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well ...............is that legal to try to scare the police with a lathi???

well, when Ishrat and her "brothers" threatened police with guns and got killed, we all know how Kejru, pappu, Sonia and nitishwa reacted....don't we?

what did Kranthikari Kejru say about batla encounter where Indian Police died at the hands of terrorists?

let me know if you want me to provide videos of the same...they are quite eye opening.

YOU lot have a problem with some one showing a stick to police but have no problems with people who kill police with guns.
go figure this logic of sickulars if you can please.

And between D G Vanzara is a Dalit Hindu. Because he is a dalit he has been targeted by Congress and AAP and JDU..
see, even we can play politics ;)
Tallest leader of our time

A comment on TFI:

You broke X's leg. You practiced Y.
Y = Freewill if X = cow
Y = Cruelty if X = horse
~ Adarsh Liberal
PS : Actually whoever does either is an a$$hole

They are starving the wild elephants in Kerala. There was a photo posted a couple of days ago by @Mr. Nair and in that too there was a family of elephants looking very emaciated.

The elephants must be intolerant and Sanghi.
No wonder no media highlights them, don't want to show sickular kerala in bad light, do we?

Butcher is need for the slaughter of anti national congress. He is doing this work beautifully. I love modi. The way he does everything silently has won my heart. Muslim vote bank need to be divided in the interest of Nation and in the interest of Muslim themselves. Social re engineering is taking place at grass root level. Pseudo secular and anti nationals will soon become non entity in the country.
Who uses mounted police in a protest these days? are we back in colonial times? i bet Kejriwal would have striped naked and cried hoarse had horses been used to break his protest.

even in countries like australia ......mounted police is used during protest
Hotel JNU - The Shock Ballad

On a dark Delhi highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of beef pakoras, rising up in the air

Up ahead in the distance, I saw a candle march
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night

There he stood on the campus
The bearded comrade yelled
And I was thinking to myself,
“This must be JNU, Commie academic Hell”

Then he scratched his beard and showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say...

Welcome to the Hotel JNU
Such a leftist place (Such a leftist place)
Such a leftist face
Plenty of sedition at the Hotel JNU
Any time of year (Any time of year)
You can find it here

Their thoughts are totally Marxist, but they want a Mercedes Benz
They got a lot of ugly, hirsute comrades they call friends
How they shout in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.
Some shout for azaadi, some for India’s death.

So I called up the krantikaari comrade,
And said, “Please show me some national pride”
He said, “We haven’t had that feeling here since nineteen sixty nine”

And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say...

Welcome to the Hotel JNU
Such a leftist place (Such a leftist place)
Such a leftist face
Plenty of sedition at the Hotel JNU
Any time of year (Any time of year)
You can find it here

Kiss of love on the campus,
Mahishasur worship so nice
And he said “We are all just freeloaders here, living off the tax device”
And in the professor’s chambers,
We gather for the feast
Free food, cheap rooms
Oh, how we love this subsidized beast,

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the India I was before

“Relax,” said the Comrade,
“We are programmed to receive.
You can enrol any time you like,
But no one ever leaves!”

Now Going Viral: Welcome to the Hotel JNU And Win Prizes Too! - Swarajya
well, when Ishrat and her "brothers" threatened police with guns and got killed, we all know how Kejru, pappu, Sonia and nitishwa reacted....don't we?

what did Kranthikari Kejru say about batla encounter where Indian Police died at the hands of terrorists?

let me know if you want me to provide videos of the same...they are quite eye opening.

YOU lot have a problem with some one showing a stick to police but have no problems with people who kill police with guns.
go figure this logic of sickulars if you can please.

And between D G Vanzara is a Dalit Hindu. Because he is a dalit he has been targeted by Congress and AAP and JDU..
see, even we can play politics ;)

u forgot to mention malda???

btw do u want a video from govt about anti-indian slogans in punjab assembly ????............it happened last year?........no cry on that??? or wait...........its bjp............they are nationalist.................but that horse was anti-national.

brainwashing by chaddis at work...................

anyhow........when is black money coming back??? i need my 15 lac soon......bolo namo namo.................
btw do u want a video from govt about anti-indian slogans in punjab assembly ????............it happened last year?........no cry on that??? or wait...........its bjp............they are nationalist.................but that horse was anti-national.

brainwashing by chaddis at work.................

Yeah, sickulars at work again.
Please let me know one Sanghi supporting what happened in Punjab assembly?

It's you lot who support these morons, not us.

Anyway, you should be proud of them.

Just like you lot are proud of Bihar ki beti Ishrat, Batla ke Beto and Yakub and co..
Yeah, sickulars at work again.
Please let me know one Sanghi supporting what happened in Punjab assembly?

It's you lot who support these morons, not us.

Anyway, you should be proud of them.

Just like you lot are proud of Bihar ki beti Ishrat, Batla ke Beto and Yakub and co..

oye @ranjit are all chaddis from rss like this kid??
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