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Indian Olympics Dream: Rio 2016

How Many Medals Will India win in Rio 2016?

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Meant The Characters are drawn from the Chinese Opera. correct? Do they represent a specific person from a certain play or they are just random

For eg : from Phantom of the opera. The Phantom is drawn or represented by his half mark
Face from Opera, original figures from our history books 2000 years ago.
There are 10 days left in the Olympics. India may yet win a medal or two. I don't know what hopefuls India has remaining, but to me it's unthinkable that India should leave Rio empty handed. That said, India's performance in the Olympics has been truly dreadful and defies explanation, especially considering that India has sent the largest contingent ever to the games, and the return on that investment has been unfathomably poor.

Regarding largest contingent......two teams of hockey were sent which performed under....we had no hopes from women team ....but hopes were good from Men team but they still have to find the past glory.

Disappointment is biggest from shooting....India has won a medal in this sport since 2004....but it drew a blank this time.

and India doesnot invest in these sports.....sportsmen doesnot even get shoes to play...let along proper equipment.

regarding hopes for medal - PV sindhu and Srikant are good badminton players....although it looks like srikant is up against tough opposition today...little chance of him progressing. Wrestling is another sport in which India scored medals last time....lets see if wrestlers can repeat it....plus if our boxer won today....bronze is assured for him....thats it....I dont see any other medal chance for India

If u do think any other capable athlete from India can do miracle do let me know

Face from Opera, original figures from our history books 2000 years ago.

Is china performing under par or UK is just doing exceptionally well this time???
Regarding largest contingent......two teams of hockey were sent which performed under....we had no hopes from women team ....but hopes were good from Men team but they still have to find the past glory.

Disappointment is biggest from shooting....India has won a medal in this sport since 2004....but it drew a blank this time.

and India doesnot invest in these sports.....sportsmen doesnot even get shoes to play...let along proper equipment.

regarding hopes for medal - PV sindhu and Srikant are good badminton players....although it looks like srikant is up against tough opposition today...little chance of him progressing. Wrestling is another sport in which India scored medals last time....lets see if wrestlers can repeat it....plus if our boxer won today....bronze is assured for him....thats it....I dont see any other medal chance for India

If u do think any other capable athlete from India can do miracle do let me know

Is china performing under par or UK is just doing exceptionally well this time???
worst games ever in 2 decades.....
20-19 in 2nd set. Common. ..

Congratulations! :cheers: Srikanth Kidambi Wins. :yahoo:

He's going to Face Chinese in next round. :p:
That was Simone Biles’ response to a question on dealing with pressure in an interview to The Guardian. It’s easier doing it than watching it. Perhaps that’s how Karmakar thinks about Produnova. For a player who learnt her skills without a vaulting table, adversity becomes a constant companion. Perhaps this is why she likes risk. Biles, by contrast, trains at a 56,000-square-foot complex commissioned by her parents in 2013. They had also appointed a psychologist when she had problems managing her nerves as a teenager.

How ? Same was predicted four years ago after London when India had it's most successful games in history, But so far has been a major setback or even a catastrophe.. With a record number of participants, Given the odds of the humongous talent pool there should aleast be a dozen medals

Being optimistic is fine, Delusional is not

Let me ask you guys a genuine question not a troll attempt,

I've read quite a bit about the status of Indian sports last couple of days, Now it does not seem to me the reasons given here about the lack of govt support or finances are actually very valid.. India seems to have 4 very very lucrative professional competitions, The IPL, Hockey League, Football League and Kabaddi League, Where the teams involved have been able to get the worlds top professionals in each sport to play for them ? TV rights and sponsorship's raking in billions of $'s.. So there is definitely a lot of money in sports there

How come non of that have seeped in to grass root level or have been able to produce world class sportspersons except few Cricketers ? Cricket being a veritable religion there and give the numbers India should ideally dominate very aspect of it, which quite surprisingly they dont either

Is it because one of Indian pals once said that Indians are great sport fans but not great sportsman/women ?

No need to loose the plot on this it's not a ridicule nor an attempt to troll, A reasonable discussion is expected.. @Nilgiri @nair @GuardianRED @Bussard Ramjet @OrionHunter etc...
In a nutshell, our sports administration and officials SUCK! Period! 83 of these assholes travel to Rio in 1st class whilst the 120 athletes are sent by cattle class (economy)!!

And you and I, the taxpayers are the ones who are paying for their jaunts abroad. Will things ever change? Call me a pessimist, but no, nothing's gonna change. It's going to be more of the same till kingdom come.
I dont think any one needs specifics to say countries in Sub Saharan Africa or the Carribean or even Eastern Europe have bigger resources than India is complete BS.. Unless you say India is poorer than Sub Saharan African Nations

I have plenty to back up observation, You on the other hand seems to be in denial.. The biggest corporate giants in India or even globally have invested massively in the Indian Olympic program just to get zero returns.. There is something massively wrong there, Throwing toys out the pram when pointed it out, Or making unfounded excuse of lack of resources does not make a difference

This is just Public/private initiatives not even Indian government funding



Did anyone one of us replied to you saying we are in denial!? the sad part nothing pleases u !!!

Let us take any of the African or Caribbean nations u like - the Question! do you know the no. of athletes that try to qualify vs the those who qualify for the Olympics against how many events ?? do you know

As @TejasMk3 said Basically saying you have nothing to back up your observation.

Posting all those links? , what are we to do , shut them down and say we are delusional and shouldn't try? Sorry we are not U

We accept that what wrong and do our best to support, u don't like it Tough Luck
In a nutshell, our sports administration and officials SUCK! Period! 83 of these assholes travel to Rio in 1st class whilst the 120 athletes are sent by cattle class (economy)!!

And you and I, the taxpayers are the ones who are paying for their jaunts abroad. Will things ever change? Call me a pessimist, but no, nothing's gonna change. It's going to be more of the same till kingdom come.

Yeah i said this 2 days ago.. but unfortunately someone argued with me.. Athletes need proper rest, comfort for such mega event.. But officials got good comfort.. these officials play dirty politics and power play.. can't blame the participants.. they tried their best... provide them god damn equipment and equipment.. look at dipa, she reached 4th place with just ordinary training and equipment...
Which nations have a lower resources than us and get more medals? How much do they spend etc, any specifics?

I have plenty to back up observation
. I dont have the specific numbers
Make up your mind :lol:

I dont think any one needs specifics to say countries in Sub Saharan Africa or the Carribean or even Eastern Europe have bigger resources than India is complete BS.. Unless you say India is poorer than Sub Saharan African Nations

Again making random claims. Specify a country that does better than us, what sports they win in, what sports are natural in their sporting culture how much they spend, what is their criteria for taking part under their countries banner etc. Otherwise it's just your own feelings which unfortunately dont become fact. A simplistic view of things help either.

It's amazing when Indian athletes say they need better facilities training etc, and you claim the opposite :lol:

get zero returns.
Zero returns, please keep deluding yourself, Here is a list of people supported by these companies:
The have all either won medals in the olympics or have done very well in their sport, i.e high ranking, or winning world cups.

Your "zero returns" not winning medals/being successful falls flat, In fact the sports supported - wrestling, shooting, boxing have become areas where people expect to win medals.

The highest amount of money invested is 9 million dollars from the Mittal trust(which was only meant for the 2012 olympics, now shut down), the rest are much lower. Hardly "massive" by any means. India's *total* sports budget is about 1100 crores (I think it was increased this year to 1500), and used for all sports, not just Olympic ones.

You can keep repeating your nonsense :lol:
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20-19 in 2nd set. Common. ..

Congratulations! :cheers: Srikanth Kidambi Wins. :yahoo:

He's going to Face Chinese in next round. :p:
Awesome PDF should be fun on match day :D I dont think Chinese participate in live threads like Pakistanis though.
which game?

Badminton in which you people excel. :p:

Awesome PDF should be fun on match day :D I dont think Chinese participate in live threads like Pakistanis though.

We can Tag them during the match. :DKadambi will next face China’s Lin Dan, the reigning Olympic champion, on Wednesday. :sick:
Badminton in which you people excel. :p:

We can Tag them during the match. :D
Yeah, hope the result will be good :D Lin Dan will be a tough match, he is a legendary player, however Srikanth has beaten him before.
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