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Indian Scientists Successfully Intercept Ballistic Missile

As I said this test was difficult one!!! :woot: The target had anti0ABM capability and maneuvers.

Gimbaled Directional Warhead and HTK both are important as told by Dr. Saraswat.

2 minutes reaction time is excellent. So we can expect the launch of the interceptor with in 2.5 minutes of target launch.

Yes, DRDO is developing many new radars and they will be under one dedicated network.

Well, that answers my question.
I am referring to ballistic missiles with MIRV warheads.

I think so far, all the successful tests are terminal intercept. DRDO is also developing boost phase intercept, i.e., height > 150 KM. Boost phase intercept will destroy the missile before it can deploy MIRV warheads or decoys. In any way the Indian BMD is multi-layered, so after the detection of a missile launch, the system will assign an interceptor for each layer that greatly increases the kill probability.
I dont think thats true.

Many ballistic missiles especially those of China can perform maneuvers during their flight path.

All countries has such capabilities. Our Prithvi can maneuver well. The interceptor is designed to destroyed such maneuverable ballistic missile like those performed by Topol-M called zig zag movement.
Sir,One question-the missile is a derivative of the Prithvi-2 which is a liquid propelled missile.So,the fueling of the missile itself takes "n" minutes so how can it be launched in 2?????

No, It most probably is not, if it were so, then it has to be Pressurised before launch, But AAD is a solid propellant powered missile... And Prithvi 2 is an Enemy ballistic Missile not the interceptor
I dont think there is any.

In that sense, I dont know how much effective Indian AAD and PAD will be.

There is one possibility when these missiles with MIRV 're enter' to the atmosphere, we can hit it before it opens to fire the MIRV. There comes the ability to hit the incoming missile at the very height, i.e 60-150 km above the earth.
Hey guys, nothing can be better than a sunday morning and some news like this.
Great job DRDO :cheers:
Yes DRDO is working on Boost phase intercept. Boost phase is where the missile is still accelerating using its rockets and is most vulnerable due to size and heat signature. After the boost phase, missile goes into mid course where it deploys MIRV warheads. So you need to destroy the missle in boost phase only, so that it cannot deploy warheads. Boost phaseinterception is very difficult as it requires 1-2 min reaction time. DRDO will require space based assets to detect any missile launch.
Further confirmation and info from the Hindu.

The Hindu : News / National : Interceptor missile successfully destroys ‘attacker’

In a successful interception test, an indigenously-developed Advanced Air Defence (AAD) missile destroyed an incoming target missile, a modified Prithvi, at an altitude of 16 km over the Bay of Bengal on Sunday.

As the “attacker” missile reached a height of 120 km and began its downward trajectory, the AAD equipped with state-of-the-art guidance system zeroed in on to the target and destroyed it at 9.37 a.m. The falling debris was tracked by various radars and sensors.

The sources said the entire mission went off in a copybook fashion and the trajectories of the both the missiles followed the pre-designated paths.:partay:

The Long Range radars and Multi Function Fire Control Radar tracked the target missile and passed on the information to the Mission Control Centre to launch the interceptor.

In a video I have seen that they have real time 3D visualization of the total scenario and the test ie what is going on in actual. Tremendous capability.
I think so far, all the successful tests are terminal intercept. DRDO is also developing boost phase intercept, i.e., height > 150 KM. Boost phase intercept will destroy the missile before it can deploy MIRV warheads or decoys. In any way the Indian BMD is multi-layered, so after the detection of a missile launch, the system will assign an interceptor for each layer that greatly increases the kill probability.

Wow..thats great..!!!

Along with very low high speed interceptors like iron drome for cruise missiles, India is fully defended against the any kind of missile attack..
Wow..thats great..!!!

Along with very low high speed interceptors like iron drome for cruise missiles, India is fully defended against the any kind of missile attack..

This type of system is only useful against low-scale nuke threats like Pakistan, which has only one main mode of delivery (ballistic missile) and no MIRV capability.

Against a very large arsenal (like USA or Russia) or against MIRVs, I doubt this system can be very effective. But for our particular situation, it is a very important and useful system to have, and is truly a huge accomplishment.
This type of system is only useful against low-scale nuke threats like Pakistan, which has only one main mode of delivery (ballistic missile) and no MIRV capability.

Against a very large arsenal (like USA or Russia) or against MIRVs, I doubt this system can be very effective. But for our particular situation, it is a very important and useful system to have, and is truly a huge accomplishment.

Can you elaborate? please go through the above posts too..
DRDO officials said Sunday's test was endo-atmosphere(below 50 km altitude). The DRDO has so far had successfully tested its interceptor missile on July 26, 2010, November 27, 2006, December 6, 2007 and March 6, 2009. The interceptor trial in March 2010 was a failure.

More tests coming...Jingo time
DRDO sources said in the next one week more missiles would be tested off Bay of Bengal. On March 9, the K-15 missile would be testfired from Vizag coast while Dhanush, the naval version of Prithvi would be tested off Puri coast from a ship. On the same day, Prtihvi-2 missile would be testfired from Chandipur coast.:sniper:

Source: Interceptor missile test-fired off Orissa coast

WoW!!!! K-15 test next week followed by Prithvi-2!!!

Two frontiers of missile technology tests with in two weeks. :smokin:
This type of system is only useful against low-scale nuke threats like Pakistan, which has only one main mode of delivery (ballistic missile) and no MIRV capability.

Against a very large arsenal (like USA or Russia) or against MIRVs, I doubt this system can be very effective. But for our particular situation, it is a very important and useful system to have, and is truly a huge accomplishment.

Your are right. the current tests are terminal intercepts, but DRDO is also developing boost phase interceptors.
WoW!!!! K-15 test next week followed by Prithvi-2!!!

Two frontiers of missile technology tests with in two weeks. :smokin:

I dont understand why we still using prithvi which is liquid fueled when we have developed the next generation universal missiles like the shourya and K15.
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