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I predict a strong 130-140 majority for the NDA, but low chance of them getting the 2/3rds majority needed for additional Rayja Sabha seats that they desperately need.

I also expect them to win in Bihar although not by a big margin. This victory and associated Rajya Sabha seats are very important for Modi since a comprehensive victory here will kickstart the reform process stalled by congress and stooges.
A weak showing on the other hand shall slow down the reforms and make passage of essential bills like Land acquisition, labour reforms virtually impossible to implement and that will reflect in 2019 when country goes to poll.
Modi will have less to show and talk about and thats what the opposition is counting on.

Modi also knows this and hence the reason he has gone full steam on bihar. He has to win this at any cost.
I also expect them to win in Bihar although not by a big margin. This victory and associated Rajya Sabha seats are very important for Modi since a comprehensive victory here will kickstart the reform process stalled by congress and stooges.
A weak showing on the other hand shall slow down the reforms and make passage of essential bills like Land acquisition, labour reforms virtually impossible to implement and that will reflect in 2019 when country goes to poll.
Modi will have less to show and talk about and thats what the opposition is counting on.

Modi also knows this and hence the reason he has gone full steam on bihar. He has to win this at any cost.

Check population in Nitish's Rally and compare it to Modi's rally, hell compare it to rally of Smriti or Giriraj Singh...
Yeah, I used to, but even that novelty has worn off. LOL.


no one can save the MGB anymore Modi is in ultra poll mode jus like 2014.

Either BJP will won big or it will loose badly
Nothing wrong in it ...This is kerala house menu all the dishes are in english except the beef fry.They wrote it in malayalam to hide it from others
View attachment 267570

Everything wrong with it. The Delhi police has plenty on its hands with cases of rapes including minors happening at an "alarming" rate. What message do you think it sends when the Delhi police reacts with such alacrity because of some claim of beef being on the menu? That they consider this more important? Public perception is very important as is being circumspect in such matters. Don't they have any brains?

In any case, this was state government guest house. The common sense way would have been for someone to place a phone call or a single policeman to have a talk with the officials there. Not to behave like this was the only thing that the Delhi police is interested in.

"Congress plus a cow" :omghaha:

:lol: Have to admit, that stings big time.
Everything wrong with it. The Delhi police has plenty on its hands with cases of rapes including minors happening at an alarming rate. What message do you think it sends when the Delhi police reacts with such alacrity because of some claim of beef being on the menu? That they consider this more important? Public perception is very important as is being circumspect in such matters. Don't they have any brains?

In any case, this was state government guest house. The common sense way would have been for someone to place a phone call or a single policeman to have a talk with the officials there. Not to behave like this was the only thing that the Delhi police is interested in.

Why is it that when people talk about "alarming rise of Rapes" they conveniently forget majority of the cases being False ?
Why is it that when people talk about "alarming rise of Rapes: they conveniently forget majority of the cases being False ?

I wasn't talking about whether it was real or not but how public perception matters in these things. This was simply idiotic.
Everything wrong with it. The Delhi police has plenty on its hands with cases of rapes including minors happening at an alarming rate. What message do you think it sends when the Delhi police reacts with such alacrity because of some claim of beef being on the menu? That they consider this more important? Public perception is very important as is being circumspect in such matters. Don't they have any brains?

In any case, this was state government guest house. The common sense way would have been for someone to place a phone call or a single policeman to have a talk with the officials there. Not to behave like this was the only thing that the Delhi police is interested in.

:lol: Have to admit, that stings big time.

Same arguments like oh India is so poor so why does it need to have a space program.
I wasn't talking about whether it was real or not but how public perception matters in these things. This was simply idiotic.

This is Delhi Police we are talking about, Idiocy is the least of their sins.
I wasn't talking about whether it was real or not but how public perception matters in these things. This was simply idiotic.

And what makes you think they don't act that quickly to Rapes ? what is police supposed to do ? All it can do is provide justice. Otherwise, people will have to accept India being a police state which in that case people while whine anyway. Its easy to sit from outside and criticize constantly.. Maybe next time police should wait for the next Rape case before attending any other burglury cases, other wise some guy might say "police more concerned about common criminals than burglurs". The comparisons some people make, and how some esteemed members falls for this nonsense really surprises me.
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