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Indian police's 'Muslim' terror drill

What tactical advantage police get from showing alleged terrorists with cap event though most of these folks wont wear them.

The cops in training confirmed their speculations that 99.9% terrorist operating in india are muslims yes muslim!! bcoz its the truth. Terrorism has no religion but terrorists in india does have!!!!!
That may going to be a tactical advantage for them in future, who knows??/

The cops in training confirmed their speculations that 99.9% terrorist operating in india are muslims yes muslim!! bcoz its the truth. Terrorism has no religion but terrorists in india does have!!!!!
That may going to be a tactical advantage for them in future, who knows??/

Put a "T" between the S and the U of your user name.... dose match the content of your post.
Well, you cannot call the cops totally unfair, from Palestine to kashmir to uyughars,to chechens to afghan to boko haram to isis to gazillion terrorist organizations like maskhare taiba guess what is there main aim?
What tactical advantage police get from showing alleged terrorists with cap event though most of these folks wont wear them.
None. This might be to do with profiling. I don't know the reasons. Only that given the proven track record of Gujarat police, I have more reason to support it than not.
Why be apologetic?

SIMI - Islamist

JuD - Islamist

LeT - Islamist

ISIS - Islamist

Al Qaeda - Islamist

Taliban - Islamist

UJC - Islamist

Hurriyet - Islamist

JKLF - Islamist

IM - Islamist

HuJi - Islamist

So what is wrong in what the police did?

It is true. They are the enemies of India and her culture.
Those offended can get lost from India.

If at all offended, refute anything from the above and prove me wrong.
If you chat with any Indian Muslims and ask about their issues there. You wont get proper replies. They are that much frightened now cant talk about their problems openly.

You can talk to @mujahidind , he will discuss with you openly. Or you can discuss with a few of my Muslim friends, but they won't talk openly, since they are too afraid of me and other Hindus. :)

Its unfortunate but reality on the ground is different and its peaceful .
BJP should use the mandate to improve its image rather then make it worst ,thank god india is democracy 5 year will pass very fast and if they don't learn fast they won't be able to win in such a big margin.

@bongbang here is one too afraid to speak the truth. :)
Why be apologetic?

SIMI - Islamist

JuD - Islamist

LeT - Islamist

ISIS - Islamist

Al Qaeda - Islamist

Taliban - Islamist

UJC - Islamist

Hurriyet - Islamist

JKLF - Islamist

IM - Islamist

HuJi - Islamist

So what is wrong in what the police did?

It is true. They are the enemies of India and her culture.
Those offended can get lost from India.

If at all offended, refute anything from the above and prove me wrong.
Like to add further
Boko haram
D company
I agree to it as the popular definition goes re all international terrorist organisations. (exlcuding governments blackops & assassination squads etc)

I will further narrow it down though

not all Wahabis are terrorists but all terrorists are Wahabis

e.g. TTP, AL Qaeda, FSA, Al Nisra, Taliban, LeJ, LeT, ISIS, Boko Haram and Al Mohajiroon etc are all Wahabis (neither Sunnis nor Shia).

I agree with the Boldest part of your post,Sir.

But I have a doubt regarding the Salfi ideology, don't Salafis also indulge in Terror? or are they considered as a sub-ideology of the Wahabi ideology. ??
The cops in training confirmed their speculations that 99.9% terrorist operating in india are muslims yes muslim!! bcoz its the truth. Terrorism has no religion but terrorists in india does have!!!!!
That may going to be a tactical advantage for them in future, who knows??/

Who have recently killed 81 Indians in North East ?

I think the timing of this mock drill was even towards PK movie.
Yes i fully agree ....the muslims are safer in India that is why the police training uses Muslims as potential guinea pigs in mock exercises, so when the time comes, they can easily shoot and kill them (read Gujarat riots)

Yes, Muslims are safer in India and police is training to keep them and all other Indians safe from a few religious nutjobs.
Please ask nation who suffered Islamic terrorism you will see similarly approach in US as well after 9/11.if you have friends in US .I have been to US my self and Know situation there.I know we shouldn't relate any religion with terrorism but you can't control social mindset or perceptions.

I will tell you one personal incidence, it happened in 2008, I was returning Chicago airport waiting for my flight , one elderly women was searching fanatically for their family member, seems to lost out of group. Seeing me she asked "Hindi", I sadi"thoda malum hai", she enquired . Islamabad filght kaha hai", I gave directions with my broken Hindi. After that, two person who were siting beside just got up with a jerk and sat little far way from me.... Perceptions and opinions are formed based on our own experience.. so we cant help when people steriotyping Islam... Though it is not acceptable for a Govt to do like that... hope Guj govt takes corrective action to avoid these type of mistakes.

If you've notice on online forums, social networking sites, newspaper comments and even Indian talk shows - they(Indians) make a point that Muslims should leave India to settle in Pakistan as Pakistan is meant to be homeland of Muslims.
I dont want any one move to Pakistan, but tell me why Pakistan was created???? And i think you will always welcome all the Muslims to your country... is it not so????..... but you left Pakistan for good... that is secondary point.... we will not discuss it :)
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