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a) Crack lots of pot
You are absolutely wrong there.Please refrain from such personal attacks if possible.
b) Don't read papers
Again wrong.I do read news papers but the difference is just that i don't blindly swallow what is written in the directly.I try to go deeper into facts and try to get a correct picture of the situation.
c) Cook up lots of stories to rationalize your story.
I have not crooked up any stories.All things I have mentioned are base on true events that had happend in our electoral and political history.
JJ is serving her 3rd term after an enormous corruption expose. And you're still insisting it doesn't prove that corrupt people can survive becuase the terms are not 'consecutive'?
Yes this is Jayalalithas third term .She has also been blatantly thrown out of power by the people of TN after her first two corrupts terms and probably will again be if she follows the same this time too.
Their only other choice the even more corrupt Karunanidhi has been thrown out 4 times by the Tamil Nadu people but it is their misfortune that every time they have had to settle with one of the two.
None of them have had a free run that too with concsecutive two third majority like Modi or other leaders representing good governance have had.
Hell Laloo survived several consecutive terms, what about that then? ANd if you're saying modi hasn't led the way for Nitin Gadakari that's an ignorant rant. He is back in the very core of BJP work.
Lalu was CM for just a mere 6 and half year.
He had his first term in 1990 and he was reelected in 1995.But unfortunately the fodder scam just broke out only months after his re election.Just like all the congress scams of their UPA-1 came out only in 2010 just months after the UPA-2 was elected .
But as soon as the scam was uneathed he had to even quit from his parent party and then later had to resign from CM just months after the scam had broken out.
If it was not for the corrupt congress who suppoted his puppet CM and wife Rabari Devi in the non confidence motion the govt would have also fallen.
Any way the fact remains that he was never able to be the CM after that.
Again please read the news carefully.It is the BJP parliamentry board which takes all the major national level decisions and not Modi.This is a totally elected body by the BJP national executive and not a body ruled alone by Modi on his personal wishes and whims.It even consists of members like the all acceptable Atal Bihari Vajpayee too.
This is proven by the fact that they suspended Ramjeth Milani inspite of Modi's strong opposition
The media is totally obsessed with Modi.They will keep on writing articles like MODI this .... MODI that....
But we should not swallow these news blindly just as they are like stupid uneducated people do.Instead we should look at them from a totally unbiased perspective and come to conclusions based on truth and facts.
And I'm not wedded to BJP unlike you,
Who told you that I'm wedded to BJP??You have just made this up.
I have nothing for BJP or any other party.I know that all of them have corrupt people.In fact I would have been happy to vote for congrss if they had given us good and clean governance in the past years.But seems like some things never change.
I'm only for Modi becoming PM based on his excellent record in Gujarat which is clearly the best among the options we have.
After all what options has the congress given us whith their "glorious"stint of 10 corrupt years??
so if your other glorious leaders turn out to be like Modi I'd have no hesiation in screwing them.
My other glorious leaders????
It was you who had said that you would have suppoted BJP if Raman Singh was the PM candidate base on "the principle".
Anyway if many other leaders with Modi's administrative capability and proven governance record would come up I would happily support them irrespective of the party to which they belong.
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You are absolutely wrong there.Please refrain from such personal attacks if possible.
Again wrong.I do read news papers but the difference is just that i don't blindly swallow what is written in the directly.I try to go deeper into facts and try to get a correct picture of the situation.
I have not crooked up any stories.All things I have mentioned are base on true events that had happend.
Yes this is Jayalalithas third term .She has also been blatantly thrown out of power by the people after her first two corrupts terms and probably wil lagain be if she follows the same this time too.
Their only other choice the even more corrupt Karunanidhi has been thrown out 4 times by the Tamil Nadu people but it is their misfortune that every time they have had to settle with one of the two.
None of them have had a free run that too with concsecutive two third majority like Modi or other leaders representing good governance have had.

Lalu was CM for just a mere 6 and half year.
He had his first term in 1990 and he was reelected in 1995.But unfortunately the fodder scam just broke out only months after his re election.Just like all the congress scams of their UPA-1 came out only in 2010 just months after the UPA-2 was elected .
But as soon as the scam was uneathed he had to even quit from his parent party and then later had to resign from CM just months after the scam had broken out.
If it was not for the corrupt congress who suppoted his puppet CM and wife rabari devi in the non confidence motion the govt would have also fallen.

Again please read the news carefully.It is the BJP parliamentry board which takes all the major national level decisions and not Modi.This is a totally lected body by the BJP national executive and not a body rules alone by Modi.It even consists of members like the all acceptable Atal Bihari Vajpayee too.
This is proven by the fact that they suspended Ramjeth Milani inspite of Modi's strong opposition
The media is totally obsessed with Modi.They will keep on writing articles like MODI this .... MODI that....
But we should not swallow these news blindly just as they are like stupid uneducated people do.
Instead we should look at them from a totally unbiased perspective and come to conclusions based on truth and facts.

Who told you that I'm wedded to BJP??I have nothing for BJP or any other Party.I know that all of them have corrupt people.In fact I would have been happy to congrss if they had given us good and clean governance in the past years.But seems like some things never change
I'm only for Modi becoming PM based on his excellent record in Gujarat which is clearly the best among the options we have.
After all what options has the congress given us whith their 'glorious"stint of 10 corrupt years??

My other glorious leaders????
It was you who had said that you would have suppoted BJP if Raman Singh was the PM candidate base on "the principale".
Anyway if many other leaders with Modi's administrative capability and proven record would come up I would happilly support them irrespective of the party to which they belong

Verbal diarrhea don't change a thing. The only think that you'd like to say in this whole post is that BJP Parliamentary board and not Modi took the call- you are on pot f you think that (& lots of it). I said I can consider someone lke Raman Singh (if I ever think of BJP). My first vote is anyways to Congress so that comment is irrelevant.
Verbal diarrhea don't change a thing.
Overlooking the truth and reality and always being in blind denial wont either.It is completely your choice if you wish not look at the relevant matters and decide to stay on with your prejudices.
The only think that you'd like to say in this whole post is that BJP Parliamentary board and not Modi took the call
Is this the only thing that you could get from my elaborate post giving you point to point comprehensive reasoning on all your arguments.
- you are on pot f you think that (& lots of it).
Again please refrain from cheap personal attacks.
I said I can consider someone lke Raman Singh (if I ever think of BJP).
Yes that is why i had told that you are taking an obvious double stand on Modi based on misconceptions and possibly on misinformation.
My first vote is anyways to Congress so that comment is irrelevant.
Well that would sum it up all.

Yes as voter in the Indian electorate it is totally you individual choice if you wish to see a UPA-3.
But I sincerely hope that you have come to this decision keeping your national interest at large and not based on individual prejudices or stereotypes or any other irrelevant factors
Overlooking the truth and reality and always being in blind denial wont either.It is completely your choice if you wish not look at the relevant matters and decide to stay on with your prejudices.
Is this the only thing that you could get from my elaborate post giving you point to point comprehensive reasoning on all your arguments.
Again please refrain from cheap personal attacks.
Yes that is why i had told that you are taking an obvious double stand on Modi based on misconceptions and possibly on misinformation.

Well that would sum it up all.

Yes as voter in the Indian electorate it is totally you individual choice if you wish to see a UPA-3.
But I sincerely hope that you have come to this decision keeping your national interest at large and not based on individual prejudices or stereotypes or any other irrelevant factors

Smoking pot is not a personal attack. In any case you can't wake up people who are pretending to be asleep. If you wanna live in fantasy land where modi is not corrupt and corrupt people are not in govt. I suggest you get yourself high quality meth. Coke will not be enough.
Smoking pot is not a personal attack.
Well it seems a liitle offensive and totally cheap and unnecessary to mean and also completely irrelevant to the subject in hand,so please refrain from such cheap personal attacks.
In any case you can't wake up people who are pretending to be asleep.
It is you who chose to ignore the reasoning by calling the true events fantasiesand keep pretending to be asleep with your misinformed prejudices and double standards on certain individuals.
If you wanna live in fantasy land where modi is not corrupt
It is not a fantasy land .It has been the reality for quite a long time now and repeatedly been rewarded quite generously by the people of that land
and corrupt people are not in govt.
Well that I agree with you.It is almost impossible in the present scenario to have a government with 100% people clean.It remains an utopian dream as of now.But we have to select the least possible corrupt government and also an incorrupt ,efficient and visionary leader who can very well keep a check on the possible corrupt elements under him.
I suggest you get yourself high quality meth. Coke will not be enough.
Thanks for the suggestion but I'm sure that this is not the solution to the issues at hand.
May be it is because of such things that you call congress PM in waiting Rahul Gandhi a complete a$hole and also proclaim that congress has completely messed things up and that you would have supported Raman Singh of BJP but still keep saying that your first vote goes to most corrupt congress.
^^ Looks like the BJP dream of fighting corruption is over.Badal and Chautala the most corrupt in the NW India will be their allies o_O
I never said anything about 'graft'. COnsultants and 'middlemen' with connections have always been around. In many parts of the world it's considered legitimate business and the commission a decent income. Considering his connections, Rajiv may have wanted to start somthing on those lines. But apparently that was not to be.

See Man you are trying to downplay the corrupt practice of fake Ganndhi Sicon. Infact a substandard Gun (Yes it was in 3rd place in technical evaluation out of 5 guns evaluated) was purchased for army. 20 clearance were achieved in a single day. The reason is that Quotrochi was in relation of Corruption Queen Sonia. Graft money was intended to use for party? You can imagine the moral standard of this corrupt family. They can go to any extant to fill their pocket.
Well it seems a liitle offensive and totally cheap and unnecessary to mean and also completely irrelevant to the subject in hand,so please refrain from such cheap personal attacks.
It is you who chose to ignore the reasoning by calling the true events fantasiesand keep pretending to be asleep with your misinformed prejudices and double standards on certain individuals.
It is not a fantasy land .It has been the reality for quite a long time now and repeatedly been rewarded quite generously by the people of that land
Well that I agree with you.It is almost impossible in the present scenario to have a government with 100% people clean.It remains an utopian dream as of now.But we have to select the least possible corrupt government and also an incorrupt ,efficient and visionary leader who can very well keep a check on the possible corrupt elements under him.

Thanks for the suggestion but I'm sure that this is not the solution to the issues at hand.
May be it is because of such things that you call congress PM in waiting Rahul Gandhi a complete a$hole and also proclaim that congress has completely messed things up and that you would have supported Raman Singh of BJP but still keep saying that your first vote goes to most corrupt congress.

And who's asleep- someone who says yes, the perty he supports is corrupt or someone who willing ignores all available evidence to still maintain that his own party is not. The reason why you write so much is because you'd like to confuse the issue with quantity of content.
I wasn't comparing professions- I was comparing accomplishment. And yes, the Nobel is greater by a magnitude you can't imagine.
Don't just assume things...as if you are some expert on Nobel prize.

If saying sen 'accomplished more' is a equal to saying Lata is a 'granny who has done nothing' then I can't help you there buddy. But yes, I did say Sen accomplished much much more. Whether you like it or not, Nobel is the only true aristocracy left in the world. Either you are there or not there. They frequently screw up in peace but there has been no controversy in places like Physics, Chemistry, Medicine or Economics. Other areas like mathematics have been so overwhelmed by the stature of the Nobel that they have had to match it (not that succesfully) with their own 'nobel equalents' like the fields medal. You're talking about the global priesthood of intellectuals unmatched in stature anywhere. Performing artists on the other hand are considered to have a fleeting impact in comparison- this isn't me, this is how the world is.

I am not sure why you are making things so complex?? Point is simple - both have done wonders in their respective fields....and comparisons doesn't make sense there especially within the context we are talking about...had the topic been who has done for the betterment of humankind then we couls have debated...
Don't just assume things...as if you are some expert on Nobel prize.

I am not sure why you are making things so complex?? Point is simple - both have done wonders in their respective fields....and comparisons doesn't make sense there especially within the context we are talking about...had the topic been who has done for the betterment of humankind then we couls have debated...

I aint assuming anything. Both are good, but sen is, well, eternal. I'm not an expert on nobel (maybe a bit above average on my understanding of the prize. Problem here is that you aren't well versed with what it represents.
And who's asleep- someone who says yes, the perty he supports is corrupt or someone who willing ignores all available evidence to still maintain that his own party is not.
If you have read my posts completely I had clearly mentioned the fact that in today's scenario no government can be 100% clean.This remains an Utopian dream as of now.And nowhere have I mentioned of a fully in corrupt party.
In fact what I have mentioned was that-we have to select the least possible corrupt government and also an incorrupt ,efficient ,capable,decisive and visionary leader who is competent enough to very well keep a check on the possible corrupt elements under him in an efficient and effective way.Thereby the choice becoming obvious for a totally impartial person.
So just merely accepting that these all parties are corrupt and then again voting for the most corrupt of them all due to some personal stereotype and there by totally jeopardizing the collective national interest is not the right way at all.
The reason why you write so much is because you'd like to confuse the issue with quantity of content.
All my content are purely based on the issue and to the point only.So there does not arise a question of confusion between the content and the issue.I'm sorry if you are confused by the quantity of content , it may be due to the fact that your existing prejudiced and double standard had forced you to overlook the facts and reasoning in them and also that your own logic is so totally ironical and flawed at the heart,and contradicting itself in a very big way.
^^ Looks like the BJP dream of fighting corruption is over.Badal and Chautala the most corrupt in the NW India will be their allies o_O

I was thinking the same damn thing

I wasn't comparing professions- I was comparing accomplishment. And yes, the Nobel is greater by a magnitude you can't imagine. If saying sen 'accomplished more' is a equal to saying Lata is a 'granny who has done nothing' then I can't help you there buddy. But yes, I did say Sen accomplished much much more. Whether you like it or not, Nobel is the only true aristocracy left in the world. Either you are there or not there. They frequently screw up in peace but there has been no controversy in places like Physics, Chemistry, Medicine or Economics. Other areas like mathematics have been so overwhelmed by the stature of the Nobel that they have had to match it (not that succesfully) with their own 'nobel equalents' like the fields medal. You're talking about the global priesthood of intellectuals unmatched in stature anywhere. Performing artists on the other hand are considered to have a fleeting impact in comparison- this isn't me, this is how the world is. 

Actually I wouldn't mind voting if BJP fielded Raman Singh or Nitish Kumar.

Bro stop this idiotic apple to oranges comparison. Both have done commendable job in their fields and are recognized for being master of their trades.

If you consider Noble prize may be considered shining beacon of achievements for an individual. But for me it starts to loose it's glow/ aura moment I start to look in to history and do not find Mahatma Gandhi's name on list.

If you want to say it was a politically motivated/ influenced decision for not awarding Gandhi..them same can be applicable to Sen's family's affiliations to the decision makers/ influence -ers.

In my personal opinion if people of congress including Rajiv G. is not guilty to Sikh Massacre in 1984 (not proven by investigation agencies), same must have been applied to Modi (not proven till date in court of law).

But damaged have been done and I wish BJP should have opted for other equally capable PM candidate with better image. PS: Advani was never on my list he might have done lot of work for BJP but proved himself a mere opportunist of avent grade or I might be wrong it it may be the prerequisite for being politician.
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