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It seems to me that people here pay too much attention to the Leftist controlled Delhi media houses.

These media houses will start to change their tunes when they realize that their anti-national, anti-Hindu rhetoric is no longer viable for their corrupt political parties to run on. Delhi and the rise of AK was due to one-time political tricks (his fake resignation) and appeal of handouts and anti-corruption. Sickularism, and anti-Hindu rhetoric didn't play any meaningful role in his rise. He has already taken control of the Waqf board out of the hands of radical Islamists, something that the traditional Congress and the Left-Wing block would never do, to give an example.

Bihar will undoubtedly be the turning point. I have good faith in BJP winning.

JDU went from currently owning 112 seats.... now they are contesting 101.
RJD went from currently owning 22 seats.... now they are contesting 101.
Congress went from currently owning 4 seats.... now they are contesting 40.

The 'Grand Alliance' is relying on Laloo Prasad to win them this election. The very same man who had to devote over 13 rallies to his son's own constituencies. Nitish was the best chance for them winning, but he capped himself at 101 seats in order to compromise, in an extremely stupid political move. Meanwhile impotent Rahul and Congress party can't even be seen on stage with them, let alone campaign with them. Their support and promise of 40 seats are only there for full-support from Congress media houses that control most of national news. There is a very real possibility that Congress might not win even 1 seat. I see grumblings now of a coup in Congress and Priyanka Vadra taking over from Rahul all over the paid media. All is not right in this election and the hounds within the Congress party know it.

I predict a strong 130-140 majority for the NDA, but low chance of them getting the 2/3rds majority needed for additional Rayja Sabha seats that they desperately need.
I predict a strong 130-140 majority for the NDA, but low chance of them getting the 2/3rds majority needed for additional Rayja Sabha seats that they desperately need.

The meat will come from UP elections later. For now BJP should focus on just winning this elections in Bihar by whatever margin they can.
"Congress plus a cow" :omghaha:

What an apt description of the current state of affairs, not a thing has moved on ground back home and our hawalabaz is busy sight seeing world over - pleasing NRI junta with his gimmickery
"Congress plus a cow" :omghaha:

What an apt description of the current state of affairs, not a thing has moved on ground back home and our hawalabaz is busy sight seeing world over - pleasing NRI junta with his gimmickery


First time in Indian history this has happened I believe. I don't even need to go into the +$140 billion deals signed with Japan regarding railway modernization, the $70 billion dollar infrastructure bank set-up with UAE, the restart of Coal production, the increase in electricity, the reduction in inflation, the positive manufacturing indexes, the increase in self-reliance in defence manufacturing, Make in India, etc.

Congress legacy has been 60 years of failed policies, rewriting the history books, controlling the media, creating a separate civil code for muslims, creating vote-bank politics, etc. They are not coming back. Their sole power-base resides in NE India, where pro development BJP will resonate strongly, and the Rajya Sabha, in which they will continuously lose seats for the next 5-10 years til they left smaller than a regional party. Countering the Congress media houses will be the most difficult challenge, but 10 years of pro-Indian, pro-Hindu majority party, and a Congress party that has run dry of corruption money, ought to do the trick.

AAP is perhaps the only serious challenger, but without AK it will fall apart, and they lack the necessary ground-game to win elections outside of a highly urbanized area such as Delhi. Not to mention that he is a lot less appeasement oriented, as has been shown with his decision to strip the Wakf Board of its power and leave the Radical Islamists hanging dry.
Problem is you get banned if you have too many negative ratings!! That's what happened to @wolfchannze who had 25-30 of them, he has banned for the last few months!

AIADMK & Amma are not atheist, on the contrary they are proud of their religion & display their religion & their respect for it in public ,AIADMK was even against the sethusamudram Project.

The AIADMK, since its inception though has never shied away from accepting and displaying religious fervour, unlike the party it was born from, the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK).

Party chief Jayalalithaa herself has, in the past, participated in various religious festivals and conducted prayers in prominent temples, including at the famous Mahamaham near Trichy, on the banks of the river Cauvery.

It is the DMK which is vociferously anti-Hindu, I remember Sivaji Ganesan went to Tirupathi in the 1960s for the darshanam of Lord Balaji, for this "crime" he was criticised heavily by the DMK & it's partymen following which he left it.

These scumbags tried to ram Sethusamudram through using the centre!! Who can forget that senile Karuna's insults of Lord Ram back when he was the CM!
Shameless fellow happily encourages missionaries & Islamists but hates Hinduism. I hope he loses 2016 heavily!

“90-95 percent of DMK workers are Hindus,” argued Stalin. “Their families go to temples, even my own wife frequents temples. I do not stop her. The reason I went to this Ramanujar temple is that Kalaignar (Karunanidhi) has written a script for a series on Ramanujar which is being aired on Kalaignar TV.
Stalin is smarter than his father, since the 2014 Election defeat, he has changed the party strategy. He is talking more about good governance & development.
He even carried out the Namakku Naamme yatra to rejuvenate the cadre & help the DMK's fortunes. Add to that it has been good PR for him to portray himself as a neta inter-mingling with the commoners.
Check this link here:- Stalin apologises to Tamil Nadu voters in push for 2016 bid - Firstpost

@Star Wars @Tridibans @Echo_419 @JanjaWeed @Nair saab
From what I know he is supposed to have been in contact with Prashant Kishore for the 2016 Elections(Assembly)!! Depending upon the results of Bihar & the JDU, it will be decided whether PK will work for him or not.

& this part is very interesting @Josef K
Rise of Hindu spirituality?

A telling account of the mood in Tamil Nadu, especially in the Western belt of the state, is that of the protests against Tamil author Perumal Murugan in January this year. His novel Madhorubagan (One Part Woman) published in 2010 and set in the temple town of Tiruchengode, was suddenly at the centre of a controversy.

The reason for the sudden outburst was rather ironic. The Singapore-based brother of a man who owned a business called Saravana Press in Tiruchengode chanced upon a copy of the book and read it since he too hailed from Tiruchengode. The shocked Singapore resident then informed his brother in Tiruchengode about the book and sent across a copy. As more copies were bought and shared the controversy grew.

Claiming that the novel insulted the women of Tiruchengode and demeaned Hinduism, large protests were organised in Tiruchengode by various groups including pro-Hindu outfits and groups with dominant caste-affiliations. For the first ever time in the temple town, a call for total shutdown was almost fully successful.

"People may have been in any political party but they all came together for the temple," M Subramanian, Namakkal district president of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in Tiruchengode, said.

"Women who conceive after a long time usually refer to their children here as ‘Samy kodutha pillai’ (God given child). These women felt insulted and demeaned by the book," he said.

M Subramanian, Namakkal district president of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in Tiruchengode. image courtesy: Sandhya Ravishankar

"The protest against Madhorubagan was not orchestrated by any organisation," explained M Sabarinathan, district head of the Youth Wing of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP).

"People spontaneously came together because they were angry at their temple being targeted," he said.

Riding on the back of increasing spirituality, the RSS has become more active and popular in the past two years. Now there are 40 shakhas in the Namakkal district that have been set up within just two years. There are now 50 full-time volunteers who hold office-bearer positions in the organisation, along with hundreds of other volunteers.

"There is support for the RSS amongst the people who know about it," Subramanian said.

The sentiment finds echoes in the entire Western belt of the state, like the Kongunadu area comprising of Coimbatore, Tirupur, Namakkal and Salem. Even in Erode, the birthplace of Periyar EV Ramasamy Naicker, the firebrand revolutionary who founded the Dravidian ideology, Hindu spirituality is on the rise, say experts.

“The common man is deeply religious, especially in the face of socio-economic challenges,” political analyst Stalin Rajangam said. “Political parties are behaving in a manner that people want them to behave in. Political parties definitely want power – they will always look at finding easy ways in which to appeal to the people... 50 years back people came into politics wanting to change things in society. But today it is not about societal change, it is only about votes,” he said.

Hindu outfits like the RSS and smaller groups like the Indhu Makkal Katchi (Hindu People’s Party) and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Forum) are now working hard on the ground to draw youngsters into their fold. “A lot of youngsters are religious now,” said N Sadagopan, media coordinator for the RSS in Chennai. “In fact a lot of people are now openly religious. You must see the Hindu festivals in the villages. It is youngsters who organise and conduct these festivals energetically,” he said.

Leaders of fringe pro-Hindu outfits like Arjun Sampath of the Indhu Makkal Katchi are making calls for Hindus to unite and throw the Dravidian parties out of Tamil Nadu.

"The only alternative for Dravidianism is Hindutva,” said Sampath in Tirupur.

"We are going to the people ahead of elections with the slogan ‘Hindu renaissance is Tamil Nadu’s development’," he said.

The Indhu Makkal Katchi plans to hold a large rally in the temple town of Palani on 1 November.

Experts say that this obvious change in political rhetoric of all parties is due to Dravidian ideology struggling to keep itself together as a result of its inherent flaws.

"The Dravidian movement clubbed all local Gods under Brahminism and alienated a large section of people," explained analyst Stalin Rajangam.

"This was a problem with the Dravidian ideology. Dravidian movement did not give an alternate cultural ideology or religion. So when people were desperate, they simply went back to the Gods that they were used to, the so-called Brahmin gods. It is quite right that politicians like Stalin are taking different paths. He does not have the baggage of Periyar which Karunanidhi had. He needs to break with the traditional Dravidian ideology in order to get votes today. Stalin can only be Karunanidhi’s political heir and not his ideological heir,” he said.

Tamil Nadu’s youth is in demand ahead of 2016. With over 60 lakh first-time voters, who are making their ideas clear on social media, political parties are having to shed much of their old ways in order to connect with the youth. The game is on.


Am re-posting this last para. This explains why Stalin is changing the party's path.
"This was a problem with the Dravidian ideology. Dravidian movement did not give an alternate cultural ideology or religion. So when people were desperate, they simply went back to the Gods that they were used to, the so-called Brahmin gods. It is quite right that politicians like Stalin are taking different paths. He does not have the baggage of Periyar which Karunanidhi had. He needs to break with the traditional Dravidian ideology in order to get votes today. Stalin can only be Karunanidhi’s political heir and not his ideological heir,
Both DMK and ADMK are pseudo sanghi groups More so in the case of ADMK..
Last Loksabha election in the slightly minority dominated Kanyakumari constituency(47%-Christians,4%-Muslims)is a perfect example..Both of them tactically fielded Christian candidates(of different denominations) to divide/block Christian votes in favour of congress candidate and thereby made sure the victory of BJP candidate Pon Radhakrishnan(he is a central minister now)...

evidam vareyaayi prachaaram??pazhaya ushaaru kaanaanillallo.eekuri BJP ethra shathamaanam votekul nedumenaanu ningalude aabhyanthara vilayiruthal??..Nangalude wardill eethavana BJP-SNDP sakyathinu sthanaardhiye nirthiyilla,kazhinja pravashyam bjpku undaayirunnu...kaaranam ariyilla..ivide mathramalla Alapuzha jillayill petta pala sthalamkalillum eekuri BJP sthanaardikale nirthiyittilla..SNDP ku nalla valakoorulla mannaayittu polum..
Both DMK and ADMK are pseudo sanghi groups More so in the case of ADMK..
Last Loksabha election in the slightly minority dominated Kanyakumari constituency(47%-Christians,4%-Muslims)is a perfect example..Both of them tactically fielded Christian candidates(of different denominations) to divide/block Christian votes in favour of congress candidate and thereby made sure the victory of BJP candidate Pon Radhakrishnan(he is a central minister now)...

evidam vareyaayi prachaaram??pazhaya ushaaru kaanaanillallo.eekuri BJP ethra shathamaanam votekul nedumenaanu ningalude aabhyanthara vilayiruthal??..Nangalude wardill eethavana BJP-SNDP sakyathinu sthanaardhiye nirthiyilla,kazhinja pravashyam bjpku undaayirunnu...kaaranam ariyilla..ivide mathramalla Alapuzha jillayill petta pala sthalamkalillum eekuri BJP sthanaardikale nirthiyittilla..SNDP ku nalla valakoorulla mannaayittu polum..

Bit busy ,lot of real life commitments ,Will be active after first week of next month ....

Expecting a better performance tcompared to 2010 election, last election BJP had around 480 seats in all segments (384 in GP, 7 in BP ,1 in DP and 83 Councillors in municipal corporation)and 6% votes that figures will increase ...As per my knowledge party is expecting three digit elected representatives and two digit vote share ,There is good chance of BJP to became single largest party and very close to majority in palakkad municipality ...

In many seats BjP is supporting independent candidates and Caste organizations candidates that may be the reason
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Bit busy ,lot of real life commitments ,Will be active after first week of next month ....

Expecting a better performance than 2010 election last election BJP had around 480 seats in all segments (384 in GP, 7 in BP ,1 in DP and 83 Councillors in municipal corporation)and 6% votes that figures will increase ...As per my knowledege party is expecting three digit elected representatives and two digit vote share ,There is good chance of BJP to became single largest party and very close to majority in palakkad municipality ...

In many seats BjP is supporting independent candidates and Caste organizations candidates that may be the reason
ok..We Chrislamist/Sickulars expect a complete /nearly sweep in all districts,expect some parts of kasargod,Palaghat,Trivandrum, districts...We aim for power,not for some digit figures..
reg Palaghat municipality-there is a good chance for BJP wining,Municipal areas has sizeable Tamil Brahmin population(were congress supporters in the past But now turned towards BJP,Very much same like their brothers in Tamilnadu),Same for upper part of Kasargod district,which is Tulu,Kannada,Konkani,Marathi majority..BJP has good chance in wining kasargod municipality and panchayats upto Mangalore border too..We have minimal-zero influence over non Malayali population...
ok..We Chrislamist/Sickulars expect a complete /nearly sweep in all districts,expect some parts of kasargod,Palaghat,Trivandrum, districts...We aim for power,not for some digit figures..
reg Palaghat municipality-there is a good chance for BJP wining,Municipal areas has sizeable Tamil Brahmin population(were congress supporters in the past But now turned towards BJP,Very much same like their brothers in Tamilnadu),Same for upper part of Kasargod district,which is Tulu,Kannada,Konkani,Marathi majority..BJP has good chance in wining kasargod municipality and panchayats upto Mangalore border too..We have minimal-zero influence over non Malayali population...

CPI(M) will eat some share of x'ian muslim votes ,Many in minorities see LDF as a better option to stop BjP's growth and Hindu consolidation and CPI (M) leaders are trying to utilize that fear, there are lot of rebel problems and the infighting in kottayam ,Malapuram ,idukki districts will affect your prospects and in idukki church backed High range protection force is allied with LDF ...Not just these three District BjP will get more votes and seats in all districts ...

a big lol @ your desperate attempt to paint BJP as a non keralite party
CPI(M) will eat some share of x'ian muslim votes ,Many in minorities see LDF as a better option to stop BjP's growth and Hindu consolidation and CPI (M) leaders are trying to utilize that fear, there are lot of rebel problems and the infighting in kottayam ,Malapuram ,idukki districts will affect your prospects and in idukki church backed High range protection force is allied with LDF ...Not just these three District BjP will get more votes and seats in all districts ...

a big lol @ your desperate attempt to paint BJP as a non keralite party
Congress,Kerala Congress,High range samrakshana samithi,Muslim league,CPM,CPI,doesn't matter..Candidate must be a Christian,Muslim or at least a Sickular Hindu for us..We will do our maximum to block BJP..
Most Christian strongholds are High range plantation areas,Rubber belt,Southern coastal belts..Hindu/BJP votes hardly matters there..So we don't fear vote divide..UDF or LDF,if the candidate is a Christian,o.k for us..

a big lol @ your desperate attempt to paint BJP as a non keralite party
I meant non Malayali party..Tulus,Kannadas,Konkanis and Tamil Brahmins living in Kerala are keralities,But not Malayalis..Malayali means those who speak Malayalam as their mother tongue..
Check the political leaning of kasargod district..Northern parts are traditional BJP areas because of dominant Tulu and Kannada population..But southern parts are Marxist areas because of Malayali population...Malayalis are traditional UDF/LDF supporters..I am not talking about current scenario though..
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