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Indian prisoner Kishore Bhagwan killed in Karachi's Landhi jail

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

Get killed ?? means he was killed :angry::angry: sick :angry:

why twist title.

found dead .

So wait if he was killed or die of some sort of illness
I posted the same thing as Times Now has twitted. 'Killed' it was. Sadly at that time there were no news article posted. So mods can change the title.
Recheck your facts, there are more Indians in Pakistani jails - but yeah go ahead and kill whatever prisoners you have in retaliation like last time.

this means,Indian govt has not shown the correct numbers :o::o:
Recheck your facts, there are more Indians in Pakistani jails - but yeah go ahead and kill whatever prisoners you have in retaliation like last time.

India should not have let go war criminals of ungrateful nation during 1971.
He was NOT killed when he broke the jail last year so its better bharatis should wait for investigations.
he broked Jail some 1 month back and 3 police wallas got suspended for that. What are the chance that may be other police wallas(jail authorities) may have avenged that?
this means,Indian govt has not shown the correct numbers :o::o:

What numbers? In all of previousaly reported statistics, Pakistan had more Indian prisoners - I don't know if there is sudden change with in last year

India should not have let go war criminals of ungrateful nation during 1971.

If wishes were horses....
What numbers? In all of previousaly reported statistics, Pakistan had more Indian prisoners - I don't know if there is sudden change with in last year

what i meant was the reported statistics could be wrong...........there is no mechanism to check the actual numbers
he broked Jail some 1 month back and 3 police wallas got suspended for that. What are the chance that may be other police wallas(jail authorities) may have avenged that?

jails are NOT good places for expecting too much morality so yes there could be anything like that.
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