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Worst ever show leaves Congress at the mercy of Speaker to get opposition leader status - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: The worst ever performance by the Congress in the Lok Sabha election has reduced it to such a level that the party may even lose the status of opposition in Lok Sabha.

Though it still has the highest numerical strength among all opposition parties, its tally does not constitute the one-tenth strength (54) of the Lok Sabha — making it ineligible for being considered as the party whose member can be a leader of the opposition.

This situation will, on the other hand, give a free run to the government where it mandatorily requires the opinion of the opposition leader while making key appointments in the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), Lokpal and CBI.

Eminent constitutional expert and former secretary-general of the Lok Sabha Subhash C Kashyap told TOI that no party would qualify to be as opposition leader as none of them had won the minimum 10% (54) of the Lok Sabha seats.

"There will be different opposition parties in the new Lok Sabha. Each party will have their own leader. But none of them would be recognized as opposition leader who qualifies to get perks, salaries and allowances that are the same as a Cabinet minister under the existing rule," Kashyap said.

Asked about different panels which require to be represented by leader of opposition of the Lok Sabha, Kashyap said the government will have to first change the rules by making required amendments for the provisions of such search panels.

"If the government wishes it can keep that position in the panel vacant and go ahead with the appointments by changing the rules," he said — an indication that the government would have a free run in such appointments if it wishes to keep the position vacant.

Though the leader of the largest opposition party, irrespective of the number, can get such status for representing those search panels, it will entirely depend on the speaker of the House under a rule for recognizing a parliamentary group which allows him or her to recognize "an association of members to form a parliamentary group" if it will have a minimum strength of 30 members.

Accordingly, P Upendra of the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) was the leader of opposition during 1984-89. The TDP had then only bagged 30 seats 3 less than the 10% of the total strength — but it was the largest political party in the opposition.

The lower house of the Parliament did not have a leader of the opposition during 1952-1977. After the loss of Congress in 1977 elections post-emergency, the Lok Sabha had got its first leader of the opposition that year under the Salary and Allowances of Leaders of Opposition in Parliament Act, 1977.

As per the Act, "Leader of the Opposition", in either Rajya Sabha or Lok Sabha, may be, a person who is, for the time being, the leader in that house of the party in opposition having the greatest numerical strength and recognized as such by the chairman of the upper house or the Speaker of the lower house, as the case may be.

Where there are two or more parties in opposition having the same numerical strength, the chairman or the Speaker, as the case may be, will have to recognize any one of the leaders of such parties as the "Leader of the Opposition" and such recognition will be final and conclusive.
I don't know. Whilst this is just what the Congress deserve, having a vocal and strong opposition is vital in a healthy democratic setup to ensure checks and balances.
Guys 2 quick questions

1) Has SPG cover officially been given to Modi an his family now?

2) What world leaders have so far officially congratulated Modi?

1) SPG cover will be extended to Modi's wife and mother soon.

2) Leaders of UK, France , Israel, Pakistan, Australia, Sri Lanka have officialy congratulated Modi .

I don't know. Whilst this is just what the Congress deserve, having a vocal and strong opposition is vital in a healthy democratic setup to ensure checks and balances.

Third front comprising of AIADMK, TMC will make very good VOCAL opposition ...
Guys 2 quick questions

1) Has SPG cover officially been given to Modi an his family now?

2) What world leaders have so far officially congratulated Modi?
SPG has completed ground work on Modi ,his wife & mother and right now they're providing shadow protection.Btw Modi is already getting z++ security and he's someone who takes his security drill seriously.
As soon as they'll get the letter from EC SPG'll take over Modi's protection.
1) SPG cover will be extended to Modi's wife and mother soon.

Should be done immediately. But then these guys are professionals I'm sure they know what they are doing.

2) Leaders of UK, France , Israel, Pakistan, Australia, Sri Lanka have officialy congratulated Modi .

Hmmm, when will Obama be making that call I wonder?

Any idea when MMS will be going to the President and Modi will be sworn in?
My cola addict bro I am also a fan of that nectar:ashamed: just that I dont drink 2Ls of it everyday. :-)

You are an embarrassment to 'the nectar' loving people all over the world ! :disagree:

5years later when you will 've your house full with7 of your kids they would also be future calculators like you.
Btw you do maths in a slightly diff way than me ...thats it.Otherwise you use as much mathematics as me in your daily life.

7 kids and 5 years later ! :o:

Mohtarma, mein insaan hooon koiii bacheii bananeiii key factory nahin kholiii hoiii....you're the only Queen Aunt here who wants to have 200 kids to set some kind of Guinness World Record ! :sarcastic:

And 5 years would be far too soon - Nothing before 35 for me ! :)

And no I don't do maths like you guys do ! :p:

I use ideas to make money or tell others to manager theirs ! :bunny:
SPG has completed ground work on Modi ,his wife & mother and right now they're providing shadow protection.Btw Modi is already getting z++ security and he's someone who takes his security drill seriously.
As soon as they'll get the letter from EC SPG'll take over Modi's protection.
Thanks for the info bro :enjoy:

Makes sense.

When will that letter from the EC come?
International media hails BJP's stunning victory - Rediff.com India News

The international media on hailed Narendra Modi as a "no-nonsense, can-do leader" after Bharatiya Janata Party secured a stunning win in the Lok Sabha polls, but cautioned that many challenges are in store for the "steely style" politician.

"With his conservative ideology and steely style of leadership, Mr Modi, who came from a humble background and rose through the ranks of a Hindu nationalist group, will prove a stark departure from his predecessors in that office," the New York Times said commenting on BJP's victory.
"His (Modi's) image as a stern, disciplined leader has attracted vast throngs of voters, who hope he will crack down on corruption, jump-start India's flagging economy and create manufacturing jobs," it said.
The Times said Modi's victory also worries many as he is "blamed by India's Muslims for failing to stop riots" in Gujarat in 2002.
In its report, 'Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi heads to victory in Indian election', The Washington Post said: "After a gruelling campaign, economic reformer and Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi is set to become India's next prime minister."
"Modi, 63, had campaigned on a message of hope and revitalisation at a time when the country was dispirited by a stalled economy and a sense that its once-bright promise had dimmed," it said.
The Post struck a note of caution saying business-friendly Modi "faces steep challenges" with recent dip in growth rate and job creation and skyrocketing inflation.
The Los Angeles Times described BJP's win as a "rare electoral landslide..., and it reflected a nationwide wave of support for charismatic, controversial leader, Narendra Modi, who would become India's next prime minister".
The general tone across a broad spectrum of the British media seems to be one of caution over the BJP's right-wing roots.
"India's main opposition BJP has risen like a phoenix from the depths of despair," BBC said, adding, "BJP is expected to steer India sharply to the right after a decade of rule by Congress."
"The new prime minister will be Narendra Modi, chief minister of the western state of Gujarat, who is seen as a no-nonsense, can-do leader who stands for development and muscular nationalism," it said.
The Telegraph newspaper said: "Narendra Modi, the controversial Hindu nationalist leader, has promised 'good days are coming' in his first reaction to a historic victory by his Bharatiya Janata Party in national elections."
But Modi was the subject of much scrutiny in other newspapers in the UK.
The Guardian newspaper carries an article with a headline, 'Narendra Modi: the controversial embodiment of a changing India'.
"Simple beginnings, ascetic ways and unapologetic Hindu nationalism help sweep BJP's leading candidate to victory," it said.
The Times said: "Modi, a Hindu nationalist who has pledged to reboot India's economy, create millions of jobs and stamp out corruption, the chance of a clear mandate to pass a string of reforms designed to open up India's economy to foreign investment."
The right-leaning Daily Mail wrapped up with: "Tea boy sweeps to power as India's new prime minister to end decades of rule by Gandhi dynasty in world's biggest-ever election."
The CNN, under the headline 'Who is Narendra Modi? Meet India's pro-business, Hindu nationalist PM-in-waiting' wondered, "What will Narendra Modi's India look like?"
"The country's prime minister-in-waiting -- a staunch Hindu nationalist and the chief minister of the western state of Gujarat since 2001 -- is a deeply polarising figure and an unproven commodity on the international stage," it said.
"Analysts predict his arrival in the country's top office will bring a marked change in direction for the world's most populous democracy, a nation whose modern character has been defined by the inclusive, secular and liberal approach of the Congress Party, which has governed for most of the post-independence era," the CNN said.
Should be done immediately. But then these guys are professionals I'm sure they know what they are doing.

SPG has done their homework.
They have requested Modi's wife to move to suitable residence in safe location to ensure security .

Modi himself was accorded SPG cover today at 11.30 am ( by the time it became amply clear that he will be PM )

Hmmm, when will Obama be making that call I wonder?

His Security council has already made that call.

Obama may wait to make personal call till Modi is officially selected to be Pm or till he is sworn in ...
But as Indo-guy said, 4 seats on national level for a new party that isn't even represented all over India, is that really so bad?
Also do you think that Arvind Kejriwal is still a benefit for the AAP or a burden? I mean quitting Delhi was his decision and a crucial mistake. And now hew was even so convinced of himself to compete against Modi directly, which not even the Congress top leaders (smartly) did, because it was a predictable loss.
To me it seems more like that personal interests are more important for him, than that the party itself looks good, or do I get the wrong impression here?

Terrific record by AAP! Lost deposits in 421 out of 443 contested! 

Hehehe bhai they contested from more seat then BJP
Terrific record by AAP! Lost deposits in 421 out of 443 contested! 

Hehehe bhai they contested from more seat then BJP

They were misled by what happened in Delhi .

they were under impression that India is Delhi ...

Unfortunately as they tried to swallow more than they could ..and it actually chocked them .

They could have won at least few seats in Delhi ...

They frittered away what was given to them on platter by Congress - that is a chance to rule and govern.

They got what they deserved
No idea about that.But SPG has been sanitising every premise that MODI has been to since morning. As I said its just shadow protection as of now.
Good to know! Where did you here all this bro?

Whilst I'm sure the NSG who are likely still protecting him can do a fine job I was just wondering when he'll be given the full PM SPG protection which is simply a step above.
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