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Why wouldn't I?

Thank you to both of you! After your replies I've done some googling and so I pretty much have got to grips with it. An SPG team flew out to Modi this morning as it became clear BJP were gong to win, this is a small team and he hasn't been given the full PM security yet, that will come once he is sworn in. The team flew in with 1 bullet proof vehicle (Safari maybe, maybe a 7 Series I don't know) and 1 vehicle based jammer. A small SPG team is providing him background security but isn't officially in charge of his protection yet. That will come in a few days.

Any ideas when he'll fly to New Delhi?

Tomorrow after he visits Varanasi ....

Did i not say FEMI-nazi??? :angry:

so I am correct and @Abingdonboy is wrong ...right ?
Why wouldn't I?

Thank you to both of you! After your replies I've done some googling and so I pretty much have got to grips with it.
NSG was doing a good job too.
So SPG no SPG MODI was being protected by the one of best ppl in this job.

Abingdonboy said:
Any ideas when he'll fly to New Delhi?
Ohh noo they're sooo not giving out his schedule.
The swearing in should be on 21st of may so I think by tomorrow he should be in Delhi and unlike his speech in Baroda today he might address the nation again from Delhi.
Just my prediction thats it.

@levina, you are a female?? :O:O:O

Since when??

(I know since birth :P)

Gender Reassignment Surgeries and therapies have become common now a days ...Lol


Any thoughts on Constitutional amendments with narrowly missing 2/3 mark and lack of majority in Rajya Sabha?
@levina @Indo-guy

Just read a article that said Modi will be the most at risk PM in the SPG's history according to IB, RAW and SPG's own internal threat assessments and they are looking to DOUBLE the security around him as compared to, say, MMS. I always thought MMS had a lot of security around him so what Modi should will be pretty impressive.

+ @levina no offence was intended on my part, apologies madam.
@levina @Indo-guy

Just read a article that said Modi will be the most at risk PM in the SPG's history according to IB, RAW and SPG's own internal threat assessments and they are looking to DOUBLE the security around him as compared to, say, MMS. I always thought MMS had a lot of security around him so what Modi should will be pretty impressive.

+ @levina no offence was intended on my part, apologies madam.

Indeed . The level of threat to Modi is definitely higher.
His value as a target has gone several notches up after having won decisive victory and his being new PM of India .

The gains from possible assassinations of Modi will be tremendous to any terrorist organization ...

so no doubt threat perception and hence requisite enhancements in security protocols will certainly go up....
Indeed . The level of threat to Modi is definitely higher.
His value as a target has gone several notches up after having won decisive victory and his being new PM of India .

The gains from possible assassinations of Modi will be tremendous to any terrorist organization ...

so no doubt threat perception and hence requisite enhancements in security protocols will certainly go up....
To be honest under SPG protection I haven't really got any fears for his security. As long as Modi listens to them and lets them do their job that is.
@levina @Indo-guy

Just read a article that said Modi will be the most at risk PM in the SPG's history according to IB, RAW and SPG's own internal threat assessments and they are looking to DOUBLE the security around him as compared to, say, MMS. I always thought MMS had a lot of security around him so what Modi should will be pretty impressive.
Dont take those words literally.
"Around him" doesnt mean surrounding him, any thing from sanitizing to its coverage area could also be a part of "doubling" his security.
I hope MODI survives these 5 yrs in power safely, more than terrorist groups he faces threat from secret agencies which work for other nations that include US too :P
US so well needs a pet government in India to carry forward its power tussle with Russia and China.
Did i speak too much?? Or hypothise too much??

Abingdonboy said:
+ @levina no offence was intended on my part, apologies madam.
I hardly take those jokes seriously unless it is used as a taunt on me.
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