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You are too shallow.
May be. But I am real. The human. Not the super human. Not the purest. But the one with a bit good and a bit bad.

And I am aware of the introduction of the trousers. I am happy to have played a little role (if any) in making this change. :D

Saffron sashes tied around the waist?
No. Picture the Hitlerjugend or SS rallies with the massive Hakenkreuz motifs.

Raw Power. Indians love that.

The classic:

We have a huge and a diverse group who do the march. Includes older men. So this music will be ridiculous. But in select times - why not? :D
@SarthakGanguly maybe time for the RSS to learn from the SS.

Our SS that is .....


@SarthakGanguly maybe time for the RSS to learn from the SS.

Our SS that is .....

I want the facial expressions to go. Media will dig the rallies. This expressions, though harmless will send a negative picture. I don't aim for a small pro Hindutva pro RSS crowd. I aim for a bigger demographic. Say all of India. May be even greater. :devil:

I want calm faces, may be with a slight smirk, looking straight ahead. While chanting, all must make the RSS salute. And the RSS salute ONLY. At the same time. Big dreams, I know.

Perception is important. Otherwise the gain will only be a very slow process.
Which is why you wont make the cut.
Haha. I have done in the past. Succeeded. Doing now. Will continue to do in the future. :)

THAT is the spirit. :tup:

Such that even a future Khangress PM (rest assured, there will be some secular PM some time in the future) is forced to invite RSS for Republic Day parade.
R.Gandhi is useless, even congress CWC members don't favor him. Until and unless Priyanka comes in before 2019 congress will support an alternate PM
Yes, Priyanka is their star campaigner.

Btw I heard a BJP minister in Karnataka is arrested for threatening to behead CM of the state? Hindu Taliban???
man o man a parsi bawa morphing into a staunch & agressive marathi manoos

that is hight of pseodo sicular opportunism :nono: :pissed:

Newsflash. I was always right wing.

It took the rest of you Hindus time to catch up.

Please look at my posts from 2009-2012. It was the perfect storm that built up to 2014. Of course I was sent on leave for 3 years, but we have the man we want now.
Yes, Priyanka is their star campaigner.

Btw I heard a BJP minister in Karnataka is arrested for threatening to behead CM of the state? Hindu Taliban???

I don't know why people go gaga over Priyanka Gandhi, she seem equally dumb and just as dull as her younger brother, and let's not forget married to a crook! It would be like Benazir Bhutto married to Zardari, and we all know how that worked out for Pakistan!

I don't want any Gandhi to "lead" India anymore!
Meh. A Taliban does not get arrested. Just another Hindu.
But he did threaten to behead the CM, so I guess he's half-way there.

I don't know why people go gaga over Priyanka Gandhi, she seem equally dumb and dull as her younger brother, and is married to a crook! It would be like Benazir Bhutto married to Zardari, and we all know how that worked out for Pakistan!

I don't want any Gandhi to "lead" India anymore!
She has been campaigning for congress since long, so I thought that might work in her advantage.
But he did threaten to behead the CM, so I guess he's half-way there.
Take a very regular statement - 'kat ke rakh dunga'. Translate into English - 'Will cut you into pieces and leave you there'. He would have gone half way had he got hold of a talwar and then got caught. Instead he was caught with a mike in hand. :omghaha: Taliban will protest for calling him such.

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