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Bro, My Indian Brother, Why don't you like Shri Narendra Modiji?? I simply don't understand. Modiji is the GIFT of God to India. Modiji is the best thing ever happened to India after 1971 win. Modiji is a Shining Star. Modiji will be the best RULER India has ever Produced after Chandragupta Maurya. Modiji is GREAT!!!
How much did you get for this post :D
Looks like Rahul Gandhi is pressing the button for him. Didn't know he was a volunteer and the guy next to him 90 years old.

So holding a white lotus outside 100 meters leads to multiple FIRs but influencing the voters in the polling both right till the polling station kosher. Not even a murmur in the media. This is the kind of unfairness that has made so many like me hate Congis and the MSM.
Oh c'mon. The criminal intent in Modi was clearly visible when he held the lotus in his hand.
Also don't twist the facts. He was only 0.15kms away from the polling station where as the law says he must not be within 100mtrs.
Rahul baba was not breaking any laws. He was making new ones. So learn to follow him.
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