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Ab ye kya naya chutiyapa hai?

Soldiers are humans too, and like all humans , they could also be influenced by loony bin ideas. Nitthalle freeloaders at JNU are thoroughly brainwashed and beyond saving,There is equal chance of a rustic soldier becoming a commie as there is a chance of a commie becoming a patriot.

There is a reason why armymen are discouraged from fraternizing with civilians. It is to ensure that they do not take up and spread loony bin ides in barracks.

Who give these moronic ideas to BJP?
I don't want to sound like a Conspiracy nut, but the more you read into this the more you find out that this story(BJP MLA hitting & wounding a horse) is complete Bullshit.
Start watching from 30 seconds, you can clearly see that the MLA tried to hit the horse twice & failed both the times. For a moment, let's assume he does manage to strike the horse, but as shown in the video both his blows were towards the chest & not towards the lower part of the legs claimed by many media outlets
The limbs of a horse are so designed by nature and God to withstand the highest of stresses under extreme combat conditions. The very thought that 2 blows from a bamboo stick(of which we don't have any evidence whatsoever) can break a Horse's leg is laughable.Everyone has a right to formulate his/her opinion, but I think that forming an opinion without complete evidence is not a healthy thing to do.

Did BJP MLA Ganesh Joshi break the Horse’s Leg?

why there is even a need to try to hit a police horse???...........and what he was doing with a lathi during protest??
BJP the Most 'Anti-Intellectual' Party: Ramchandra Guha

"Globally, Islamic terrorism is a very, very dangerous phenomenon and is a danger to the survival of human civilisation. But within India, Hindus are 85 per cent. Hindu fundamentalism is much more dangerous than Islamic fundamentalism. I am terrified at the thought of Hindu majoritarianism, because that is what we were not. If India was anything, it was not to be a Hindu Pakistan," the historian said.

Keep in mind the crude prices at that time and now.

He was protecting India from anti-nationals.
Sushma Swaraj lives in another Time period it seems, time to make her the Minister of Time Travel too.

Media guys are more concerned about horse stories which may not be true(going by recent evidence that @Echo_419 posted above). But not one word about recent Commie attacks & brutalities on BJP leaders & workers & Congress workers in Kerala or innoncent VHP activists in Karnataka being brutally murdered.
Hehe =D @itachii @Srinivas @bhagat @NIA kinda ee links chudandi..

This is interesting ,Shameless Congress thinks it can re-grow in AP which it destroyed by doing this drama... Good.
THey will not grow, but if they succeed AP kosume manchiga untundi :)

They aren't allowing RS & LS to function demanding Special Status to AP for 5 years & for promises made to be fulfilled :)

Will pay back every rupee Andhra Pradesh lost due to split: Arun Jaitley
TDP adopts resolution, asks Centre to implement AP Reorganisation Act | The Asian Age
why there is even a need to try to hit a police horse???...........and what he was doing with a lathi during protest??

1st he was not trying to hit the horse. He was trying to scare the police which were stopping the protestors. I know that you don't like BJP, but blind criticism has never benefited anybody

why there is even a need to try to hit a police horse???...........and what he was doing with a lathi during protest??

1st he was not trying to hit the horse. He was trying to scare the police which were stopping the protestors. I know that you don't like BJP, but blind criticism has never benefited anybody

Keep in mind the crude prices at that time and now.

He was protecting India from anti-nationals.

Have you seen the video or are you blindly criticising the MLA based on media reports
1st he was not trying to hit the horse. He was trying to scare the police which were stopping the protestors. I know that you don't like BJP, but blind criticism has never benefited anybody

1st he was not trying to hit the horse. He was trying to scare the police which were stopping the protestors. I know that you don't like BJP, but blind criticism has never benefited anybody

Have you seen the video or are you blindly criticising the MLA based on media reports

well ...............is that legal to try to scare the police with a lathi???
well ...............is that legal to try to scare the police with a lathi???

Without getting into a BJP vs non-BJP debate I would suggest that a mounted police is certainly not required against any protest- It was immature or rather rash decision to deploy a mounted police on the lines of what British used to do- to deal with protesters- They were not fighting a war out there-
JNU: Ten teachers accuse some academicians of anti-national activities in Varsity | The Indian Express

A group of 10 JNU teachers has released a 400-page document prepared last year detailing past controversial events on the campus, suggesting that the flashpoint Afzal Guru event and its fallout could have been avoided had the varsity administration acted on it.

The teachers, who are opposing the teachers’ association for their support to students accused of sedition in connection with the Afzal Guru event last month, claimed on Wednesday that the report was shared with the Varsity administration
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