prevail.

Secular inclusive India.

Not Hindu India in Pakistan's image.

Sanghis have successfully managed to alienate every non Hindu Indian in just three years.

They've managed to alienate a huge chunk of Hindus as well with the dalits.

What is the plan? Civil war against 400 to 500 million of your countrymen?

Cheers, Doc
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2019 is some way away still.

Lots can and will happen.

The stakes are high.

The Sangh cannot be allowed their divisive game anymore.

India must prevail.

Secular inclusive India.

Not Hindu India in Pakistan's image.

Cheers, Doc

Of course 2019 is still away but I don't believe there is any credible leader with mass appeal who can give a fight to Modi. At least not after Ghar wapsi of Nitish Kumar.
Of course 2019 is still away but I don't believe there is any credible leader with mass appeal who can give a fight to Modi. At least not after Ghar wapsi of Nitish Kumar.

Hung parliament.

Coalition government of the 90s.

We will all lose together.

Rather than just some of us winning.

Cheers, Doc
Hung parliament.

Coalition government of the 90s.

We will all lose together.

Rather than just some of us winning.

Cheers, Doc
Like I said Modi ain't no Vajpayee who sat in opposition after losing confidence vote by 1 vote. Revenge for this travesty is still due and it will be extracted in its sweet time with interest.
Like I said Modi ain't no Vajpayee who sat in opposition after losing confidence vote by 1 vote. Revenge for this travesty is still due and it will be extracted in its sweet time with interest.

It will be interesting to see if you guys can pull it off.

I believe the economy is going to catch up with Modi before it can happen.

As I said, we'll all lose together. Rather than only some of us win.

Sabka Saath, Sabka Patan.

Cheers, Doc
It will be interesting to see if you guys can pull it off.

I believe the economy is going to catch up with Modi before it can happen.

As I said, we'll all lose together. Rather than only some of us win.

Sabka Saath, Sabka Patan.

Cheers, Doc

Of course it will be interesting to see how 2019 elections pan out, anyway who would be the alternative to Modi according to you?

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