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Breaking news: Congress to win elections in Delhi, finally gets rahul Gandhi to put a rag on his mouth.
India Today ‏@IndiaToday 3m3 minutes ago
Abusive minister is new and from a village: PM @narendramodi to Lok Sabha | India Today http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/narendra-modi-sadhvi-niranjan-jyoti-lok-sabha-abusive-minister-rahul-gandhi/1/405323.html…

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ANI ‏@ANI_news 47s47 seconds ago

Crores of property is lost in attacks in J&K, PM should share a blueprint of a plan to protect our jawans and ppl: Randeep Surjewala (Cong)

आज तक ‏@aajtak 2m2 minutes ago
Breaking News: श्रीनगर में 90 फीट पर रोड एक और आतंकी हमला, एक आतंकी ढेर
Crores of property is lost in attacks in J&K, PM should share a blueprint of a plan to protect our jawans and ppl: Randeep Surjewala (Cong)

Just like crores of money is lost by the kartoots of this Surjewala's Baap :lol:

PM Narendra Modi and former PM Dr Manmohan Singh during an event to celebrate Navy day 2014. Very nice to see this kind of interaction between the two- you will only see this kind of thing in mature democracies.
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It's good that he is raising Drug Abuse Issue. :tup:

It's not only Akali-BJP or Congress to be blamed for Drug Mess in Punjab. People of Punjab are EQUALLY responsible for the mess. After all they are one whom elected them.

At my Office, I see Singh's and Kaur's Smoking. Moreover, female's out number male's in Smoking at my office. Sheila Dikshit Sarkar is Responsible, AK-49 Sarkar is Responsible, UPA I & II are Responsible or Modi Sarkar is Responsible for this?
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