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Burdwan blast: Govt contradicts Amit Shah
New Delhi, December 3
Investigation into the Saradha chit fund scam has so far not revealed any terror link with Bangladesh, the Centre said today, days after the BJP had alleged such a connection.

“The investigation has so far not revealed any such transaction where money was routed to Bangladesh to fund terrorist activities,” Union Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh told the Lok Sabha in a written response.

BJP chief Amit Shah had alleged that Saradha chit fund money had been used in the October 2, 2014, Bardhaman blast, which is being probed for link with the Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) terror outfit.

“Saradha chit fund money was used in the Burdwan (Bardhaman) blast. The NIA is not being allowed to probe the blast properly. Hurdles are being created. It is being done in order to save TMC leaders who are involved in the blast,” Shah had said, attacking the Trinamool Congress, at a BJP rally in Kolkata.

The Union Minister was asked whether the government has sought details of the probe into the Saradha chit fund scam after reports indicated that a part of the money was routed to Bangladesh to fund terror activities. Singh replied that government had not sought details of the probe.

To another question on whether the Saradha chief has admitted that he paid large sums to several people to influence the case in his favour, the Minister said, “The matter is under investigation.” — PTI

Burdwan blast: Govt contradicts Amit Shah
Thie will be very difficult to 'hajam' for AK and Sonia fans

PM Narendra Modi getting rock star treatment from investors | The Financial Express

With money managers pouring in a whopping USD 16.5 billion in Indian stocks, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is being treated like a rock star by investors around the world, a leading American financial daily has said.

“Investors around the world are giving Modi, and India, the rock star treatment. Money managers have poured USD 16.5 billion into Indian stocks this year, the most of any developing country tracked by the Institute of International Finance,” The Wall Street Journal has reported.

India improves rating on global corruption index | The Financial Express

India has showed some improvement in addressing corruption this year, ranking 85th among 175 countries as against 94th last year, graft watchdog Transparency International India (TII) said.
I don't see a problem in having a Sharia compliant fund. Its just like halal meat. No one is forcing it on you, but it is available as an option if you want.

The problem is with money from Gulf countries and the subversion of Indian state.
The problem is with money from Gulf countries and the subversion of Indian state.
That money goes into the stock market and not to individuals/institutions. Ofcourse one has to ensure that these funds don't get to influence the companies. You have a point there.
That throws the spanner in sharia compliant funds.LoL

Last updated 5 min 23 sec ago

Thursday, 4 December 2014 | 11 Safar 1436 AH

SBI postpones launch of Shariah-compliant fund disappointing investors


Published — Wednesday 3 December 2014

Last update 2 December 2014 12:19 am

Investors have expressed their disappointment when State Bank of India announced Monday that it was postponing the launch of the Shariah-compliant mutual fund. The bank did not give any reason for the decision.
“Investors are hereby informed that it has been decided to defer the launch of the New Fund Offer of SBI Shariah Equity Fund,” the bank said in a brief statement.
The notice, dated November 30, was signed by Dinesh Khara, MD & CEO SBI Mutual Fund. It has not mentioned when will it be launched.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the financial regulator, recently allowed the government-owned SBI and three other mutual funds to launch Shariah funds.
Several groups had been lobbying for years now for interest-free Shariah compliant banking system to be allowed in India to tap into investment opportunities from the country’s 170 million Muslims.
Investors who were waiting for the launch of the Shariah-compliant MF are feeling let down. Ayaz Mohammad, an HR consultant based in Chennai, who was keen on investing, said: “I was waiting for this so much. I am disheartened that there is no reason given why it has been postponed and also no date mentioned as to when it will open.”
The decision of India’s central bank, Reserve Bank of India, to allow Shariah-compliant funds was widely seen as a major step toward ensuring financial inclusion of the country’s largest minority constituting roughly 15 percent of its population.

BJP needs to grow a spine and defend a "dalit", sadhvi. A woman coming from extr emely backward class deserves leniency. Far worse words have been used by leaders from other parties. But they don't make headlines. Just because she is dalit, everyone becomes bold and starts attacking her.
Totally if Bjp ever wants to integrate dalits into their fold they have to stop being apologetic to every tom dick and harry.

any BHAKT cares to shed his or her views ......why this BJP leader has such a wonderful views????
She said the truth.What's wrong in it?
Is this really Congress's plan now? Launch a hate campaign against Modi/GoI? All I have seen out of them since May has been a stream of venom, they don't actually seem to be trying to do anything productive. Do they think they can be elected again based purely on diminishing the work of the GoI? This is despicable politics.

MailToday ‏@mail_today 5m5 minutes ago
#RahulGandhi leads #Congress protest on Govt's '#UTurns'


How about this loser (yes he lost the elections and BADLY) STFU for a while, does some introspection and comes out with a new campaign to lure voters away from the BJP instead of this pathetic hate-poltics that is in now way constructive and indicative of a power at all costs philosophy of these parasites aka the Gandhi family.
"Nijera 34 bochhor
khamatai chhilo. Kichhu korte pareni, aar
jara korche tader bamboo diye berachhe.
Bamboo jangale hoi, ghar bari toirir kaje
lage, jane na bamboo jake tara kore she
palate path pai na"

Can any of my bengali brothers here guess the film from which this dialogue is taken :P
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday disapproved of the controversial remarks by Union Minister Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti, saying such comments were “not acceptable” and asked party MPs to refrain from those that gave a bad name to the government and the party.

Modi disapproves of Minister Sadhvi Jyoti’s remarks - The Hindu

This was master stroke, an issue made out of non issue to make the Congress's U turn allegations look insignificant. MSM is so into it that the U turn saga (which has some truth to it mind you!) is no where to be seen with the limelight it deserves. I'd say - politics well played BJP.
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This was master stroke, an issue made out of non issue to make the Congress's U turn allegations look insignificant. MSM is so into it that the U turn saga (which has some truth to it mind you!) is no where to be seen with the limelight it deserves. I'd say - politics well played BJP.

They will keep falling into these traps. They are yet to realize the true strength of opposing Team.

Yeh kya ho raha hai ... Bhai.. yeh kya ho raha hai..? :)

Varanasi's Muslim women want Ram Mandir at Ayodhya - The Times of India
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