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Naveen has already offered issue based support.

Amma is a natural ally and hence always well come. RSS had advised BJP in past to make an ally with ideologically closed parties only.

Looks like now whole opposition could fit into this.


Akela kyaa ukhaad lega? 1 MP against 337 NDA MPs? Let him try.

Correction, In all probability it would be 337 + 37 +20 = 394

AAPtard logic Bhagwant maan jaise bhale aadmi ko Chootiya bana deta hain.

Arun Jaitely is already a member of RS. Would Bhagwat maan gatecrash RS proceedings to troll jaitely?
Bhai every BIMARU state is working towards not being a BIMARU anymore be it MP, or Raj or CG but i don't know wtF is wrong with Bihar & UP? :hitwall:
MP will be out of BIMARU in 2 years*. Save this post. 2 years

*HDI metric, state average.
Bhai every BIMARU state is working towards not being a BIMARU anymore be it MP, or Raj or CG but i don't know wtF is wrong with Bihar & UP? :hitwall:

Their Governments who still want to play religious and cast card but not the development card.
Looks like now whole opposition could fit into this.


Correction, In all probability it would be 337 + 37 +20 = 394

AAPtard logic Bhagwant maan jaise bhale aadmi ko Chootiya bana deta hain.

Arun Jaitely is already a member of RS. Would Bhagwat maan gatecrash RS proceedings to troll jaitely?

well According to Bhakts Logic .............where does Finance Minister sits ????? where does he presents budget ???

I tell you ..........this Bhakt logic is very 12th Pass or have B.com Part 1 degree .....if it exist

I hear you!
Sad that still in the villages ppl dont have basic amenities available to them.

Another thing common in all these rapes was that the girls were from dalit families.

So I guess thats a strong indication of the living conditions of the dalits in our country. Value of a dalit life is not even worth a penny...is that what I should conclude from these incidents???
These are heart wrenching incidents....extremely upsetting.
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Akela kyaa ukhaad lega? 1 MP against 337 NDA MPs? Let him try.

And one more thing Arun Jaitely will speak in Rajya Sabha and not Lok Sabha so This joker will not be able to do anything.

Firstly BJP had made it a campaign plank to bring back black money so they were going to form this SIT even if the Supreme Court Order was not there.

Secondly the UPA govt on the counting day had moved to SC for a revision in this order. If NDA wanted they could have easily moved the court themselves. They were serious so they formed this SIT. Not because they wanted to delay it.

And please search the details of the SC judgement regarding SIT. The first judgement had come in 2011 but the congress led UPA tried to push it back many times. The same congress with whose support your favorite party formed the 49 day bhagodi govt in Delhi

where does Finance Minister sits in Parliament ???? As i far i can recall ...........I have seen ex-PM MMS speaking in Lok Sabha

anything else u want to say ???

HS Phoolka has been Made Punjab AAP chief ..............good bye NDA from Punjab .............achhe din aa gaye :P
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