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Indian origin sweep the US National Geographic bee competition

What happen to Chinese high IQ children.....:cheesy:

given level playing field... Indians leave behind chinese in a trail far behind....

look at the other thread its the Indian v/s Israel in Chess... chinese are no match to Indians in IQ or ability..
Niche for men. Women of course do use it.

Though not on a daily basis like Indian men do. :lol:

Did you see the chart of human skin colour distribution I posted? :P

How does that chart show the jaundice color, all I see is black and white. Anyway according to NYT it's billion dollar industry alone in Honkong and it's not us Indians take racist digs based on skin color so often.:lol:
given level playing field... Indians leave behind chinese in a trail far behind....

look at the other thread its the Indian v/s Israel in Chess...

chinese are no match to Indians in IQ or ability..

Is that why India scored the lowest in the world in the OECD Educational tests? :cheesy:

Do you know the average national IQ in India?
It's an extremely niche product, not widespread at all.

In India on the other hand, there are plenty of documentaries on Youtube that show the average Indian man using this cream on a DAILY basis. :lol: And being proud of it too!

Makes sense, considering this chart of indigenous colour distribution:


Though interestingly, African men do not use it on a daily basis, even though they are arguably lighter than the average Indian.

Dude really you think by posting that chart Indians are going to be jealous of Chinese guys of all the people in this world? Please last thing I want to do is look like some Chinese. Even your own women do not want to date you :rofl: , all of them are marrying white men in Western countries like Us, UK, Canada Australia. Have some shame bro.

Why Asian Girls Go For White Guys - YouTube
It's an extremely niche product, not widespread at all.

In India on the other hand, there are plenty of documentaries on Youtube that show the average Indian man using this cream on a DAILY basis. :lol: And being proud of it too!

Makes sense, considering this chart of indigenous colour distribution:


Though interestingly, African men do not use it on a daily basis, even though they are arguably lighter than the average Indian.

Average Indian man does not use any cream.. forget using whitening cream.. :lol:

its u chinese men n women who are dying to use these products on the largest scale in the world., which is amply clear from the links on this thread to anyone..

Niche for men. Women of course do use it.

Though not on a daily basis like Indian men do. :lol:

Did you see the chart of human skin colour distribution I posted? :P

prove Indian men use it on daily basis.... I did not find even one of my friends using any such WHITENING creams in my life so far... u r falsely and shamefully trying to hide your chinese inferiority complex you suffer coz of ur looks....

Indian: some people use creams (normal creams, forget whitening creams!!) on a normal level, which is good

China: Women and men on large scale are dying to enhance their looks using anything available in the market be it toxic, surgery or anything under the sun !!
From NGC bee competition to fairness cream!!! what a transition:rofl:
Conclusion from a study done by CityU
Who’s the Fairest of Them All? Television Ads for Skin-whitening Cosmetics in Hong Kong
To conclude, I sum up the major implications of whiteness discussed in this paper. The Hong Kong focus group considered whiteness not as a discriminatory practice, but as an essential categorizing mechanism alongside other social stratifying agents such as class, gender and age. In this respect, the group’s opinions reinforced the myth of skin whiteness with their almost ‘instinctual’ preference for a pale complexion and its associated social connotations, be it in positive admiration or damning stigmatization.However, it is important to point out that by ‘whiteness’ the participants were referring to a particular kind of whiteness that was specific not only to the construction of the identity of the participants’ ‘self’, but also to the socio-economic milieu or ‘habitus’ of Hong Kong.
The scale of whiteness, which mirrors the way different populations are located hierarchically in the minds of the participants, exemplifies how this implicit structure comes to be reinterpreted into practical guidelines for gauging social capital in everyday life (for instance, to identify the social class of certain individuals). According to this scale, the whiteness of the Chinese was associated with the whiteness of the Caucasians,but more with the whiteness constructed by comparing Hong Kong Chinese to other East Asian populations, who were considered less white, and inferior. Such precision in categorizing whiteness indicates and reflects the deep-seated enculturation and naturalization of skin colour or race in formulation of the ‘self’/‘other’ dichotomy.It reflects the social groundedness of whiteness as a source of social capital on Who’s the Fairest of Them All? 177 the one hand, and the distribution of power in terms of gender and social class on the other.This comes in stark contrast to the UK focus group’s perspective. Here, even with the phenomenon of the tanned complexion—which the participants considered to be the equivalent of whiteness in terms of its desirability—the associations of age, class and gender with dark-skinned people that participants made in their comments were much less structured and coherent than those of their Hong Kong counterparts.
This demonstrates not only the cultural specificity of whiteness in the Hong Kong context, but also the significance of being ‘white’ in the cultural paradigm prevailing in HK. Given this, the meanings of skin-whitening cosmetic products are complex, as they imply not only simple aesthetic preferences, but also ‘racialized’ (Miles, 1989) statements when considered in a wider sociopolitical context. Fusing traditional and modern ideals of beauty, these advertisements are, on the one hand, effectively equating fairness of skin or whiteness with modernization (Johansson, 1998) and, on the other hand, they are racializing the aesthetics of beauty. Whiteness is becoming a complex notion that transcends class and wealth and now extends into the realm of race and ethnic identities.

White skin no longer signifies class and wealth in a domestic context but is now also used to construct identity in a globalized culture. Instead of signifying identity in relation to an internal other, it now constructs a difference with an external other, namely the west. The quest for beauty is made into an international beauty contest where western women, whose pale skins are supposedly admired by Chinese women, in turn are said to admire the tenderness and smoothness of the skin of the ‘Oriental’ woman. (Johansson, 1998, p. 64) While much of literature on the identity of Hong Kong (e.g. Ma and Fung, 1999) has concentrated on the binary relationship between Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese,where the Mainland Chinese were perceived as the significant ‘other’, this paper has explored the same issue of the Hong Kong identity but in terms of race. Through triangulating three different perspectives on the notion of whiteness, we are able to observe that sustaining the Hong Kong identity has depended as much on identifying the racial ‘other’ as realized by skin tones, as it has on identifying the cultural ‘other’ of the Mainland Chinese.

Skin whitening is a Asian thing like skin tanning is a western thing..if some one denies that he should probably visit the nearest pharmacy.
Until the 1980s, cosmetic surgery was banned by China's Communist government, but new figures now show the industry is worth £10bn a year.

Unlike in the West the most popular procedure here is not a facelift or breast enlargement but something known as "double eyelids".
The operation begins with a thin layer of fat being sliced from above the eye and is completed with a crease being stitched into the socket.
The goal is to make the eyes appear less Asian and more European.
Other common procedures aimed at making Asian faces look more Caucasian include nose enlargements, jawbone reshaping or "grinding", and liposuction on the cheeks.

"Foreigners think that the Chinese all have flat faces and small eyes, because that's what our race looks like," explains Dr Shi Sanba, the founder of a high end clinic in Beijing.
"But now that China's getting richer people are no longer satisfied with their appearance. We think Westerners are more beautiful."
Dr Shi has herself had more than 60 operations, and says she liked to experiment with new techniques on her own face before recommending them.
Her clients include the wives of government officials and a host of celebrities.
But China was recently stunned by the news that Wang Bei, a well-known singer, had died on the operating table during an operation to have her jaw reshaped.

I wonder if I blame the Chinese - heck if I were Chinese, I probably would be ashamed of being Chinese too.
meanwhile congrats to the Indians for this acheivement... :)

Chinese can cry a river on this thread.... another thing which proves they are no match to Indians on level palying field.. so you expect them to try their best to divert this thread.... :lol:
As a indian, i am very proud to hear this :)
But i am quite amused Y it pisses off Chinese Dragon, when good news on india or indian origin achievements come?
GUess its the 1000th time he have used high IQ arguement... Its a cliche.. Dunt know when he himself will get bored of it..
It seems that indian-origin American students are way more interested in spelling bees, geography bees types of competition.

Chinese-origin American students are more interested in competitions in Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and etc.
It seems that indian-origin American students are way more interested in spelling bees, geography bees types of competition.

Chinese-origin American students are more interested in competitions in Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and etc.

lol, really you say that on basis of one thread?

indian origin students regularly figure in the bees. they also do very well in "chinese" subjects.

Read On

Indian Americans, along with other Asian Americans, have one of the highest educational levels of all ethnic groups in the U.S. Almost 67% of all Indians have a bachelor's or high degree (compared to 28% nationally and 44% average for all Asian American groups). Almost 40% of all Indians in the United States have a master’s, doctorate or other professional degree, which is five times the national average.

source :

American FactFinder - Results
These Indians have such complicated names.

Just learning how to write their names makes it easier for them to perform at these spelling bees.

And notice they are all South Indian too with their long Tamil names.
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