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But as Indo-guy said, 4 seats on national level for a new party that isn't even represented all over India, is that really so bad?
Also do you think that Arvind Kejriwal is still a benefit for the AAP or a burden? I mean quitting Delhi was his decision and a crucial mistake. And now hew was even so convinced of himself to compete against Modi directly, which not even the Congress top leaders (smartly) did, because it was a predictable loss.
To me it seems more like that personal interests are more important for him, than that the party itself looks good, or do I get the wrong impression here?

Lot of hate that AAP gets is because of AK. His attitude of " I and only i am final arbiter of Honesty and everyone else is dishonest " elicits serious anti-AAP reaction among lot of people, people who instinctively hate hypocrite douchebags.
Telll me about it.
My dad is an engineer and so am I.
My dad in law is an engineer and so is my hubby....
That statement is soooo wrong.

Damn so everyone is either a Mechanic, an Electrician or a Construction Worker ! :unsure:

I hope your Mom and your Mother-in-Law are into Hummanities otherwise your kids would know all about complex Calculus because their Mom would be like 'Betaaa Integration aisee karteiii hain' but they'd be clueless when it comes to Rembrandts or Monets of the world ! :(
But as Indo-guy said, 4 seats on national level for a new party that isn't even represented all over India, is that really so bad?
Also do you think that Arvind Kejriwal is still a benefit for the AAP or a burden? I mean quitting Delhi was his decision and a crucial mistake. And now hew was even so convinced of himself to compete against Modi directly, which not even the Congress top leaders (smartly) did, because it was a predictable loss.
To me it seems more like that personal interests are more important for him, than that the party itself looks good, or do I get the wrong impression here?

You are not understanding mate. AAP is not a party that people of India can look upto, they aren't serious about governance, they don't have any cadre, they aren't seen as viable alternative otherwise why do you think they lost deposits in nearly all seats they fought? Even there stronghold Delhi they din't win even single seat.

In Punjab story was different - anger against both Congress & BJP/SAD & there were really good AAP candidates in Punjab, so the amount of contribution of AAP brand to there win was very very less.
Worst ever show leaves Congress at the mercy of Speaker to get opposition leader status - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: The worst ever performance by the Congress in the Lok Sabha election has reduced it to such a level that the party may even lose the status of opposition in Lok Sabha.

Though it still has the highest numerical strength among all opposition parties, its tally does not constitute the one-tenth strength (54) of the Lok Sabha — making it ineligible for being considered as the party whose member can be a leader of the opposition.

This situation will, on the other hand, give a free run to the government where it mandatorily requires the opinion of the opposition leader while making key appointments in the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), Lokpal and CBI.

Eminent constitutional expert and former secretary-general of the Lok Sabha Subhash C Kashyap told TOI that no party would qualify to be as opposition leader as none of them had won the minimum 10% (54) of the Lok Sabha seats.

"There will be different opposition parties in the new Lok Sabha. Each party will have their own leader. But none of them would be recognized as opposition leader who qualifies to get perks, salaries and allowances that are the same as a Cabinet minister under the existing rule," Kashyap said.

Asked about different panels which require to be represented by leader of opposition of the Lok Sabha, Kashyap said the government will have to first change the rules by making required amendments for the provisions of such search panels.

"If the government wishes it can keep that position in the panel vacant and go ahead with the appointments by changing the rules," he said — an indication that the government would have a free run in such appointments if it wishes to keep the position vacant.

Though the leader of the largest opposition party, irrespective of the number, can get such status for representing those search panels, it will entirely depend on the speaker of the House under a rule for recognizing a parliamentary group which allows him or her to recognize "an association of members to form a parliamentary group" if it will have a minimum strength of 30 members.

Accordingly, P Upendra of the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) was the leader of opposition during 1984-89. The TDP had then only bagged 30 seats 3 less than the 10% of the total strength — but it was the largest political party in the opposition.

The lower house of the Parliament did not have a leader of the opposition during 1952-1977. After the loss of Congress in 1977 elections post-emergency, the Lok Sabha had got its first leader of the opposition that year under the Salary and Allowances of Leaders of Opposition in Parliament Act, 1977.

As per the Act, "Leader of the Opposition", in either Rajya Sabha or Lok Sabha, may be, a person who is, for the time being, the leader in that house of the party in opposition having the greatest numerical strength and recognized as such by the chairman of the upper house or the Speaker of the lower house, as the case may be.

Where there are two or more parties in opposition having the same numerical strength, the chairman or the Speaker, as the case may be, will have to recognize any one of the leaders of such parties as the "Leader of the Opposition" and such recognition will be final and conclusive.
Damn so everyone is either a Mechanic, an Electrician or a Construction Worker ! :unsure:

I hope your Mom and your Mother-in-Law are into Hummanities otherwise your kids would know all about complex Calculus because their Mom would be like 'Betaaa Integration aisee karteiii hain' but they'd be clueless when it comes to Rembrandts or Monets of the world ! :(

You COLA addict!!
You're still alive??? :coffee:
Btw both the mommies actually chose humanities. Lolzzz
And I would teach my next gen double and triple integration with some MODIfication. :P
And that should NOT bother you. :P
I am not thanking you. Where is my state?.....
your state is packed off to Bangladesh.
But whoever made that map was a lil sleepy and you cant blame him, election times you see.
No..i am supposed to jump into the sea .... :lol:
A menon aren't you??? :blink:
You COLA addict!!
You're still alive??? :coffee:
Btw both the mommies actually chose humanities. Lolzzz
And I would teach my next gen double and triple integration with some MODIfication. :P
And that should NOT bother you. :P

Leave us, drinkers of that heavenly nectar - Cola, alone ! :mad:

It does bother me....it bothers me alot; how can my nieces and nephews be a bunch of human calculators without any idea of the finer points of life - art, literature, music and philosophy ! :(
Guys 2 quick questions

1) Has SPG cover officially been given to Modi an his family now?

2) What world leaders have so far officially congratulated Modi?
Leave us, drinkers of that heavenly nectar - Cola, alone ! :mad:
My cola addict bro I am also a fan of that nectar:ashamed: just that I dont drink 2Ls of it everyday. :-)

Armstrong said:
It does bother me....it bothers me alot; how can my nieces and nephews be a bunch of human calculators without any idea of the finer points of life - art, literature, music and philosophy ! :(
5years later when you will 've your house full with7 of your kids they would also be future calculators like you.
Btw you do maths in a slightly diff way than me ...thats it.Otherwise you use as much mathematics as me in your daily life.

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