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Indian police's 'Muslim' terror drill

Strongly condemn India harrass their own Indian Muslim populations. Very sad. :(
Well you are no USA. Despite your delusions about supa puwa. :)

He is just bull$h1tting. I've traveled a lot, my cousins have traveled, my friends(Pakistanis, Whites, Blacks, Spanish)...and it is same security measures for everyone.

Ask any random (race) person in US and they'll start talking about their ill treatment by TSA.
That is absolutely bull$h1t. In the United States those checks are for every human that passes through.
Now you are being intentionally deceitful. The "random search" is known to be racially biased and has even become a cultural phenomenon:


(a Sikh because Americans are too ignorant to know the difference)

Airport racial profiling in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Good to see you that defaming and vilifying particular communities is a norm in your country. :lol:
It's not about vilifying or defaming anyone but being realistic, surely you can see that?
That is absolutely bull$h1t. In the United States those checks are for every human that passes through.
Please I have been to US my self so don't fool me you guys know how people of the certain community are treated by police or security agencies after 9/11 it a social mindset you and me can't do nothing about this.
From what I've seen in the UK the mock drills use guys who are brown and obviously representative of a certain community but they don't explicitly wear Islamic attire.
honestly I see no problem with that
I am so happy that Indian police didnt put up the white hall political correctness BS and put up a sikh Yatri a frail Pundit and a Catholic priest in the drill.
there is a chance that the soldiers that took part in the drill might have had one or two Muslims too,

I fully support Indian police drill on this. I would have gone one step further and ensured that the mock terrorists/ suspects had ankle high shalwars.
(that said, be very careful and wary of a clean shaven Muslim in western attire, these MoFos are the ones who upload jihadi videos and praise the massacres on twiter and FB).
Gujarat is not Pakistan province its India's ... It has nothing to do with Pakistan n its mullahs.....
On topic
Pretty idiotic...

Don't act as a dumb @$$ - the location in the article is Gujarat's Ahmedabad, a province from where moodi came and a province where massacre of Muslims took place in 2002.

Geez, it's an accepted fact, don't plead ignorance.

It is accepted by dumbs. Hope you are not.

As I said ask any random person with any racial background in US about their experience and they'll start cursing TSA.
What if the guy was a Muslim cop and he was just wearing the skull cap because it was after his Friday prayers? Ever considered that?
If there were any Muslim in India having any loyalty to the state, he will now cross the divide. The fence watchers will stop watching the fence and also cross over to the camp of the resistance.
This reminded me of this quote from Longest Yard. Let me paraphrase it.

The blood of Indians is gonna flow like the rivers of ancient Babylon
Please I have been to US my self so don't fool me you guys know how people of the certain community are treated by police or security agencies after 9/11 it a social mindset you and me can't do nothing about this.

I don't fool anyone, it is actually God gifted.

There is NO special security measures for any community. In US it is same for every person.
Are you joking? This is a blatant lie and totally unacceptable.

@waz please close this thread, it is not going to go anywhere constructive.

Secular, Democratic Republic India.

When it goes against the fake beliefs, close the thread.

honestly I see no problem with that
I am so happy that Indian police didnt put up the white hall political correctness BS and put up a sikh Yatri a frail Pundit and a Catholic priest in the drill.
there is a chance that the soldiers that took part in the drill might have had one or two Muslims too,

I fully support Indian police drill on this. I would have gone one step further and ensured that the mock terrorists/ suspects had ankle high shalwars.

Thank you sir, you can always be counted on for a sane and fair analysis.

(that said, be very careful and wary of a clean shaven Muslim in western attire, these MoFos are the ones who upload jihadi videos and praise the massacres on twiter and FB).
Very true, these are the guys the West (and India) need to be wary of and who have attacked them in the past:








It should be no surprise if police forces around the world are using brown mock terrorists especially those with backpacks.
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