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Indian Propaganda claiming it 'forced China to end Pangong Tso aggression'

It very hard for any army to stayed for long in such harsh weather. Dry wind is killer.
China knows the game very well.

Take some land. Give less back so whoever is watching thinks it's a concession. Rinse and repeat. This is why they call it salami slicing.

Throughout this period, Indians would do well to remember that they could not muster any effective military response, nor even a simple economic boycott. Indeed, Modi could not utter the word "China". China has taken its foot off India's neck to let it breathe. But the formula is safe for next time.
d) He knew there were no supply lines to support them but that was not needed because yindoo is baniya and won't fight
e) Kashmir will be free by august
(very logical thought process I must say)
Where exactly did Musharraf state the above?
China knows the game very well.

Take some land. Give less back so whoever is watching thinks it's a concession. Rinse and repeat. This is why they call it salami slicing.

Throughout this period, Indians would do well to remember that they could not muster any effective military response, nor even a simple economic boycott. Indeed, Modi could not utter the word "China". China has taken its foot off India's neck to let it breathe. But the formula is safe for next time.
Additionally, as I argued when the stand-off began, it did not serve Pakistan's interests to have the conflict escalate at this point in time.

The US wants India as a counter to China, despite India repeatedly and officially stating that it does not want to be part of any 'bloc'. Escalating military tensions would push India into a US 'bloc', whether India accepted it officially or not. Escalating China-India military tensions would also feed the flames fanning the US Establishment's wooing of India in its Quixotic pursuit of the Chinese bogeyman.

Now, whether it is Indian acquiescence and face-saving or an actual negotiated solution both sides are happy with, India's inability to militarily stand up to China, even in the face of India's self-claimed territory being threatened, is not going to give US policy makers confidence that India will act to 'contain China' at the behest of the US or any other Western power.

The 'negotiated settlement' also puts a bit of a spanner in the US argument directed at regional countries that might be 'on the fence' in terms of joining the US led bloc, of China being this uncontrolled, expansionist monster.

This doesn't mean that the US will stop all engagement with India - India continues to be a major economic force and has a large market and the US and EU will want to continue to tap that market - but the US Establishment's disillusionment with India in terms of Indian ability and/or willpower to militarily confront China outside of an existential threat to India may put the brakes on the level of Strategic engagement the US had been banking on to woo India.
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Wait wait...

PLA that has been patrolling 4- 8 for decades has now moved beyond finger 8 & it's somehow a victory for them?

you need to incredibly stupid and on drugs to even start to fathom this logic.
as I argued when the stand-off began, it did not serve Pakistan's interests to have the conflict escalate at this point in time.
Excellent point. The importance of the lessons learned and the formula proven cannot be underestimated. Both Pakistan and China know when and how to turn various screws at various pressure points.

Anyhow, I'm more than happy to let Indians believe all is hunky dory in lala land.

Jai Modi.
Well, some delusional cheerleaders and cute members were saying, China occupied ladhak because India scrapped 370 and made as union territory.
Where exactly did Musharraf state the above?

man you are completely out of touch with things aren't you? And BTW the direct consequence of these acrions was a doctrine called Cold Start. The essence of cold start in simple terms

a) Mushy decided he will occupy heights because he thought we will take too long to retaliate and he will use the time to build international pressure
b) We do take some time to mobile so forward deploy agile units who will strike at first hint of kargil like operation. Fearing those units no other pakistan general will plan another kargil

end result...no new kargil for 20 yers.
Bollywood new movies are coming to the theater near you, all claiming "based on true stories", like the young Indian soldier throwing 6 Chinese off the cliff, 3 with each arm, etc. Indians will then dance on the streets, celebrating IA's invincibility. You wonder why Indians are so delusional?

With a national psyche like this, India is not ready to be taken seriously as a world power, let alone prime time.
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man you are completely out of touch with things aren't you? And BTW the direct consequence of these acrions was a doctrine called Cold Start. The essence of cold start in simple terms

a) Mushy decided he will occupy heights because he thought we will take too long to retaliate and he will use the time to build international pressure
b) We do take some time to mobile so forward deploy agile units who will strike at first hint of kargil like operation. Fearing those units no other pakistan general will plan another kargil

end result...no new kargil for 20 yers.
Again, where exactly did Musharraf make the comments you attributed to him in your previous post, quoted below for your easy reference in case you've already forgotten you made them:

"d) He knew there were no supply lines to support them but that was not needed because yindoo is baniya and won't fight
e) Kashmir will be free by august
(very logical thought process I must say) "

You've already established that you don't care about the facts by stating that 'thousands of Pakistani soldiers died', so if the statement above is yet another construct of your imagination, then there really is no point to further engagement with you.
Again, where exactly did Musharraf make the comments you attributed to him in your previous post, quoted below for your easy reference in case you've already forgotten you made them:

"d) He knew there were no supply lines to support them but that was not needed because yindoo is baniya and won't fight
e) Kashmir will be free by august
(very logical thought process I must say) "

General Mehmood said 'baniye hain ledenge nahin'
so Indian territory is not sacrosanct anyone can take it. If you surrendered this much area without firing a shot what would happen when the better armed and equipped Chinese start firing.
Maybe that’s what happened. The Indians agreed to surrender and the Chinese moved back to their bases to come back again in force. You do know that by vacating all the peaks there is no active way to alert the Indians of an assault. Even the post at finger 4 was cleared by the Indians


Have you heard of the idiom "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig?" - that's what you are doing in an effort to push the Chinese propaganda and narrative.

You seem to forget that China claims all the lands in question UPTO a whole entire Indian state belonging to them. So it's China who has folded away like a cheap suit. All that infrastructure they built, all those fantastical drills they performed...poof - gone

Doklum 2.0 - Chinese area soft military behind all those drills
A compendium of mostly third party sources

A compendium of mostly third party sources

Here is a mature Indian response

Have you heard of the idiom "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig?" - that's what you are doing in an effort to push the Chinese propaganda and narrative.

You seem to forget that China claims all the lands in question UPTO a whole entire Indian state belonging to them. So it's China who has folded away like a cheap suit. All that infrastructure they built, all those fantastical drills they performed...poof - gone

Doklum 2.0 - Chinese area soft military behind all those drills

Current news confirms that India packed up and left from the kalash ranges and the souther side of the pyong tso , the bigger victory on the Chinese side is complete Indian withdrawal to finger 3 and no further patrolling meaning a surrender of Indian occupied territory.
All other conflict zones, Galvan , hot springs south Tibet ( the Indian slave name I.e. Anchal parsdesh ) are still in dispute.
The Chinese do a three steps forward one step back. They will the come back and do this again.

here is another generals view from the Pakistani side. How india surrendered the area they had tried to userp

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