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A+ for Kiran Bedi, F for Arvind Kejriwal says Bhushan :rofl::rofl:

And aaptards were laughing at BJP infighting :lol:
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Ashish Khetan of AAP losing it on TimesNow. Death Knell. Bye bye AAP. Both AAP and Congress handing the CM seat to Kiran Bedi on a platter. :pop:
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Times Now reporting that Sourav Ganguly is in talks with BJP.. It might be Didi vs Dada in Bengal..


Amazing & amusing.. coming from closest of the close to Gandhi family! Even leaders withing congress are contributing towards Congress mukht bharat now! :lol: Janardan Dwivedi will now be sidelined within Congress for speaking the truth!

He already received a gag order from them.
Well actually I haven't been in Hyderabad for the last 6 months,,,, I'm a college student & am currently pursuing my B.Tech in Shiv Nadar University(Noida)... SO I don't know what's happening in the city as of now?
So how is KCR governing,, heard that he is giving a lot of attention to Hyd, for the GHMC elections.
By the way, is the Swine Flu situation becoming better or worse, have read reports online that many people have been infected by it.

And coming to your question... I think he will blame Modi & TG-TDP for it. Seriously such belt shops are very dangerous & harmful for the Telugu people in the long run. We already love & vote on liquor , arrack & toddy will make the situation worse.

By the way what future do you see for all the political parties(TRS,TDP,BJP,Lok Satta,Congress) present in TG?
Swine flu cases will get worse and the government will try to play down the situation and report low number of cases to avoid panic in public.
This is part of Iceberg Phenomenon in Community medicine and PSM.

He can't blame Modi or TG-TDP for belt shops because he was the one who gave license to operate toddy shops due to Goud caste voter base.
TG people are fed up with Toddy shops no one wants such shops near their locality as its a nuisance.
I don't know where this Tughlaq CM will take TG to.

In future, TRS will be weakened, TDP might become stronger due to a good leader Revanth Reddy of TDP.He is aggressive and protests as Leader of opposition.
Congress is finished in TG, they might get few seats but all their best leaders are gone or getting retired.
BJP,they have a very good chance to capitalize in new state, but Kishan Reddy is a bit soft, he doesn't protest against KCR and hence not seen much on TV, but in his constituency he is unbeatable.
Recently Amit Shah, came to Hyderabad and chided the BJP to be aggressive as there were complaints from BJP well wishers that the party is going soft and not opposing KCR.Expect some aggression from them soon.

In all of these i believe Lok Satta is the only honest party in the whole state, but they are yet to take off, in a new state they have a very good chance if they try really this time.
ab ye kaisi nautanki hai bhai :hitwall:



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Video shows AAP leader 'planning liquor distribution' - The Hindu

This was to ensure maximum participation during a recent rally of party leader Arvind Kejriwal. :mad::mad:

In a video uploaded on YouTube, former Aam Aadmi Party MLA Madan Lal is seen telling party volunteers to distribute liquor to people to ensure their participation during a recent rally of party leader Arvind Kejriwal.
This is the same rally where a heavy turnout forced Mr. Kejriwal to reschedule his decision to file his nomination papers. :D
Responding to a volunteer who informs him that some volunteers may have to be served food and liquor, Mr. Madan Lal says that party has to ensure maximum attendance for the January 20 rally.

@Guynextdoor2 , @The_Showstopper :haha:
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