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look at the humility .

True hindu. I SALUTE YOU.
Modi keeping Home ministry is a bad move I guess.. I mean we need an exclusive minister for that.. Our internal security is at peril now with all those terror threats.. I am not sure Modi can handle both PM post and HM post..

It won't be handled by him directly. He might keep internal security even if he does hand over Home. Internal security requires professional expertise & should be handled with people who understand it well.
HOly crap..am hearing the National security team is awesome

Ajit Kumar Doval will be in National Security team :enjoy: :yahoo::bounce::partay::rofl::sniper:
I hope adequate security cover is given to Modi as Jihadis with their foreign cronies will be on overdrive to eliminate him.
I hope adequate security cover is given to Modi as Jihadis with their foreign cronies will be on overdrive to eliminate him.

If they could not kill him till now , they can't even dream of it now .. do you see the protection has ?
I hope adequate security cover is given to Modi as Jihadis with their foreign cronies will be on overdrive to eliminate him.

The SPG would swallow nails and shit bricks before they let any harm come to him, he is now the PM of the Republic Of India, short of the Martians no one is going to be taking a shot at him and succeeding in this day and age.
The SPG would swallow nails and shit bricks before they let any harm come to him, he is now the PM of the Republic Of India, short of the Martians no one is going to be taking a shot at him and succeeding in this day and age.

Do you notice how Cameras of TV crews goes all Heywire when PM's cavalcade comes too close
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