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Indian Scientists Successfully Intercept Ballistic Missile

What early warning system?? We need to be good solidly nuked first before we can inflict counter attack. This is the as early a warning as it can get, thanks to our nuclear doctrine. Where as automated response in terms of BMS is in seconds

Attack and defence are host of different portfolios. ANd SFC operated strictly in WMD terms. WHo knows whether your BMD intercepted a miccile with nuclear warhead or a conventional one? What will be your response to a BM interception?

If there is no early warning system in the SFC how do you think they will retaliate? Wait until enemy able to evade our ABM and have a nuclear explosion in India? No.
Once the attack happens, their is no point in asking for permission. There should be a main AI central computer(like the skynet) in the grid that should decide on counter attack after first adversary missile detection. we can put man in loop, but their wont be any time for taking permissions.
SFC needs PM's order to strike with nuclear weapons but who said that they will need the same for ABM?

SO why SFC Then?

Commonality of work.

That is a very vague term. Then as per your definition even the strike corps of army and the defensive corps have "commonality of work" (basically protect our country), so why do we have them in different corps?
If there is no early warning system in the SFC how do you think they will retaliate? Wait until enemy able to evade our ABM and have a nuclear explosion in India? No.

The only early warning you may have is , GET YOURSELF NUKED FIRST. Then only SFC comes into play.

Havent you read our sick Nuclear doctrine yet?
We are not America to inflict counter strike even on the suspicion of getting nuked. If that was the case your suggestion would have been valid.
I think SFC will have live warheads at its disposal and its role with be only nuclear deterrence. It will not participate in a conventional warfare unless required.
SFC can only take action after the detection of the adversary attack. For that it will depend on the detection net of the defence shield.
SFC cannot take action only upon detection. That is prohibited by our doctrine.

Even if you suspect you will be nuked, you cannot act. You need to be well baked and burned and then have the usual confirmation from the political leadership before you take any action. This is elegantly put as NFU in our doctrine.

Had there been no NFU, then detection and reaction will have been practical under one command. We cannot allow the lethargy of constraints and complications of SFC to be shared in BMS where response time is very less..
Then, we need to change the doctrine. The enemy is not going to launch only one missile. We will get only few minutes to counter attack thats only possible by integrating SFC in some way or completely with the defence shiled net.
SFC cannot take action only upon detection. That is prohibited by our doctrine.

Even if you suspect you will be nuked, you cannot act. You need to be well baked and burned and then have the usual confirmation from the political leadership before you take any action. This is elegantly put as NFU in our doctrine.

Had there been no NFU, then detection and reaction will have been practical under one command. We cannot allow the lethargy of constraints and complications of SFC to be shared in BMS where response time is very less..

Buddy, the defence shield is automated, it will launch the interceptors few seconds after threat detection. Even in the tests, the radars detect the threat and this information is passed to a central computer ( i think MCC). the computer then assigns the intercept and launches it at the appropriate time. The personnels are there to just monitor the operation.
SO how does it help to involve SFC into this job? It doesnt serve any purpose. Thats my point basically.
The fresh success of the interceptor missile mission on Sunday has demonstrated the country's capability to neutralise adversarial satellites in space, according to V.K. Saraswat, Scientific Adviser to the Defence Minister.

India has “all the technologies and building blocks which can be used for anti-satellite missions” in the low-earth and polar orbits. However, “India's policy is that it will not weaponise space, and we are committed to the peaceful uses of outer space,” he said.

Out of the six interceptor missions conducted so far by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), five have been successful.

“Fantastic success”

Dr. Saraswat, who is also the DRDO Director-General, called Sunday's mission “a fantastic success.” The interceptor boasted new technologies such as directional warhead, fibre-optic gyroscopes and a radio-frequency seeker that guided the interceptor to attack the incoming “enemy missile” at an altitude of 16 km above the Bay of Bengal.

The incoming missile, a modified Prithvi, blasted off at 9.32 a.m. from the launch complex III of the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur, Orissa. It mimicked the trajectory of a ballistic missile with a 600-km range. In no time, radars at different locations swung into action, tracking the “enemy” missile, constructing its trajectory and passing on the information in real time to the Mission Control Centre (MCC) to launch the interceptor, an Advanced Air Defence (AAD) missile. It had a directional warhead to go so close to the adversarial missile before exploding to inflict the maximum damage on it. The interceptor had state-of-the-art guidance systems to achieve a manoeuvrable trajectory.

The MCC identified the attacker as a ballistic missile and assigned it to the Launch Control Centre (LCC) on Wheeler Island. After making quick calculations, the LCC launched the interceptor “right on the dot at the required instant,” Dr. Saraswat said. The AAD soared into the sky at 9.37 a.m. from Wheeler Island to take care of the “threat.”

The interceptor manoeuvred in the direction of the target, which was called the “least energy manoeuvre,” he said. The interceptor raced into the sky at 4.5 Mach. In the terminal phase of the attacker's flight, as it was hurtling towards the earth, the interceptor's radio frequency seeker “acquired the target, rolled the interceptor in the right direction and, when it was a few metres from the target, gave the command to the directional warhead to explode,” Dr. Saraswat explained.

The warhead detonated, blasting the attacker to pieces. The ground-based radars and the sensors on board the targeted missile tracked the debris, which rained down over the Bay of Bengal, “confirming a very good kill,” the DRDO Director-General said. “Based on the data from the target, a 100 per cent kill was achieved.” The radars were located at Konark and Kendrapara, near Paradip, in Orissa.

V.L.N. Rao, Programme Director; Avinash Chander, Director, Advanced Systems Laboratory, DRDO, Hyderabad; K. Sekhar, Chief Controller (Missile Systems and Low Intensity Conflict), DRDO; and S.P. Dash, Director, ITR, were present on Wheeler Island. Defence Minister A.K. Antony congratulated the DRDO missile technologists on the successful demonstration of the ballistic missile defence system.

Dr. Saraswat said the next test would be done later this year to intercept a 2000-km-range incoming missile at an altitude of 150 km. India's plans for putting in place the first phase of the two-layered ballistic missile defence shield by 2012 and the second phase by 2016 were on course. This would be done by integrating it with the Air Defence System of the Indian Air Force and the Army.

Only the U.S., Russia, France, Israel and India have the capability to put in place a ballistic missile defence shield. China is still developing it. It conducted an anti-ballistic missile test on January 11, 2010. The target missile, launched from Xichang, was intercepted and destroyed at an altitude of 700 km by a KT-2 variant missile that took off from near Korla in Xinjiang province.

The Hindu : News / National : Capability to neutralise enemy satellites proved
I spent more time today reading stuff on this topic and have concluded that I was actually wrong yesterday. The anti missile test conducted by india yesterday was a purely shameless propaganda. Please don't cry, I am going to tell you why:

The incoming target missile was shot down on its boost stage.

okay, this is cool, isn't it? The USA and China simply can not do this. I mean india is the only nation on earth to have such capacity. For decades, scientists have concluded that you need space based weapons to hit and destroy such a ballistic missile during its boost stage. clearly no one has acquired such capacity. during its boost stage, the velocity is small, single missile, very much predictable path. I mean that is the best stage to destroy such a missile.

The problem is your enemy is always going to launch a missile thousands of kilometers away from the border, you don't have enough time to detect the launch and then fly yours to hit the incoming missile during its boost stage

So how india did it yesterday? You will never believe it: india launched the anti-ballistic missile from a site 70 kilometers away from the launch site of the target missile. This means, if China is going launch a missile from say Beijing, india's lovely anti-missile system need to be deployed a couple hundred kilometers away from Beijing to intercept it, say deploy it in Tianjin.


So what india actually did?

1. assume the launch can be detected by a land based rader.
2. assume the missile is launched no more than a couple hundred kilometers away from their anti-missile system.
3. assume they have such units everywhere and in combat ready status 365/24/7.

This is basically a joke, the entire world is laughing at india.

Here comes the most interesting bit:
Now we all know it is easy to hit a missile in its boost stage and you have anti-missile systems a couple kilometers away. Let's say someone is going to be that stupid to launch it near your border to let you play with your anti-missile system, my question is why the hell they can't use another anti-missile missile to shot down your anti-missile?

You can't understand it? Fine, one simple example:

Chinese forces intentionally move their DF missiles to the launch point which is 200km away from india border, launch it, call india, say "hey, we just launched it from blah blah position. " India fights back, ant-missile system launches its crap. So two missiles are both in its boost stage, 200km away from each other, then please tell me why Chinese forces can't launch another missile to shot down your anti-missile missile?


time to wake up, the regime intentionally made this project to fuel nationalism. they are your enemy.
I spent more time today reading stuff on this topic and have concluded that I was actually wrong yesterday. The anti missile test conducted by india yesterday was a purely shameless propaganda. Please don't cry, I am going to tell you why:

The incoming target missile was shot down on its boost stage.

okay, this is cool, isn't it? The USA and China simply can not do this. I mean india is the only nation on earth to have such capacity. For decades, scientists have concluded that you need space based weapons to hit and destroy such a ballistic missile during its boost stage. clearly no one has acquired such capacity. during its boost stage, the velocity is small, single missile, very much predictable path. I mean that is the best stage to destroy such a missile.

The problem is your enemy is always going to launch a missile thousands of kilometers away from the border, you don't have enough time to detect the launch and then fly yours to hit the incoming missile during its boost stage

So how india did it yesterday? You will never believe it: india launched the anti-ballistic missile from a site 70 kilometers away from the launch site of the target missile. This means, if China is going launch a missile from say Beijing, india's lovely anti-missile system need to be deployed a couple hundred kilometers away from Beijing to intercept it, say deploy it in Tianjin.


So what india actually did?

1. assume the launch can be detected by a land based rader.
2. assume the missile is launched no more than a couple hundred kilometers away from their anti-missile system.
3. assume they have such units everywhere and in combat ready status 365/24/7.

This is basically a joke, the entire world is laughing at india.

Here comes the most interesting bit:
Now we all know it is easy to hit a missile in its boost stage and you have anti-missile systems a couple kilometers away. Let's say someone is going to be that stupid to launch it near your border to let you play with your anti-missile system, my question is why the hell they can't use another anti-missile missile to shot down your anti-missile?

You can't understand it? Fine, one simple example:

Chinese forces intentionally move their DF missiles to the launch point which is 200km away from india border, launch it, call india, say "hey, we just launched it from blah blah position. " India fights back, ant-missile system launches its crap. So two missiles are both in its boost stage, 200km away from each other, then please tell me why Chinese forces can't launch another missile to shot down your anti-missile missile?


time to wake up, the regime intentionally made this project to fuel nationalism. they are your enemy.

intersting point but deployment will be done near the border areas or in the mass numbers
i didnt knew that scientist(humans) intercept missiles

well i knw that russian and american ABM intercept missiles
The incoming target missile was shot down on its boost stage.

Who the fcuk told you that? Your foolish rants do not deserve even one read. Your whole lengthy BS is based upon the above statement which is factually incorrect.

The hostile missile was intercepted in terminal phase (Not boost phase, go see google, err Baidu). You are just another just pretending to be ignorant like other chinese members and wasting Band width here with heap of foolish assumptions and analysis. plus indulging in cheap chinese propaganda.
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