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Indian Olympics Dream: Rio 2016

How Many Medals Will India win in Rio 2016?

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Dude, you don't ask the accused family about why he committed the crime to get an accurate view. You ask his neighbors to get a much balanced perspective. I know it will be confusing for any person outside this region to even comprehend this oddity, this reality and common sense shattering phenomenon which is happening before our every eyes, a country of 1.3 billion people shamed in front of the entire world. Outside people try to make sense of it with a fatal flaw that, they try to make sense of the country called India with glasses tinted with their society and country's values, and will always miss the driving force behind it all.

We have been a part of the strange people of India for many centuries, and know them very well. And because we know them well we split from them and don't regret any moment of it.

India is not a single unified entity. Its a collection of different ideologies and nationalities bound together with weak glue. Their entire society is fragmented on the basis of many things, which if I list them all out I will be here all day. I'll just take the most significant one, 2 words - Caste System!

Basically its an apartheid system(like in south africa) which was put in place by immigrants from central asia, to subjugate the indigenous people of the region. But unlike the apartheid system, which was purely a political system invented by people to control the Africans, the Caste System is a Hindu religious system invented by these immigrants/invaders to legitimize their racial dominance over the Indian natives. What makes it work for so long and so deep rootedly is because, it is a system ratified by God himself rather than some politician. So in the minds of these people, its God himself who have condemned the natives(who are called Shudras by the immigrants, and an even extreme version called the Dalits)condemned them to live the life beneath than of an animal! These natives are so naive and foolhardy, not only do they believe and follow a foreigner's religion, they also actively promote it within themselves, like rank themselves who among is the best among the worst lowest caste(Classic divide and rule strategy implemented on these natives by the higher caste). This in itself is another huge topic with the caste structure in the north(where the immigrants are the majority) and the caste structure in the south(where the natives are the majority(the Dravidians)), are very different from each other but lets leave that for another day and concentrate on the topic at hand.

So basically what this caste system does is, it makes sure there is thorough inbreeding within the same gene pool of the higher caste(aka immigrants) which means less athletic offsprings in the sub-gene pools which have been created in the millenniums since, in the 3 main high caste categories. It also makes sure the higher caste people, don't allow the lower caste to succeed with favoritism and bias galore, not to mention just beating em to death even if they try. It also makes sure that since the higher caste are guaranteed a good place in society even before they are born, which means less competition which leads to more duller generations subsequently. And since the lower caste are not even given the opportunity to perform, they continue to remain underutilized and this continues for generations. What you have is a perfect recipe for a genetic disaster in the higher caste, and perfect subjugation of the lower caste who's very psyche(and to an extent their inbred gene pool) demands that they are lower with low self esteem. Multiply this effect for 3000 years and you know why India is a giant disaster in athletics.

What 's said above is before democracy and independence. Nowadays, it goes both ways. If the minister or a bureaucrat or coach is a high caste guy and if he has to pick between a high caste athlete and a better performing low caste athlete, he will definitely pick his own caste, and vice versa. And with modern capitalism thrown in the mix, we also have lobbying, corruption, nepotism and everything else thrown in, the result which the entire world is seeing in the Olympics by India.
If you want to talk about it more, PM me or engage me in another thread. I already said I wont reply to this thread, but I saw you were being misled by the wet dreamers and had to step in. I can't read your reply without accidentally reading some bull along the way. I wont even read the Tsunami of nonsense in this thread anymore in addition to replying.

@WebMaster @waz do we need this crap in Olympics threads..
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Damn.. din't expect such a one sided bout. #VikasKrishan got boxing lesson from the Uzbek boxer.
Damn.. din't expect such a one sided bout. #VikasKrishan got boxing lesson from the Uzbek boxer.

It was terribly one sided for sure.

The uzbek was a real monster and probably will be the gold medal guy.

Unlucky for Vikas but he couldn't outthink his opponent like he did against the Turk since he let the Uzbek control the center line and flank lines too and stay in center of the ring in the 1st round where it was effectively decided (since getting the momentum back from that is really tough).
Bektemir was very aggressive and also just 20 year old..Vikas is ranked 4..what about Uzbek boxer?
Vikas goes down to the Uzbek in boxing.

Uzbek was just too darn good. Damn!

He looks good for the gold from that fight.

The Uzbek has been the favourite to take the gold. That kid is good enough to go pro and storm the ranks. He is a very good fighter.

@Riaz Hussain you are banned from this thread now. Thanks.
The Uzbek has been the favourite to take the gold. That kid is good enough to go pro and storm the ranks. He is a very good fighter.

@Riaz Hussain you are banned from this thread now. Thanks.

Yah I think the uzbek kid has a very bright career ahead of him for sure....seeing how he dismantled Vikas effortlessly.

I think he has a very good poise and balance.....and I loved his footwork to match the aggression (too many boxers I know have the aggro intent but their footwork cannot keep pace with it and they end up opening themselves up to countering quite badly).
Yah I think the uzbek kid has a very bright career ahead of him for sure....seeing how he dismantled Vikas effortlessly.

I think he has a very good poise and balance.....and I loved his footwork to match the aggression (too many boxers I know have the aggro intent but their footwork cannot keep pace with it and they end up opening themselves up to countering quite badly).

Yep, even Floyd Mayweather has talked about and tipped him for the pros.
Is there bronze medal play off though even if you lose in semis?
The people who lose at semis, play for the bronze. It's basically 2 wins (for bronze). Unlike Boxing,Badminton does not give 4th place bronze.
The people who lose at semis, play for the bronze. It's basically 2 wins (for bronze). Unlike Boxing,Badminton does not give 4th place bronze.

Ok just making sure since dungeness said she was just one win away form guaranteed medal.
Is there bronze medal play off though even if you lose in semis?

I'd rather see India gets its first medal than China gets one more. The difference between zero and one is much more significant than just ONE.

Ok just making sure since dungeness said she was just one win away form guaranteed medal.

She is in semi, right? One more win would give her silver, two more wins she gets gold. If she lose the semi, she will need one win to get a bronze. I was right.
We lost in boxing too.
Looks like the 0 medal prediction from our cross borders friends is going to be a reality.
In some ways it is good for us if don't win any medal in this Olympic games. It's about time for us to have a dedicated sports policy.
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