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Indian prisoner Kishore Bhagwan killed in Karachi's Landhi jail

Kill 5 pakistani languishing in Indian jail.

We have more pakistani prisoner than they have Indians in their jail.
what will that do make u happy?? nice i think we should give a cup to u coz u r acting like ur govt ..
Yaar, i think he is now in better place.


Hate all over again.
Yes you are an idiot.

If this is not reciprocated then more Indians will die.

instead we can exchange prisoners......blood should be avenged but not with those of innocents.......
Doesn't matter He was Indian What Matters that he was a Human :cry:
ye good blood will be avenged by more blood carry on buddy nice mind set obsessed with anti Pakistanism

Says who ?? Whose country's was founded on the sole concept of being anti-India.

instead we can exchange prisoners......blood should be avenged but not with those of innocents.......

That's secondry and long process.Revenge should be immediate step.If we let go such offences without punishment then it will only strength the chances of Pakistan trying be mischievous in future too.
Says who ?? Whose country's was founded on the sole concept of being anti-India.

That's secondry and long process.Revenge should be immediate step.If we let go such offences without punishment then it will only strength the chances of Pakistan trying be mischievous in future too.
its not ur fault buddy ..

why twist title.

found dead .

So wait if he was killed or die of some sort of illness
Says who ?? Whose country's was founded on the sole concept of being anti-India.

That's secondry and long process.Revenge should be immediate step.If we let go such offences without punishment then it will only strength the chances of Pakistan trying be mischievous in future too.

i dont think Pak govt killed him.......could be some religious nut job pakistani......we kill theirs then they will kill ours,then we will kill theirs.......its not a solution......
bro,they are humans not some animals that we keep slaughtering them
We have more pakistani prisoner than they have Indians in their jail.

Recheck your facts, there are more Indians in Pakistani jails - but yeah go ahead and kill whatever prisoners you have in retaliation like last time.
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