[emoji38] why are you indians so insecure when it comes to Pakistan, why do you care to get an acknowledgement from us when you aren't even an after thought for us?
listen buddy, none of these things you've mentioned will save india from the impending economic catastrophe dead ahead and falling into a civil war thanks to your own failed policies. So don't bother listing your self proclaimed plus points, it's but gonna change the fact that your doomed...
Then tell me how India is growing >7% every year while other major economies like Russia,Japan,Brazil facing very low growth?
Tell me know how India is 3rd largest economy in GDP PPP now and 5th now in GDP nominal vs 10th few years before?
Tell me how Indian sectors are growing rapidly?
Tell me why Indian tourism sectors are growing while pakistan very less preferred and many pakistani's like to come arch rival India for treatment, though they can also get treatment with less cost, else where in the world including friendly countries?
How India can maintain relationship in balance between US and Russia, Iran and Israel,Israel and Palestine,Myanmar and Bangladesh etc?
Why almost all world leaders comes to India for visit, unlike very few in pakistan? Example Putin,Obama and many others..
Why software giants like Microsoft,Google prefer its own campus in India where they don't have even in China?
How Indian IT people dominates in software development all over the world, including heads of Microsoft,Google etc as Indian origin?
How Indian's in US is the richest and educated emigrants than even white emigrants?
How India is the 2nd largest trading oil partner of Iran, even under tight sanctions?