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To late you may ask , but nevertheless. I have been having some arguments in office about the entire gujrat growth model. People are remarking about Gujrath is a myth when compared to TN /Andhra , etc. Is this true ? Does anyone have some articles which crushes this myth.
Not being from a finance background - i dont have grasp on numbers. But i did visit the Wiki - it does seem to suggest that Gujrat lags in overall GDP behind states like TN, Andhra and West Bengal (States with comparable GDP)
Would be great if someone can share some facts.

Andhra and Tamil nadu are one of the most corrupt states in India, did you know this?

Arun Shourie as Finance , Arun Jaitley as External Affairs , Modi himself want Home , Murli mahoar Joshi as Defence ... this is as per CNN -IBN .. Rajnath will not be inducted immidiatly

Sushma will be in HRD

21st May

Want Joshi, Sushma out :hitwall:
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UDF(under Congress) and LDF(Communists) take turns to rule Kerala. In dire circumstances they can join hands. They have done that in the past at other places.

They help each other in Kerala also ,mainly in corruption,political murders and sex scandals involving top level leaders
Andhra and Tamil nadu are one of the most corrupt states in India, did you know this?

Want Joshi, Sushma out :hitwall:
Highly speculative Arun shorie FM no may be head of the planning commission because his differences with RSS Might be given Mos level authority don't expect much for him
They help each other in Kerala also ,mainly in corruption,political murders and sex scandals involving top level leaders
I don't know why their supporters don't see this and throw them out. I think BJP needs to strengthen the organisation there and more public outreach programs should be put in place. I felt bad when a honest person lost to the murderer in Thiruvanathapuram.
I don't know why their supporters don't see this and throw them out. I think BJP needs to strengthen the organisation there and more public outreach programs should be put in place. I felt bad when a honest person lost to the murderer in Thiruvanathapuram.

State leadership of BJP here is very weak ,And there are only two or three popular leaders ....In Thiruvanathapuram BJP got majority in 4/7 assembly segments ,Christian consolidation helped tharror ,He got majority in christian dominated coastal area ,There was a sting video in which tharror begging pastors to help him (Pastor plea ‘sting’ on Tharoor


State leadership of BJP here is very weak ,And there are only two or three popular leaders ....In Thiruvanathapuram BJP got majority in 4/7 assembly segments ,Christian consolidation helped tharror ,He got majority in christian dominated coastal area ,There was a sting video in which tharror begging pastors to help him (Pastor plea ‘sting’ on Tharoor

BJP got almost 10% of the vote share, thats like increase of 8% from last time
@jbond197 here is that video ,I posted it on Kerala corner on April 8th ( defence.pk/threads/kerala-corner.99978/page-236#post-5501757)

and this is votes on assembly segments




BJP got almost 10% of the vote share, thats like increase of 8% from last time

it's 4% BJP's vote was around 6% last time ,now 10% ..
@arp2041 @Star Wars @Sidak @KS @wolfschanzze @Android @NKVD @chak de INDIA @Jason bourne @HariPrasad @GreenFoe @jha @AugenBlick @Dem!god @JanjaWeed @jbond197 @Soumitra @Indischer
@SarthakGanguly @Butchcassidy @indiatester @halupridol @he-man @jiki @Proud Hindu @kbd-raaf @Dillinger @Ravi Nair @jha @MST @Indischer @ExtraOdinary and anyone else.

Now that the compulsory drama of Sonia-Rahul offering resignation and CWC rejecting it after a tearjerker is over, i have a pertinent question as to Would Congress survive till 2019?

This does not originate from some form of wishful thinking but out of alignment in various states.

Congress is in power in Himachal, Uttarakhand, Jharkhand, Haryana, Assam, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala. Out of these Congress is a sure goner in Maharashtra where election would take place in few months and in Uttarakhand they are running an unpopular minority government with help of BSP and independents where it could and would fall in couple of months. Jharkhand government is so incompetent and unpopular that BJP is not even looking forward to topple it as it's stay in power adds to prospects of BJP.

Now if we go by Lok sabha results, Himachal where BJP has done clean sweep would most probably vote BJP government and in Haryana also, NDA this time has got it's alliance correct and anyway Hooda is most likely to fall due to cyclic nature of polls in Haryana. Assam and Karnataka has shown signs of resurgence of BJP.

Congress would most probably win Punjab unless AAP performs extremely well in Punjab assembly election or cuts enough vote that SAD-BJP combine wins.

So in best case scenario Congress in 2019 would have Haryana, Assam, Karnataka, Punjab, Kerala and Karnatka and in worst case scenario Nothing!!

While BJP may have been out of power for 10 years but it was in power in enough number of states to remain relevant and able to extort political rent Oops " Donations " for running the party and i have read somewhere that a both Congress and BJP needs to be in power in at lest 5 medium to large size states in order to extort enough money to run it's day to day activity at national level.

So the question arise as to can Congress have resources to be a Pan-Indian party if it is in power in zero states ( optimally it would be in power in 3 , Punjab, Assam and Kerala ) ?

Congress as a brand could not die. What i am talking about is death of 1969 Congress ( Indira ) as we know it . After all if Dynasty fails to provide livelihood to Dynasty sychophants, some Congressi ( Scindhia, Gogoi, Pilot ) could kick out Maino family back to Italy.

It all depends on how congress realigns itself now. Congress is not filled with idiots. Unfortunately Idiots are calling the shots. If congress is able to realign itself with able leaders with appropriate powers in various states, Congress can have a chance in later days. Due to the dynastic rule, Congress has steadily eroded emergence of powerful leaders in states and at the center. If this does not change, then Congress is gone for sure. However if they realize their mistake they will have a chance.
Apart from this, the must also correct themselves ideologically. They must pull back from excessive populism and minority appeasement. They should work towards nation building (become RSS :o:). They must study where we are lacking and must have plans in place for all the critical areas(agriculture, education, health, defence, infrastructure, environment etc).
I don't want Congress to die or wither away. I want it to become a party with as good a hope as BJP presents now. It will keep BJP on its best performance and holds hope for India in the future.
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