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Indian PM modi's message to Imran Khan

Is this because of oil news that is speculating currently in Pakistan?
Which going to happened if u rem URI 2016 pretending all norm later claiming we were deceiving Pakistan.BTW its over 18 months still we trying to find where did they attack in 2016 seems like they reached Mars as no foot prints on land we found yet
:agree: IK did well to put it public so we can show another hypocrisy card from india if anything happens...
Could be a trap to settle su score

In reply pakistan will set India even a better trap, something like what the world witnessed recently. Yes in a long war pakistan is at a disadvantage, but nobody knows how it will end.
Diplomatically these words matters as Pakistan has no interest in escalation or conflict. On other hand, guard will remain up. He might be trying something deceptive so that Pakistan side may take it serious and try to be relaxed. Higher ups knows that how to run the show as after all, their last violation & threats are good enough to not to trust him at all. Indian diplomat already boycotted Pakistan Day 2019 so, action matters than buttering words.
With this message i hope india stops funding balochistan Raw agents and in return pakistan can stop whatever the heck has them troubled. I don't think kashmiri freedom movement is pakistan sponsored . its 80 years old movement. Plus modj renewed it by opression on muslims in india especially kashmir in past 5 years.
Just a formality like they exchange sweets at Wagah Border.
Pakistan doesn't need to entertain this character who is nothing but a ''Chamcha'' to other leaders.

Just a formality like they exchange sweets at Wagah Border.
Pakistan doesn't need to entertain this character who is nothing but a ''Chamcha'' to other leaders.


You can catch that photo op laugh especially how Prince expresses like just nothing. PM IK did the right thing for making it public what Modi sent in private message. Giving them the taste of their own medicine.
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