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I sincerely thank Kapil "Zero loss" Sibal, "Theekay" PM MMS, "Don't know WTF I am talking about" Pappu, Mani Shankar "chaiwala" Aiyar & "Dilfek" Digvijay Singh for there contribution to Mission-272.

Without them this mission would not have been achieved this mission.
No Words

I guess you don't understand Hindi or are unfamiliar with Hindi Slang

the 2 captions in the pic say "Modi ka haath" and "Jagganath"

I will not be able to explain the slang here. Sorry :D;):D

AAAh..now i understand , i actually saw it but did not pay attention

I know hindi.. lol
I don't agree. It's not about self respect, MMS was trying to do the best he could with what he had. He has only tried to serve his country in the best way he can and he clearly thought the best thing to do was to remain as PM rather than throw the country into political turmoil which he knows very well would have destroyed confidence in the Indian economy for many months just when he was trying to enact policy to stem the rot.

Sonia Gandhi is just showing her true colours. She can't show respect to the PM of India for the last 10 years, who will she show respect to?

I just hope she does retire from politics and leave India all together. The Gandhi dynasty is over.

MMS put Sonia Gandhi ahead of nation.

He was PM of India ...but his loyalty remaind to Soniya Gandhi and not to the nation .

He is culpable of presiding over the most corrupt government . and he tried to get acquittal from public trial on account of his personal honesty which off course whole nation has rejected emphatically.
This is as much rejection of MMS as much it is of Rahul Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi or anybody else related to UPA government .

He is a coward to witness looting of India by likes of Raja mutely with his open eyes and yet he did nothing .

Don't you dare to defend MMS who shielded Raja for full 1 year till the point it all came out in open and was no longer possible .

on top of that he says in coalition government one has to do compromises like that .

@Abingdonboy it will be better if you don't defend MMS blindly ....

He sacrificed interests of nation on altar of his personal loyalty .
Awesome news man, if true!! But the twitter handle of Nitin Gadkari you are following looks like fake to me so will wait for this news to come from some authentic sources!!

Bhai I have seen her in an interview an someone asked that will she became CM of delhi if bjp offer she said I have to think about that ... but from the look of her its clesrly written YES ....
Bhai I have seen her in an interview an someone asked that will she became CM of delhi if bjp offer she said I have to think about that ... but from the look of her its clesrly written YES ....
Dude, I will be more than happy if she opts to fight for Delhi CM's post! I have said this before and saying it again if Kiran Bedi is declared BJP's CM candidate there is no way anyone can stop her!! She is extremely popular and respected in Delhi. Still I would wait for official confirmation to come rather than relying on some unauthenticated tweets!!

They made it a news based on a tweet by fake Gadkari account. TOI can do anything to sell their paper.
B@stards. I've heard about some of the corrupt practices these f&ckers get up to in Punjab.

Modern day India is no place for dynasties. Throw these fools out on their a$$.

trailer toh deekha deeya bhai sahib ...................baki picture hum 2017 ko release karenge ...............xD

@Prometheus - Good luck mate. You are really going to need it.

for what ..............AAP rocked in punjab ....
A day after the counting, sports folks ponder over the mandate for a change and not about mandatory overs!
Mohd Azharuddin: “My opponent chose to bat first after winning the toss. You know… you know… I was bad in chasing anyway. My opponent was lucky with the toss. If my grandfather was alive today, he would have advised me and people of India to ……”
Mohd Kaif: “Sadly, good fielders are in a minority. Even I’m from the minority community. But don’t forget that Rahul Gandhiji remains our deity!”
Dilip Tirkey: “It’s foul… foul… foul! Voters’ hands were shaking while casting votes (like my hands used to during a tight hockey match). Hence they pressed the wrong button. In hockey, we should go back to natural turf from ‘***’tro turf and Indian players should umpire their own hockey matches. And in elections, we should go back to the ballot paper from EVM machines.”
Baichung Bhutia: “I thought I was taking a free-kick. Instead, voters kicked me. Praful Bhai should show red cards to all of them.
Rajyavardhan Rathore: “I was telling Rajeji to give me two seats to contest like Modiji. After all, I’m an Olympic silver medalist in the double trap. You never know, I may have won the Amritsar seat!”
Kirti Azad: “Considering that Farooq Abdullah paid the price for giving an impression that he knows everything and he is God and that he has answers and solutions to all problems, I should not talk much.”
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