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Yes this is the very same issue that I have addressed on a point to point basis for all the concerns you have raised.But your intrinsic double standard view on Modi and supreme love for congress even while fully accepting the fact that they have totally messed it up and also that their potential PM Rahul Gandhi is an a$hole has made you not see it or rather completely confused you as you claim.

No- instrinsic double standard view is yours- you're saying '100 % corruption free govt is impossible'- that's a systemic issue. Here the man himself is leading in an army of corrupt people and you still insists he is 'incorruptible'. Letting others steal money to keep their support is as bad as stealing that money yourself.
Washington, Wed Nov 13 2013, 08:48 hrs

Two top members of a US Congress constituted commission on religious freedom have expressed sadness over nomination of Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi as the prime ministerial candidate of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), terming him as the "poster boy" of India's failure to punish the violent.

"It was another son of Gujarat, Mahatma Gandhi, who once offered a broad, tolerant vision for the country and its multi-religious society," wrote Katrina Lantos Swett and Mary Ann Glendon, in a special op-ed Special to CNN on Tuesday.

"So, as 2014 draws nigh, whose vision will be embraced? Which India will prevail - that of religious freedom or religious intolerance? Time will tell," they wrote.

While Swett is Vice Chairwoman of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), Glendon is a USCIRF Commissioner. The op-ed "The two faces of India" was published on the blog of the popular CNN program "Global Public Square", which is run by eminent Indian American Fareed Zakaria.

"The poster child for India's failure to punish the violent remains Narendra Modi, who is Gujarat's chief minister - a post he held during the 2002 riots," they wrote.

"Gujarat's high court rapped the Modi administration for inaction and ordered compensation forreligious structures that suffered damage. In 2005, the US State Department agreed with the recommendation of USCIRF and others to revoke Modi's visa," they said.

"True, in April 2012, the highest court's Special Investigative Team failed to prove guilt against Modi and others in a case involving the deaths of nearly 70 people. But he remains implicated in other Gujarat-associated cases that have yet to be investigated or adjudicated," the op-ed said.

"That is why, more recently, 65 members of India's parliament wrote to President Barack Obama, requesting that he not issue Modi a visa. Sadly, despite all this, Gujarat's most controversial resident is the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party candidate in India's 2014 prime ministerial election," Swett and Glendon wrote.

It was at the recommendation of USCIRF that the then Bush Administration had revoked the US visa of Modi, based on the allegation about his involvement in the 2002 Gujarat riots. USCIRF has maintained that the Obama Administration should continue the same policy.

'Narendra Modi is a poster boy of India's failure to punish the violent' - Indian Express

If this is the criteria, then India has long failed. As it failed to punish Sonia gandhi/Congress for Sikh riots, Mulayam for countless riots in UP. Laloo for Bihar riots, mayawati fro UP riots, Gehlot for rajasthan riots (200 incidents of religious violence in last 5 yrs), Dick vijay singh for all Mp riots during his tenure, Vearrappa moily for karnataka riots, janardhan reddy fro muslim riots in hyderabad so on and so fourth...

please shut the fuc*** up and go home!

Congress paid 500 Rs per labourer to attend shakti rally in haryana :rofl::rofl::lol:

Haha Khangress cant get people to attend Rally , so they are too busy paying people to attend Rallies

- you're saying '100 % corruption free govt is impossible'- that's a systemic issue.
Yes that is totally true .This is what I think regarding the present scenario and exactly what I had expressed above numerous times.
Here the man himself is leading in an army of corrupt people and you still insists he is 'incorruptible'.
He is not leading any army of corrupt people ,the present congress government is.This is precisely what I have disproved by giving you numerous instances from our electoral history.The fact that he has come back to power three times in a row with a consistent two third majority in is in itself a testament to the rather clean and good governance record that he has for himself in the past 12 years under his reign.This has been explained in detail by me several times but it seems that your alienation to facts,figures,logic and reasoning and also your personal hate for the individual has totally confused you rather than convince you.
But you cant let you personnel double standards for someone let you blame him for all the bad things that are not under his total control and also overlook all excellent things under his control.
Letting others steal money to keep their support is as bad as stealing that money yourself.
Exactly.This is precisely what is happening in our country right now and that too in a biblical proportions ,to the extend to which the nation has never witnessed before .And this is being done by the party which has your first vote,under the leadership of the puppet MMS and their prince/PM in waiting RG whom you accept to be a big a$hole.
Therefore like I have mentioned a numerous times
since every one knows that a 100% incorrupt govt is inexistent in this scenario,
we have to select the least possible corrupt government and also an incorrupt ,efficient ,capable,decisive and visionary leader who is competent enough to very well keep a check on the possible corrupt elements under him in an efficient and effective way preferably one with a proven track record.Thereby the choice becoming obvious for a totally impartial person.
Yes that is totally true .This is what I think regarding the present scenario and exactly what I had expressed above numerous times.
He is not leading any army of corrupt people ,the present congress government is.This is precisely what I have disproved by giving you numerous instances from our electoral history.The fact that he has come back to power three times in a row with a consistent two third majority in is in itself a testament to the rather clean and good governance record that he has for himself in the past 12 years under his reign.This has been explained in detail by me several times but it seems that your alienation to facts,figures,logic and reasoning and also your personal hate for the individual has totally confused you rather than convince you.
But you cant let you personnel double standards for someone let you blame him for all the bad things that are not under his total control and also overlook all excellent things under his control.
Exactly.This is precisely what is happening in our country right now and that too in a biblical proportions ,to the extend to which the nation has never witnessed before .And this is being done by the party which has your first vote,under the leadership of the puppet MMS and their prince/PM in waiting RG whom you accept to be a big a$hole.
Therefore like I have mentioned a numerous times
since every one knows that a 100% incorrupt govt is inexistent in this scenario,
we have to select the least possible corrupt government and also an incorrupt ,efficient ,capable,decisive and visionary leader who is competent enough to very well keep a check on the possible corrupt elements under him in an efficient and effective way preferably one with a proven track record.Thereby the choice becoming obvious for a totally impartial person.

So a man who is burnishing the careers of Yeddy and Nitin Gadakari is not putting together a team of corrupt people?
So a man who is burnishing the careers of Yeddy and Nitin Gadakari is not putting together a team of corrupt people?

If a corrupt person like Rajiv Gandhi can be choose to be PM of India by congress then how can you complaint for others?
So a man who is burnishing the careers of Yeddy and Nitin Gadakari is not putting together a team of corrupt people?
First of all nobody has brushed up the carrer of Yeddy as of yet.Regarding Gadkari's carees he is one of the senior most leader of BJP whose career has been more or less intact for the past 25 years apart from a few up and downs.
If and when they happen then the responsibility will go to the collective national leadership of BJP and may be also NDA(this would include Raman Singh also whom you support) in an equal way since in BJP teams are not put up by any individual like RG or the Gandhi family does in congress but by their parliamentary board which is in turn elected by their national executive)A single leader no matter howmuchever senior and influential he is doen't have the power to over rule the collective decision like Rahul Gandi did with in haroic tearing of the bill even overruling the highest off ice of PM in India.
The best example being the appointment pf Modi which even the senior most leader of BJP was not able to stop since it was a collective decision.
And certainly not Modi whose decision to not suspend Ram jethmilani was easily overruled by the party because it was a collective decision and not an individual decision.
Please don't just go by what the media says.They would only write articles titled MODI does this.......MODI does that.......,because they are completely obsessed with him.
en the responsibility will go to the collective national leadership of BJP and may be also NDA(this would include Raman Singh also whom you support) in an equal way since in BJP teams are not put up by any individual like RG or the Gandhi family does in congress but by their parliamentary board which is in turn elected by their national executive)A single leader no matter howmuchever senior and influential he is doen't have the power to over rule the collective decision like Rahul Gandi

Says who? 'Collective decison of BJP'- yeah that's what I said comes out of smoking too much pot. This is Yeddy's reqard for being a modi loyalist against advani.

Bangalore: Posters show BS Yeddyurappa with Narendra Modi ahead of Sunday rally | NDTV.com
Says who? 'Collective decison of BJP'-
Well that is the way it works in relatively non dynastic parties like BJP unlike congress where the family has all the power.
yeah that's what I said comes out of smoking too much pot.
Again you are repeateldly making cheap,unnecessary and unrelated personal abuses,so please refrain from it.
So you have pretty much proved my point with this source of yours but I wonder why have you posted this inspite of this.
Again please don't jump into conclusions based on the headlines of the Modi obsessed media .Please read the new carefully.It is clearly mentioned that
"The posters have been put up by a KJP member and even Yeddy said that he knows nothing about them."
and also BJP leaders saying "any decision to re-induct Yeddy into the party can only by taken by the party's central leadership"
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