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Indian Olympics Dream: Rio 2016

How Many Medals Will India win in Rio 2016?

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Read my post here:


IPL and kabbadi are already out of olympics realm. Football and hockey leagues are pretty puny in finance terms compared to the world sporting. Same goes for the badminton league and wrestling league.

Besides leagues only do so much for most of the olympic disciplines which are sports that dont have leagues or attract much free market money and coverage. You need massive state sponsoring and/or high per capita income....none of which India has.

India can maybe make a good boxing league to improve talent and exposure but that requires boxing federations in india to not fall apart every year.

Yeah they maybe smaller compared to European or English Leagues but still there is a considerable amount of money and foreign professional participation there, Compared to many other developing nations, Many other countries that have won medals come from far worse situations

Also i read that after London's unexpected medal haul many Indian conglomerates initiated an Olympic program to increase the medal tally in future games with a lot of money being out in to ? What happened to those initiatives ?



You cant dismiss the fact that Indians have compared poorly to the support it has given

About Cricket and Kabaddi, Those talent can be tuned in to other disciplines especially Kabbadi, Which is a physical body contact sport, Wrestling and even weight lifting.. Many Olympians start off with multi disciplines
How ? Same was predicted four years ago after London when India had it's most successful games in history, But so far has been a major setback or even a catastrophe.. With a record number of participants, Given the odds of the humongous talent pool there should aleast be a dozen medals

Being optimistic is fine, Delusional is not

Let me ask you guys a genuine question not a troll attempt,

I've read quite a bit about the status of Indian sports last couple of days, Now it does not seem to me the reasons given here about the lack of govt support or finances are actually very valid.. India seems to have 4 very very lucrative professional competitions, The IPL, Hockey League, Football League and Kabaddi League, Where the teams involved have been able to get the worlds top professionals in each sport to play for them ? TV rights and sponsorship's raking in billions of $'s.. So there is definitely a lot of money in sports there

How come non of that have seeped in to grass root level or have been able to produce world class sportspersons except few Cricketers ? Cricket being a veritable religion there and give the numbers India should ideally dominate very aspect of it, which quite surprisingly they dont either

Is it because one of Indian pals once said that Indians are great sport fans but not great sportsman/women ?

No need to loose the plot on this it's not a ridicule nor an attempt to troll, A reasonable discussion is expected.. @Nilgiri @nair @GuardianRED @Bussard Ramjet @OrionHunter etc...

You need to understand that delusional is the wrong choice of word, for this Olympics you many countries joining and taking part in events that is not even their traditional game. Case and point the Saudi woman 100 mtrs. She took part to give her best. Would u deny her taking part, because it delusional that she will never win ? even in 10yrs or more?

Back to the Indian Contingent! It is a huge improvement in no. of people sent and the no. of event that we took part ! , you do know that one has to qualify JUST to take part yes? Each country and each event has it own rules to how to qualify for the olympics. Thus having a large contigent to who have qualified is really good!

Agree that its isn't the best results and yes ALOT has to be done! But Been Positive and optimitic is a Good thing Too !

Yeah they maybe smaller compared to European or English Leagues but still there is a considerable amount of money and foreign professional participation there, Compared to many other developing nations, Many other countries that have won medals come from far worse situations

Also i read that after London's unexpected medal haul many Indian conglomerates initiated an Olympic program to increase the medal tally in future games with a lot of money being out in to ? What happened to those initiatives ?



You cant dismiss the fact that Indians have compared poorly to the support it has given

About Cricket and Kabaddi, Those talent can be tuned in to other disciplines especially Kabbadi, Which is a physical body contact sport, Wrestling and even weight lifting.. Many Olympians start off with multi disciplines

Also Most of the athetlics did qualify for the quaters and came close... that doesn't mean they did badly? ... how does one rate this?
What exactly are the new rules?
All the athletes have to adapt to these changes....
When a game is dominated by non-west athletes, they change rules....
Weightlifting, table tennis, badminton, shooting.....
When a game is dominated by Anglo-saxon, they add medals...
Equestrian, bike, swimming....

We are gonna break their dominance....
We got the first gold Asian have ever won in bike....
You need to understand that delusional is the wrong choice of word, for this Olympics you many countries joining and taking part in events that is not even their traditional game. Case and point the Saudi woman 100 mtrs. She took part to give her best. Would u deny her taking part, because it delusional that she will never win ? even in 10yrs or more?

That word is in concurrence to the post made to say the sporting culture will change in India after this games, To reiterate the same was said with more optimism after the last Olympics, When there was actual optimism given it was the most successful games in Indian history.. Seems to me India regressed not changed for the better
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All the athletes have to adapt to these changes....
When a game is dominated by non-west athletes, they change rules....
Weightlifting, table tennis, badminton, shooting.....
When a game is dominated by Anglo-saxon, they add medals...
Equestrian, bike, swimming....

We are gonna break their dominance....
We got the first gold Asian have ever won in bike....
View attachment 326191 View attachment 326194 View attachment 326195
Congrats . Significates of the characters on the helmets?
Also Most of the athetlics did qualify for the quaters and came close... that doesn't mean they did badly? ... how does one rate this?

It's all good and politically correct to say Olympic ideals are to just go and participate, In reality it's not.. Countries especially those consider themselves global or aspiring powers spend a lot of money on success in the game, To win medals.. So goes for India.. My argument here is the excuse given by many that Indian government or associations go not have money in sports is misleading, they do.. Maybe not to the standards of developed nations but certainly more than many third world countries.. Certainly enough with such a huge talent pool to choose from to atleast win a dozen medals
Congrats . Significates of the characters on the helmets?
The Helmets of China’s Cycling Track Team


It's all good and politically correct to say Olympic ideals are to just go and participate, In reality it's not.. Countries especially those consider themselves global or aspiring powers spend a lot of money on success in the game, To win medals.. So goes for India.. My argument here is the excuse given by many that Indian government or associations go not have money in sports is misleading, they do.. Maybe not to the standards of developed nations but certainly more than many third world countries
It's all about politics and economy.
One gold costs several million dollars on average....
One gold medalist is underpinned by thousands of regular players and expensive coaching, gear, physio, arena.....
Yes, it is one of the changes.
There is also you can cheer up and applaud during shooting.....
And, the elimination PK!

Cheering and applauding is a very old rule change, players would all have got used to it by now. And frankly it was done to make shooting slightly more involving, to get more participation.

Similarly, qualification rule was changed to make the finals more exciting and meaningful.
That word is in concurrence to the post made to say the sporting culture will change in India after this games, To reiterate the same was said with more optimism after the last Olympics, When there was actual optimism given it was the most successful games in Indian history
U did read the links u have posted yes? All this started in 2012!? so its only been 4 Yrs... There are many cases , athletes perform well in meets and other event , BUT unfortunately fail at the Olympics , we have see many case in this one. NOT using this as an excuse! But there is Never any guarantee of even having the best support or finance - all that will give u a medal!

We have atleast Startedsupporting our athletes, just a proper beginning, but isn't the end!
The Helmets of China’s Cycling Track Team

https://defence.pk/threads/rio-olympics-2016-team-china-news-and-images.442764/page-26View attachment 326197 View attachment 326199 View attachment 326200 View attachment 326198 View attachment 326196

It's all about politics and economy.
One gold costs several million dollars on average....
One gold medalist is underpinned by thousands of regular players and expensive coaching, gear, physio, arena.....
Thanks - sorry i do know that term is a word or term to describe the characters - what is it?

Reminded me of our own drishti bommai we have here, on lorries, houses, cars etc.
Lol.. Bro! ... But there is a difference ... By the way - is it Ravan?
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