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Indian Olympics Dream: Rio 2016

How Many Medals Will India win in Rio 2016?

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Yeah they maybe smaller compared to European or English Leagues but still there is a considerable amount of money and foreign professional participation there, Compared to many other developing nations, Many other countries that have won medals come from far worse situations

Also i read that after London's unexpected medal haul many Indian conglomerates initiated an Olympic program to increase the medal tally in future games with a lot of money being out in to ? What happened to those initiatives ?



You cant dismiss the fact that Indians have compared poorly to the support it has given

About Cricket and Kabaddi, Those talent can be tuned in to other disciplines especially Kabbadi, Which is a physical body contact sport, Wrestling and even weight lifting.. Many Olympians start off with multi disciplines

Leagues overnight dont lead to results. The leagues need to be in operation for decades pulling in money and expertise over a very long time to nurture the top quality talent required.

And we are talking like maybe 5% of the olympics medals here that participate in league based mass TV watched sports anyway.

The rest of the 95% need massive state sponsorship because people simply do not watch that stuff frequently....or people need high per capita income....or preferably both!

Overall its a diminishing returns that needs a country to a) value sporting prestige very highly and/or b) be wealthy enough to fund such things rather than basic infrastructure that return more bang for the buck either in sports or just general human activity.

You cant melt down the medals you win in the olympics and gain more than you put in. It is a very high amount of investment that goes into producing athletes that can excel at international level at sports that are not followed by legions of fans all the time.....unless of course you have a natural set of genetics to begin with like kenyan long distance runners and stuff like that.

I am totally ok with the pace India is going at....we have more urgent priorities to focus on as a country. What we do in international sports is just a small cherry on top for the time being.

With the doping ruckus and terrible financial impact of the olympics on its host countries....I really do not care that India leaves a light footprint on the whole affair.
U did read the links u have posted yes? All this started in 2012!? so its only been 4 Yrs... There are many cases , athletes perform well in meets and other event , BUT unfortunately fail at the Olympics , we have see many case in this one. NOT using this as an excuse! But there is Never any guarantee of even having the best support or finance - all that will give u a medal!

We have atleast Startedsupporting our athletes, just a proper beginning, but isn't the end!

Mate my bone of contention here is given the resources India has compared to many other developing nations, Given the support base India has compared to many other developing nations, Given a talent pool of a billion compared to many developing nations, Given the number of participants both qualified and those given a free pass compared to the population compared to many other developing nations.. This has been a utter failure on part of India as a sporting nation.. When many of those countries with so much more less resources have managed to do so.. Just imagine the odds that India has to win atleast half a dozen medals, It's quite unfathomable
There is also you can cheer up and applaud during shooting.....

This one I didnt like at all when I watched it.....brazilian fans were so rowdy and it distracted the shooters quite visibly sometimes.
I am totally ok with the pace India is going at....we have more urgent priorities to focus on as a country. What we do in international sports is just a small cherry on top for the time being.

With the doping ruckus and terrible financial impact of the olympics on its host countries....I really do not care that India leaves a light footprint on the whole affair.

Mate i dont know if it's the culture that i'm coming from, But we were thought from young days not to settle for mediocrity, Not sure if what you're saying is a genuine feeling or just something to sooth the disappointment

If it's the former and if it's the same attitude of fellow Indians and thier sportspersons have, I dont think India will ever get anywhere as a sporting nation
Mate my bone of contention here is given the resources India has compared to many other developing nations, Given the support base India has compared to many other developing nations, Given a talent pool of a billion compared to many developing nations, Given the number of participants both qualified and those given a free pass compared to the population compared to many other developing nations.. This has been a utter failure on part of India as a sporting nation.. When many of those countries with so much more less resources have managed to do so.. Just imagine the odds that India has to win atleast half a dozen medals, It's quite unfathomable

Each country and each event has it own rules to how to qualify for the Olympics.

Which Atheltic was given A free Pass??

Please STOP using Our Population against us! why? In every other field, be it science, culture, military , space - OH but they are poor, why they wasting money, oh they have many beggar and many below the poverty line why they not doing something about, oh they have the largest population, BUT they can't win medals !!!!

I can give and many on this Forum can give u reasons BUT U will take it as an excuse! So what is the POINT of trying to please u?

What is the point of the Olympics? It to compete on a world stage , to represent one's country and hopefully bring glory for that country

Our Athletes that represent Our Country are doing us proud and hopefully, we can give the best support and Also Optimistic and NEVER Delusional !
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Thanks - sorry i do know that term is a word or term to describe the characters - what is it?

Lol.. Bro! ... But there is a difference ... By the way - is it Ravan?
Nah, Just some random dude. mean to look different/scary to attract attention. Our Football team CFC also have this on their logo.

Mate my bone of contention here is given the resources India has compared to many other developing nations, Given the support base India has compared to many other developing nations,
Which nations have a lower resources than us and get more medals? How much do they spend etc, any specifics? Each place has it's own conditions, and sports they like, medals depend on that.
How ? Same was predicted four years ago after London when India had it's most successful games in history, But so far has been a major setback or even a catastrophe.. With a record number of participants, Given the odds of the humongous talent pool there should aleast be a dozen medals

Being optimistic is fine, Delusional is not

Let me ask you guys a genuine question not a troll attempt,

I've read quite a bit about the status of Indian sports last couple of days, Now it does not seem to me the reasons given here about the lack of govt support or finances are actually very valid.. India seems to have 4 very very lucrative professional competitions, The IPL, Hockey League, Football League and Kabaddi League, Where the teams involved have been able to get the worlds top professionals in each sport to play for them ? TV rights and sponsorship's raking in billions of $'s.. So there is definitely a lot of money in sports there

How come non of that have seeped in to grass root level or have been able to produce world class sportspersons except few Cricketers ? Cricket being a veritable religion there and give the numbers India should ideally dominate very aspect of it, which quite surprisingly they dont either

Is it because one of Indian pals once said that Indians are great sport fans but not great sportsman/women ?

No need to loose the plot on this it's not a ridicule nor an attempt to troll, A reasonable discussion is expected.. @Nilgiri @nair @GuardianRED @Bussard Ramjet @OrionHunter etc...

First, Cricket-- I on a personal level is very satisfied with India's position in World.
Cricket is one of many reasons, India poor performence in Other sports. Cricket has actually overshadowed all the other sports here.

Second, Football-- Still in infancy here. Other than couple of states like West Bengal, Goa etc. It didnt existed.
but with leauges and all it has slowly started gaining popularity.
still a long lonh way to go.
Third, Hockey-- Indian Hockey has been on rise from last couple of years.Indian team was in its worst form, but it is changing slowly.
And to be honest, I was hoping for a medal from them.

Fourth, Kabbaddi and Wrestling has been part of our culture and India have been good at it.
Not best. Not where it should be, but it is not bad as Athletics.

P.S.-- kabaddi and wrestling is gaining popularity in villages of Punjab and Haryana.
I see a bright future in this field ahead.

Fifth, Shooting and Archery-- No Infrastrusture at all. All the Shooters are either very rich and funding thier training themselves, or are from millitary.
Abhinav Bindra, has his own Shooting range near Chandigarh. He have spent crores of rupees on his training.

Swimming and water related sports-- I can speak for North, there is no place for swimming here. There is no Infrastructure at all.
I live in a town in Punjab,woth population of about 4,00,000. There is not a single swimming pool here. same is the story for most of North India.

And then come , Athletics-- same story No infrastructure.
Again with the example of my town,
There are about 20-30 schools, about 10 colleges.
Just one government funded Cricket academy.
One running track is being built in Government college.
Thats it.

The main issue here in India, in my opinion is the lack of infrastructure and the work culture.
The life decisions and future of Kids is decided by The parents. And 99℅ middle class parents shove their children into studies and jobs.
All they want for their children is to get a job, get settled.

I have met many guys Who come to that under construction track for running, and trust me they are good. But they are not their for Sports, they want to clear Army or Police physical test.
They dont care for Sports, All they want is a financial security.

This is the sad state of affairs, In India finacial security is more inportant than The fame amd glory.

P.S.-- I myself was under 18 football player from my district, and then i got seat in Non-medical and there was no time left for football...

@Gibbs @Nilgiri @GuardianRED @TejasMk3 @AndrewJin @Bussard Ramjet
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Which Atheltic was given A free Pass??

Every national sport association is given a free pass to enter a athlete that have not set Olympic qualifying standard, Bigger the delegation more of these free passes there will be.. I dont think your quite aware of Olympic participation criteria mate

Each sport differs, In some it's by rank, Others it's by playing qualification tournaments but most give free passes for a number of participants

Which nations have a lower resources than us and get more medals? How much do they spend etc, any specifics? Each place has it's own conditions, and sports they like, medals depend on that.

From Caribbean to South America to Subsaharan Africa.. Majority of those countries have the resources much worse than India that have won medals.. I dont have the specific numbers but to say India lack resources compared to others in the developing world is misleading
Mate i dont know if it's the culture that i'm coming from, But we were thought from young days not to settle for mediocrity, Not sure if what you're saying is a genuine feeling or just something to sooth the disappointment

If it's the former and if it's the same attitude of fellow Indians and thier sportspersons have, I dont think India will ever get anywhere as a sporting nation

Its not total resources, its resources per person. The SAI has a grand budget of 55 million USD....that gets spread pretty thin. Funds thus have to come from many other sources....and have to jostle with all kinds of national priorities...even in just the sporting realm.

Tons of these sports are all about who can hide their doping the best....while living off the govt welfare teat for an activity that does not have any massive direct positive multiplier effect....other than national prestige.

India is better off improving its basic sporting facilities for its citizens and cultivating talent organically over time.....just like its doing right now. There is more room for this to be improved by streamlining the running of the govt side of things....but I don't see the point of diverting massive funding away from school, roads and hospitals that India sorely needs more of ...to chase ardent national glory with a bunch of dopers and finance racketeers every 4 years. Its just a bonus and chance for exposure....let it grow over time as India's economy over time....whats the big rush?
Every national sport association is given a free pass to enter a athlete that have not set Olympic qualifying standard, Bigger the delegation more of these free passes there will be.. I dont think your quite aware of Olympic participation criteria mate

Each sport differs, In some it's by rank, Others it's by playing qualification tournaments but most give free passes for a number of participants
I'm aware of the criteria Mate! , and the free pass is limited to events and to countries ! the free pass to given those countries to promote sport!

ask you which Indian Athlete was given a free pass!
From Caribbean to South America to Subsaharan Africa.. Majority of those countries have the resources much worse than India that have won medals..
Again specifics are better.

I dont have the specific numbers but to say India lack resources compared to others in the developing world is misleading
Basically saying you have nothing to back up your observation.
Thanks - sorry i do know that term is a word or term to describe the characters - what is it?
What do you mean?

This one I didnt like at all when I watched it.....brazilian fans were so rowdy and it distracted the shooters quite visibly sometimes.
maybe they should miniature a whole forest with animals cheering up inside....
Hunters fight for medals....
What do you mean?
Meant The Characters are drawn from the Chinese Opera. correct? Do they represent a specific person from a certain play or they are just random

For eg : from Phantom of the opera. The Phantom is drawn or represented by his half mark
Again specifics are better.

Basically saying you have nothing to back up your observation.

I dont think any one needs specifics to say countries in Sub Saharan Africa or the Carribean or even Eastern Europe have bigger resources than India is complete BS.. Unless you say India is poorer than Sub Saharan African Nations

I have plenty to back up observation, You on the other hand seems to be in denial.. The biggest corporate giants in India or even globally have invested massively in the Indian Olympic program just to get zero returns.. There is something massively wrong there, Throwing toys out the pram when pointed it out, Or making unfounded excuse of lack of resources does not make a difference

This is just Public/private initiatives not even Indian government funding



There are 10 days left in the Olympics. India may yet win a medal or two. I don't know what hopefuls India has remaining, but to me it's unthinkable that India should leave Rio empty handed. That said, India's performance in the Olympics has been truly dreadful and defies explanation, especially considering that India has sent the largest contingent ever to the games, and the return on that investment has been unfathomably poor.
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