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Indian Science Congress Speakers Say Newton Was Wrong, Ancient Demon-King Had Planes

Religion itself is pseudoscience

Not really. Religion is a set of personal beliefs while science goes by experimentation, argument and evidence. Thus they have very different frames of reference that simply do not overlap or cross over. Judging one by the framework of the other is pointless.
Not really. Religion is a set of personal beliefs while science goes by experimentation, argument and evidence. Thus they have very different frames of reference that simply do not overlap or cross over. Judging one by the framework of the other is pointless.

Has any scientist been able to explain how the large granite blocks were cut to precision by the ancients? Yet these granite blocks are littered all over the world.

As for the Indians, they must be attributing Prophet Solomon's powers to their own priests!
Has any scientist been able to explain how the large granite blocks were cut to precision by the ancients? Yet these granite blocks are littered all over the world.

As for the Indians, they must be attributing Prophet Solomon's powers to their own priests!

Archeology is an imperfect science due to gaps in our knowledge. Some day we might find evidence that could explain precision cutting of large granite blocks. Until then, it will remain unknown.

And who is to say the priests cannot be believed by some humans to have same powers that many other humans believe are attributable to Hazrat Suleman?

After all, all religious beliefs require no proof, only faith.
Not really. Religion is a set of personal beliefs while science goes by experimentation, argument and evidence. Thus they have very different frames of reference that simply do not overlap or cross over. Judging one by the framework of the other is pointless.
Anyone who think we are the first and most advanced civilization this planet has ever seen is retarded tbh.

God clearly states He has destroyed many nations that transgressed and spread evil.

Gravity is still to be proven as an existing "force". And there have been several counter arguments by several renowned scientists, including Tesla for example.

So he might not be entirely accurate, by I won't say he is wrong either.

Everyone is entitled to their own religious beliefs equally, but not science. That is another important aspect to keep in mind.

and what is science and who defines it?
People who might have themselves been misled? People who might be propagating false theories on purpose?

People are entitled to their own concepts and beliefs on everything including science.
My idea of Science doesn't have to match another's, because 90% of what you refer to as science is theories with no proven facts. Except every one is forced to accept those theories as facts by forcing them on their brains as children.
People are entitled to their own concepts and beliefs on everything including science.
My idea of Science doesn't have to match another's, because 90% of what you refer to as science is theories with no proven facts. Except every one is forced to accept those theories as facts by forcing them on their brains as children.

I respect your right to have your own opinion, even though I disagree with it. I take it that you will educate your own kids at home to keep them away from this enforced indoctrination of the school system?
I respect your right to have your own opinion, even though I disagree with it. I take it that you will educate your own kids at home to keep them away from this enforced indoctrination of the school system?

Pretty much.
I'll prefer my children to be able to think with a free mind.

And free mind is when you are able to think with images that do not originate from memory.
But this system is so adept at installing images in the brain that a person can't think without.

And besides what's the school for? Teaching children how to be good factory workers?
Nah, that only makes them good for the slow lane to getting rich at retirement age and spend a whole life of servitude.
I'll teach them how to make money while they are young and enjoy life in the process.

Formal education has become an outdated concept anyway.

You don't have to agree :)

Pretty much.
I'll prefer my children to be able to think with a free mind.

And free mind is when you are able to think with images that do not originate from memory.
But this system is so adept at installing images in the brain that a person can't think without.

And besides what's the school for? Teaching children how to be good factory workers?
Nah, that only makes them good for the slow lane to getting rich at retirement age and spend a whole life of servitude.
I'll teach them how to make money while they are young and enjoy life in the process.

Formal education has become an outdated concept anyway.

You don't have to agree :)

If you are home-schooling your own children, then I respect you for standing by your views, but I do not agree with them, of course. However, I am curious as to just how you'll teach them "how to make money while they are young and enjoy life in the process" in light of your views about science stated above.
I actually believe it. There is a concept of ancient pan-continental advanced civilisation, maybe hundred of thousands of years ago, that fell to demise, returning man back to the caveman era.

take these Egyptian hieroglyphics for for example:


They just "look" like helicopters, boats and transport vehicles.
Humans only invented farmig 10,000 years ago. Impossible to have a civilization withou farming. So this "hundread thousands years" is all nonsense.

Of course, if I responded in kind, my posts would be immediately chided for being of no value. :D

As was mentioned above, do you think that everyone is entitled to "their own concepts and beliefs on everything including science"? I have already disagreed with that position.
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