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New Delhi: Opinion polls may be unreliable, but the markets favour the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) over the Congress party-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government to win next year’s general elections, Hong Kong-based securities house CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets said on Monday.
“It is clear that the market favours one outcome over another. It is their right to do that,” Christopher Wood, equity strategist at CLSA, told reporters at the CLSA India Forum in New Delhi.
The brokerage, in a presentation, also projected the state-wise performance of BJP and the probable reasons for it securing 202 seats in the 2014 election: a wave in favour of the party’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi; the appeal of Modi to urban voters; anti-incumbency; polarization; and the strong performance of BJP state governments.
No such scenario was envisaged for the Congress.

CLSA’s view is that India’s “six-month story” is uncertain, but the securities house is optimistic about the country’s “two-year story”.
Among the negatives, CLSA listed fiscal pressure, a weak currency, slowing growth in consumption, political uncertainty and a possible downside to 2014-15 corporate earnings. Among the positives it listed an “uptick” in the investment cycle in 12-18 months, the direct benefits transfer scheme that it called a “bold new reform”, the superior performance of the Indian IT sector, and the fact that banks are becoming aggressive about recovering their dues.
But the securities house’s most controversial analysis is likely to be what it called its “BJP 2014 Blue Sky” (projection).
CLSA India Ltd’s executive director Mahesh Nandurkar explained the rationale behind providing such a projection and said it was because of “a lot of investor queries”.
“I haven’t seen this kind of interest in Indian politics from global investors,” he said.
The Congress has been critical of such analyses in the backdrop of a 7 November report by financial services firm Goldman Sachs Group Inc. which stated that an upgrade in India’s investment prospects was possible if a coalition led by BJP comes to power, and may fuel investment demand, particularly in infrastructure.
In response to the Congress party’s reaction, Wood said, “That happens all over the world. We have no issue with that.”
CLSA’s presentation dovetails with assembly elections in four states—Delhi, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh—that are seen as a direct contest between the Congress and BJP.
“I think banks like Goldman Sachs should stay focused only on doing what they claim to specialize in,” trade minister Anand Sharma was cited as saying in The Economic Times on 8 November.
“Goldman’s latest report on Indian economy and its eagerness to push the case of a particular political leader and his party exposes two things—Goldman is parading its ignorance about the basic facts of Indian economy; and it also exposes its eagerness to mess around with India’s domestic politics. It only makes Goldman’s credibility and motives highly suspect,” he said.
The reference to a particular political leader was to Modi, the Gujarat chief minister who is spearheading the BJP campaign in the state elections after being anointed as the party’s prime ministerial candidate in the next general elections.
“Rather than appreciating the message, they are going after the messenger,” Rajeev Malik, senior economist at CLSA Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Some opinion polls have projected BJP under Modi as the front runner in next year’s general election, but Wood cited a history of such polls going wrong in predicting electoral results.
“Opinion polls represent an urban electorate rather than a rural one. From the sentiment stand point, opinion polls are important, but from the fundamental standpoint it is the investment cycle (that is important to the markets),” he said.
India has witnessed a debate on opinion polls, with the Election Commission having written to the ministry of law and justice for a ban on the publication of such surveys from the date of notification of elections.
India’s economic growth slowed to 5% in the year ended 31 March, the slowest pace in 10 years, and is forecast by some economists and international agencies to slow further in the current fiscal year. Economists have blamed the stalling of economic reforms during much of the UPA government’s second term in office for the slower pace of growth. And many investors have decided they are better off waiting to see who comes to power in next year’s general election rather than taking an investment decision now.
“The tone and agenda will be set up by the next government,” Malik said. “The political will is not there. It is an inefficiently run economy and any kind of incremental improvement will have a constructive role.”
Indeed, nothing is happening because corruption had become the standard way of getting things done, explained Wood. And everything has come to a standstill in the absence of any other way of getting things done. The ruling UPA government has been roiled by several corruption scandals related to irregularities in the allotment of spectrum, coal mines, and organizing the Commonwealth Games.
CLSA is of the opinion that India’s current account deficit, which rose to a record 4.8% of gross domestic product (GDP) in the last fiscal year, makes the economy vulnerable to overseas investor sentiment. The Reserve Bank of India expects the deficit to narrow to around $56 billion, or less than 3% of GDP, in the current year.
CLSA said the deficit makes the Indian economy prone to global shocks.
The rupee has lost 11.89% against the dollar since January, the third most after the Indonesian rupiah and the Japanese yen in Asia, and closed on Monday at 62.42 per dollar, strengthening after US Federal Reserve chairperson nominee Janet Yellen said she will continue the $85 billion a month asset-purchase programme.
“The corporate sector has borrowed a lot of dollars. They have also borrowed a lot on the private side and pledged their shares. Most of these firms expected that the rupee wouldn’t cross to the other side of the 60s. There is more dollar borrowing in India as compared to the South-East Asia,” Wood said.
CLSA believes the rupee will weaken.
“During 2002-07 was the only time that the rupee appreciated. This is a currency that is trying to correct itself to pre-2002 levels,” Malik said.
Malik sounded a cautionary note on India’s future growth. “The bottom line is it will be a graded protracted recovery. While a subdued global growth and easy liquidity benefited India earlier, even if India’s growth improves, the global liquidity environment is a concern.”
Wood, though, was optimistic about India’s future prospects. “The best companies in emerging markets are in India,” Woods said.

Investors inclined towards a BJP win in 2014 election: CLSA - Livemint
U dumwit, have given you source to all nasty things congress has done.

Unfortunately you couldn't provide a source for your allegations.

Perhaps maggots cannot produce source, just like a cancer called congress.

What source numbskull? The only thing you've given is speculation. Your modi tapes are not only authentic, but the BJP and Modi have accepted it as such. You must be running low on any kind of brains to still say they are just allegations. You wanna get it straight?

- COngress is gonna get Modi on this and get him good
-They'll have his head and his stepping down and PM candidate
- That will end BJP's run for this election
What source numbskull? The only thing you've given is speculation. Your modi tapes are not only authentic, but the BJP and Modi have accepted it as such. You must be running low on any kind of brains to still say they are just allegations. You wanna get it straight?

- COngress is gonna get Modi on this and get him good
-They'll have his head and his stepping down and PM candidate
- That will end BJP's run for this election

Keep dreaming you maggot.

Cobra post itself says "UNAUTHENTICATED TAPES".

may be i should stop debating with congress dumwits 
What source numbskull? The only thing you've given is speculation. Your modi tapes are not only authentic, but the BJP and Modi have accepted it as such. You must be running low on any kind of brains to still say they are just allegations. You wanna get it straight?

- COngress is gonna get Modi on this and get him good
-They'll have his head and his stepping down and PM candidate
- That will end BJP's run for this election

Perhaps this is the lowest level a former congress CM can stoop.

You will suffer electric shock if you press non-Congress buttons on EVMs, Ajit Jogi warns voters - The Times of India

Keep dreaming you maggot.

Cobra post itself says "UNAUTHENTICATED TAPES".

may be i should stop debating with congress dumwits 

Perhaps this is the lowest level a former congress CM can stoop.

You will suffer electric shock if you press non-Congress buttons on EVMs, Ajit Jogi warns voters - The Times of India


NO IT DOESN"T MAGGOT- BJP HAS ACCEPTED THE TAPES ARE TRUE (And mark my words, by not denying the tapes, it's almost as if some one inside BJP is conspiring to pull down modi. You're guy doesn't need Congress to go down. They can just light the flame and watch the BJP burn). Obviously BJP numbskulls don't read papers/ watch TV etc.:

So you should have no problems voting for congress now.... 

So you should have no problems voting for congress now.... 

Yeah I know, decades of experience managing riot situations, stalking women, extrajudicial killing, encounter killing etc.
Bhaisaab, aapko pata bhi hai how did Congressi kill the Sikhs in 84? dont talk bout any single person's barbarity and support other people with same blood in their hand. Atleast Congress supporters shudnt talk bout genocide. Puhlees !
Bhaisaab, aapko pata bhi hai how did Congressi kill the Sikhs in 84? dont talk bout any single person's barbarity and support other people with same blood in their hand. Atleast Congress supporters shudnt talk bout genocide. Puhlees !

Sir, they took that one barbarian and want to put him PM. Most importantly there is no evidence that he has any intention of changing. (BTW howz your job man?)
Sir, they took that one barbarian and want to put him PM. Most importantly there is no evidence that he has any intention of changing. (BTW howz your job man?)
Do you have some proof that he instigated those riots... the one that can stand in the court of law... if you don't have it..shut up.
Sir, they took that one barbarian and want to put him PM. Most importantly there is no evidence that he has any intention of changing. (BTW howz your job man?)

Well the biggest reason to support Modi is that hes the most able and innovative politician India has today. On the other side the question of changing is, then every Indian knows the reason BJP was selected for 6 years and never before was their ideology. BJP cant afford to get back to genocide politics if they dont want to go in exile for another half century. Also, Modi is a gujarati and its well versed that 'A gujarati never does GHAATE ka SAUDA'. If he is responsible for india he will never let India down internationally like how Corgress did in face of their Scams.

My job is doing well. Now its time to go next level and hence looking for opportunities Abroad. Germany seems to be a good place. On with my Deutsch lessons. :). How bout you. What you upto nowadays?
Advice the Congress is likely to ignore
Chetan Bhagat


Not so long ago, the Congress seemed invincible. Rahul Gandhi was a youth icon. The people loved Manmohan Singh and were in awe of his impressive CV. Meanwhile, the BJP was in a shambles, with more infighting than members and more PM candidates than seats in Parliament.

How times change. BJP continues to get stronger every day even as Namo runs the campaign for both the BJP and the Congress. Namo sets a weekly topic — from burqa to dehati aurat to Sardar Patel — and Congressmen write essays attacking him. And while victory for Namo is not certain, the odds continue to improve.

The Congress, on its part, is trying to keep up a brave façade though it is imploding internally. Mistakes of a few Congressmen can cost a lot of other Congressmen their careers. The party campaign lacks strategy and its key leaders speak in arrogant, defensive tones. Not once have any of them admitted, “Yes, we have made mistakes. India has changed, we need to change too.”
No, the Congress won’t say it because deep down, apart from a few MPs, most believe they do not need to change. They think the advisors, naysayers, Facebookers, Tweeters, investment banks and media-editors are simply ‘out to get them’. They believe real India is still with the Congress, and only the noisy upper class buzzes around like irritating mosquitoes. Enough chamchas exist to endorse this view. Hence all good advice is ignored. Internal or external suggestions will be met with “you new-age types don’t know politics” or “we know how to win elections, so shut up”.

Yes, the Congress leadership is in denial. Sadly it is expected to remain so until after the 2014 elections. Maybe a jolt in the results remains the only hope for the party to undertake long overdue reforms.

For reform it must. It has relied far too much on a one-trick act — the Gandhi family. Indians have started to demand performance, with or without dynasty. People want to be empowered, not ruled. This empowerment is not a media creation or a Modi conspiracy. This is enduring social change. It is partly due to politics, but also due to factors like technology. For instance, the omnipresent mobile phone, has given a taste of empowerment to Indians. They want it in other aspects of life too. There is no going back from here. If the Congress ignores this, it will lose its relevance. The right and centre-driven BJP and the left and statedriven Federal Front could well become the two alternatives for India.

Of course, these risks haven’t registered. The arrogance of power makes it easy to laugh at naysayers. But for those who do care for the party, here are six clear identifiable moments which alienated Congress from its voters. The party would do well to reflect on them.

First was the AICC session in 2010, in the middle of the CWG scam. The nation seethed in rage over dirty toilets, collapsing bridges and massive CWG corruption but the Congress chose to stay silent on the scam. Instead, TV channels showed a guffawing Kalmadi and Sonia Gandhi making in-party jokes. This key blunder seeded the anti-Congress sentiment of today.

Two, dealing with Anna and Ramdev — the bungled up Jan Lokpal bill discussions, arresting Anna, relenting to Anna, ministers at airport for Ramdev, cops to kick out Ramdev. Need more be said? Who approved all this?

Three, the Delhi rape — the government acted too late, did too little.

Four, Modi-denial two years ago to Modi-obsession now. Congress slept on Modi’s rising star. What is worse is now they aren’t sleeping at all. Every senior Congress member has made personal attacks on him, turning him into a bigger star.

Five, attempts to ban or control tweets, Facebook updates, media content, opinion polls and whatever else they don’t like. Free speech is the only catharsis available to suffering Indians. They will never give it up. Who is approving all this in the party? Is this how elections are won?

Six, Rahul Gandhi. What has he done? What does he want to do? What does he think? Do Indians have a right to know or not? Is anyone telling him his mistakes, or is being a chamcha the only Congress way to do things?

As said earlier, it is unlikely the Congress will pay heed to any advice. The organization is stuck. It needs change but those who are in control are reluctant. The BJP was in a similar position in the pre-Modi anointment days. They changed somewhat. Will the Congress too? Or do they need a 2014 report card recommending the same?
Well the biggest reason to support Modi is that hes the most able and innovative politician India has today. On the other side the question of changing is, then every Indian knows the reason BJP was selected for 6 years and never before was their ideology. BJP cant afford to get back to genocide politics if they dont want to go in exile for another half century. Also, Modi is a gujarati and its well versed that 'A gujarati never does GHAATE ka SAUDA'. If he is responsible for india he will never let India down internationally like how Corgress did in face of their Scams.

My job is doing well. Now its time to go next level and hence looking for opportunities Abroad. Germany seems to be a good place. On with my Deutsch lessons. :). How bout you. What you upto nowadays?

Dude, I'm obviously sceptical, primarily because I lived under modi for 2 years and also under BJP BSY. New revelations didn't therefore surprise me at all. ANyways we've been blowing a lot of hot air. Maybe we should just wait for the results now.

Good man, hope you get your 'next level' job. I'm now in 'corporatish' type function (strategy type). Not too keen on moving abroad though I deal with international markets. Right now having fun. If I think it's not working out, I'll realign to India/ Asia Pacific orgs. Guess both of us want 'next level' jobs now :angel:
Dude, I'm obviously sceptical, primarily because I lived under modi for 2 years and also under BJP BSY. New revelations didn't therefore surprise me at all. ANyways we've been blowing a lot of hot air. Maybe we should just wait for the results now.
Exactly. And thats why I need change. Fed up with this 4.5% growth and policy paralysis. No innovation at all. No bullish Business attitude. Hell, no one want to work in India nowadays.

Good man, hope you get your 'next level' job. I'm now in 'corporatish' type function (strategy type). Not too keen on moving abroad though I deal with international markets. Right now having fun. If I think it's not working out, I'll realign to India/ Asia Pacific orgs. Guess both of us want 'next level' jobs now :angel:

Cool maan. Me too in Corporate Strategy as a BA. You are right we have similar profiles and want our so called next level jobs. ha ha. Europe will be good yaar. Mast place to spend you youth. :)
Exactly. And thats why I need change. Fed up with this 4.5% growth and policy paralysis. No innovation at all. No bullish Business attitude. Hell, no one want to work in India nowadays.

Cool maan. Me too in Corporate Strategy as a BA. You are right we have similar profiles and want our so called next level jobs. ha ha. Europe will be good yaar. Mast place to spend you youth. :)

Lolzz since I'm a bit more senior to you, I won't be looking at Europe for now. :) . For me it's time to fix a base which will mostly be Bangalore. But I wish you all the best :angel:
Lolzz since I'm a bit more senior to you, I won't be looking at Europe for now. :) . For me it's time to fix a base which will mostly be Bangalore. But I wish you all the best :angel:
Ohh is it? How many yrs experience have you got? You been in which industry? Ohh. mentioning with care. its OFF TOPIC. :D
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