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Indian PM modi's message to Imran Khan

:agree: IK did well to put it public so we can show another hypocrisy card from india if anything happens...

Exactly, good move!

And as much as I hate Pak bashing in every Indian election, I hope Congress and other opposition parties use this to taint Modi's image.

Absolutely, its a deception.

'Baghal may churi munh may ram ram'.

Meanwhile this is what Indian officials are doing outside Pakistani High Commission, even sane Indian journalists are condemning it.

We must not trust this Indian extremist Hindutva regime, who is currently in power.

The fact that IK made that tweet shows that the government is not taking this message seriously. This hurts Modi and makes him look like a hypocrite. We wouldn't have done that if it was felt that the message was genuine.

Meaning - we ain't backing off Kashmir :devil:

Raam raam! Indian soldiers and pilots are dying at the border whilst people inside India are chanting Pakistan Zindabad :lol::lol: this vid needs to become viral :agree:
He had sent a personal message which indicates that it is just for courtesy sake and nothing more. Normally he uses twitter to air his views publicly
yes courtesy...we are aware of the pressure he is under to please West that he isnt the war monger his media shows him to be!

Plus he needs to be careful he doesnt hurt the sentiments of the war mongers who give him vote

Poor guy in a tough place indeed :agree:
BTW he was CM of Gujarat for over 13 years. U.S. had denied him visa at the behest of ruling Congress party in his initial years of CMship. He never applied for U.S. visa henceforth. He visited U.S. only when he was invited as a state guest.
Yes he was CM of Gujrat, but what issues would US have with CM of an Indian state like Gujrat? And you see this as a sign of strength for Modi, by defying US opposition?
Btw you will be surprised when you get to know the number of countries he visited as CM of Gujarat.
Please do tell and how many.
And is that relevant? I can say our CM Punjab Shabaz Sharif visited so and so countries - but why does that matter.
Surely its a trap...

There is a hidden dagger some where out of sight but for now both international community and indian airforce has advised that pictures of more burned up dead pilots may not go down well with voters
You meant complying to modi's dead line for Abhinandan's release or not giving permission to strike back at Indian military's supply depot!

i meant if modi is deceiving by private message
Khan made a good decision to make it public
in this case , if moodi initiates some adventure
he will fail again.

What Khan Did would have been by the consent of Army ? aint it
Supply Depot matter i am not aware of,
But its sad if thats the truth.
Is Khan muppet in disguise?

Kasmey minu idea nai c
Why does he always look like a reincarnated monkey? :meeting:
Prepare for war.

this is what he did last time

he asked Imran to talk peace and address poverty while he was planning 25 26 Feb attack

that scumbag we know as Modi is a snake he will get more Indians and Pakistanis killed for his ego

Good to see them coming back to senses they have realized it india cannot afford to bully Pakistan their military simply lacks the muscles and strength required for it
View attachment 548478
he is planning another raid
Oh he does otherwise he wouldnt send such a msg...He has been pressurized coz just few weeks ago he even refused phone calls! So what changed? :pop:

Imran Khan might be going for a nobel prize and that's the only thing that changed Sir. Modi now is like metoo (without #) :sarcastic:
Modi should be reminded that terror is an issue and we are talking about state terror of India against Pakistan. If he does not remember it, our leaders have duty to remind him.
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