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Indian prime minister claims genetic science existed in ancient times


An odd story to recount here , but on a part curiosity/part obligatory trip to a certain "healer" here with someone.. I found it interesting that when the person under "treatment" recounted their experience and described the tormentor.. the description given was of a rather hairy.. and Monkey-ish looking being.. whom the "healer" identified as a Jinn from Hanuman's tribe/lineage.. rather odd.. and again...depends on how you look at it.. but essentially provided a basis for Muslims to essentially conform to the events of the Mahabharta as fairly plausible and divine/supernatural in nature.

Would be the Ramayana, not the Mahabharata that connection is being sought to be made. Also "healers" may use religion but the very nature of their work may cause reason for the use of more obscure "ideas" than normal - Use all the stories of the land, do not limit it just to those identified by a religion. I'm reasonably sure that any distance outside the sub continent, any healer is unlikely to make the same "diagnosis". (i.e. less a basis for "Muslims" to identify with events of the Ramayana/Mahabharata, more a connection being drawn of the people of the land -Pakistanis, to be connected to ancient stories of that land)
Would be the Ramayana, not the Mahabharata that connection is being sought to be made. Also "healers" may use religion but the very nature of their work may cause reason for the use of more obscure "ideas" than normal - Use all the stories of the land, do not limit it just to those identified by a religion. I'm reasonably sure that any distance outside the sub continent, any healer is unlikely to make the same "diagnosis". (i.e. less a basis for "Muslims" to identify with events of the Ramayana/Mahabharata, more a connection being drawn of the people of the land -Pakistanis, to be connected to ancient stories of that land)

That would be the idea. Essentially, rationalizing the existence of mythological "familiar" creatures there would be easy avenues to sell their "services".
Other thing is that between Ramanaya and Mahabharat, in Ramayana we can see different species of intelligent being Humans, Vanaras(Apes) and Danavas(Demons) fighting but in Mahabharat the war took place entirely between humans.
And in Mahabharat the lineage of some human kings that fought was tracked to Ramanaya. So it might be possible that ultimately Humans became the most powerful of the species but after few millenniums started fighting themselves for domination.

I am also a critic of darwin's theory as darwin says the species evolve according to the environment to adapt but how can we see apes and human in the same timeline and environment?

Almost all the major religions talk about Armageddons, mostly by water <mentioned in many Hindu epics> and also I have read the stories from christians side also so it might be entirely possible after human reached a stage of development some catastrophic event happens and humans start from scratch again and again.
Sad to see such a discussion
To my Indian friends:Its better to accept what the Modi said was not backed by scientific facts. Take it as a pep talk to boost Moral. My personal opinion is responsible statesman should not use it.
Mahabharata, ramayan, panchtantra are all interesting stories not necessarily true. There can be induced and accidental exaggerations Such as
Vanars is the term for those residing in forest eg tribals chinese whisper can make them monkey and then fanboys can rationalise it.
Btw my 4 year old believes Nagraj and super cammando Dhruv exist.
If ISIS takes over your immortality is finished and your name erased from history ;)

ISIS taking over US is as much pipe dream as Modi making a Ram rajya in India. Here every house hold has at least 2-3 firearms, think about how'd you defend yourself if ISIS gets inside India?
ISIS taking over US is as much pipe dream as Modi making a Ram rajya in India. Here every house hold has at least 2-3 firearms, think about how'd you defend yourself if ISIS gets inside India?
I already have my protection which is not legal ;) Don't worry about it,As the Caliphate grows even USA will be in their radar,The recent shootout in canada is a reminder that nothing is beyond their reach all it needs is a few propaganda videos and a friday mosque speech and voila you have killers on loose.
I already have my protection which is not legal ;) Don't worry about it,As the Caliphate grows even USA will be in their radar,The recent shootout in canada is a reminder that nothing is beyond their reach all it needs is a few propaganda videos and a friday mosque speech and voila you have killers on loose.

Speaking about converts and being gullible to propaganda, India lies in bigger threat. :D
Speaking about converts and being gullible to propaganda, India lies in bigger threat. :D
Don't worry in India when shit hits the fan the swords will be out and then you know what happens.
'If a balloon falls on a thorn or a thorn falls on a balloon ultimately the damage will be to the balloon not the thorn'.
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