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Indian Olympics Dream: Rio 2016

How Many Medals Will India win in Rio 2016?

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Typical South Asian mentality and it's third world politicians.. Nobody really care for the reputation on the nation

Too early to tell what happened. Its all hearsay based on some misunderstandings on who was allowed to enter certain areas (accreditation and all that).

This minister did help a gymnast out for her to get what she wanted....we will have to hear their side of the story as well.

No doubt its bad that the "entourage" were boorish and aggressive....some action will have to be taken if its indeed true.
Would someone with blind love say thejumpole upper management needs an overhaul and reform?

The state of Boxing in India is in a shambles, are we going to blame a few officers for that too?

This is all what we have inherited from a terrible mismanagement by one party in India's history that has been in power for multiple decades.

Now the bureaucracy is finally being reformed, but sports is not a tier A priority when we have such a mess in much more crucial things.

So inserting your remarks about "scum officers" as though they are the only culprits in what is effectively a huge cancerous tumour in a diabetic body created over many many years that athletes have to fight against rather than get support from....is unfair when the sporting minister (that the prometheus character called an idiot) approached the gymnast personally and got everything sorted out....something that is quite different from what would have been done under anyone else.

In a thread where we are trying to build up goodwill for Indian team, nitpicking every single thing that we know is wrong with the administration sickens me. It gets a political angle whether you want it or not (when someone calls a minister an idiot, esp when he helped the gymnast in question later)....so I would advise sticking to just talking about the results for this tread.

Now if you personally did not mean for it to turn out this way, I apologise...but we must welcome the incremental steps and improvements rather than only blame officers. I mean was it even the same officers that travelled business class or whatever that denied the physio for the gymnast? Why are assumptions being made when some news articles are stating the reasons for the initial inaccompaniment as unknown? Let us wait and see, hopefully a review will be done and a capable leader like Modi will bring the spirit of reform to this sector too.

But I am not going to rush to call anyone a scum or idiot till the dust settles, more information is available and we have more hindsight as to who, what where and why. Indian media is notoriously bad as well when reporting such issues.

you tried to gain some score after my post.. now you are making circles... you jumped into argument without reading..
you tried to gain some score after my post.. now you are making circles... you jumped into argument without reading..

I'm not the one calling people as low life scum when there is no evidence the "officers" that supposedly said no to the physio accompanying initially were the same ones that flew business class to Rio.
I'm not the one calling people as low life scum when there is no evidence the "officers" that supposedly said no to the physio accompanying initially were the same ones that flew business class to Rio.

hahaha now you changing goal posts...
Too early to tell what happened. Its all hearsay based on some misunderstandings on who was allowed to enter certain areas (accreditation and all that).

This minister did help a gymnast out for her to get what she wanted....we will have to hear their side of the story as well.

No doubt its bad that the "entourage" were boorish and aggressive....some action will have to be taken if its indeed true.

Politicians especially those from South Asia have this sense of entitlement, This guy is never going to admit he did wrong, He may be able to push things to his liking in India but elsewhere they dont five flying feck to who he is, They wont send a letter of protest if it was'nt a serious breach of protocol mate, Brazilians nor the Olympic committee has any anti Indian agenda in particular
hahaha now you changing goal posts...

You are the one thats making the case someone in sports ministry is a scum....and implying that A and B are the same set of people which has not been established anywhere.

I said from the beginning it is wrong without gathering the full facts first....which have not quite settled and been made clear. Especially seeing how sports minister helped this gymnast girl and the physio has now arrived and a general physio was present even when the current personal one wasnt....something both of you never cared to mention and made it sound like she was all alone and completely unsupported.

So you definitely make it political if you give such vague and silly statements which no one would see from either of you if beautiful scamgress or aaptards were running the show and doing a 10 times worse job with their "officers" like they have done multiple times in the past (not to mention ministers going just for unrelated tourism rather than helping the athletes like this minister at least made an effort to do)...and now you accuse me of shifting goal posts? Ok whatever floats your boat.

You and prometheus have basically taken a good thread and turned it into some political stunt because of some officers and ministers you are calling "scums" and "idiots". Talk about your hate of bureaucracy, ministers or whatever in the indian political forum, not here please.

Please do not quote me or respond to me in this thread anymore. Thanks.

Politicians especially those from South Asia have this sense of entitlement, This guy is never going to admit he did wrong, He may be able to push things to his liking in India but elsewhere they dont five flying feck to who he is, They wont send a letter of protest if it was'nt a serious breach of protocol mate, Brazilians nor the Olympic committee has any anti Indian agenda in particular

This olympics has not been organised well at all....so I cannot base it on hearsay from one side alone if there was a cause for misunderstanding in the first place...I mean in the properly organised olympics in developed countries....has there really been any such precedent before for this sort of thing?

I mean there have been plenty of problems already with english translation volunteers among other things:


Who knows what really happened is what I'm saying.

There might be a cultural thing at play here since the Brazilians aren't exactly the politest people:


I mean I saw them booing an american boxer just because he is american....so who knows what their organisation officials are like....some could very well be just as rude as well. Who really knows for sure.
so I cannot base it on hearsay from one side alone if there was a cause for misunderstanding in the first place

Bro.. How could it be heresay when the organizers have sent a official letter of protest ? .C'mon.. Plus officials at the Olympics are not Brazilians they're from the IOC.. You should'nt take this as a affront to India but the actions of the minister does
Boxing maybe India's only hope to win a medal. Best wish to India!

Tennis and wrestling also looking good/hopeful. Might sneak in a badminton with Nehwal and maybe 1 or 2 in the remaining shooting...we shall see.

Archery was a big disappointment, the south koreans are just too darn good!
Whole management of sporting needs to be changed and you are singling out this one incident as though India has had a stellar sport organisation before.
Sad part about a lot of the analysis thats done in the Indian media... never really talks/addresses things like infrastructure, management,motivation etc. The only thing done is politics, self flagellation and other needless things.

I would be nice to see a write up comparing sports infra and Olympic programs like Project 119 (China), Own the Podium (Canada) and mission 2012 (UK) that were used to lift performances of their teams, can learn lots from them.
Bro.. How could it be heresay when the organizers have sent a official letter of protest ? .C'mon.. Plus officials at the Olympics are not Brazilians they're from the IOC.. You should'nt take this as a affront to India but the actions of the minister does

Um who would be on the ground that refer complaints to the IOC higher ups? It would be the brazilian ground staff....and probably some have trouble with english potentially if there have indeed been verified english translation issues.

Not taking it as an affront at all....but I'm saying why only go with one version of the story? Its a slow news day for Indian sports, so something had to come up to add some spice to the media. I have a gut feeling its been blown out of proportion for what is quite possibly a minister who has a bit of a boorish set of people in his entourage that didnt get they arent allowed in certain areas....unless theres more firm evidence like video...I aint taking anyones side and automatically assuming someone is 100% responsible for it.
but I'm saying why only go with one version of the story? Its a slow news day for Indian sports, so something had to come up to add some spice to the media. I have a gut feeling its been blown out of proportion for what is quite possibly a minister who has a bit of a boorish set of people in his entourage that didnt get they arent allowed in certain areas....unless theres more firm evidence like video...I aint taking anyones side and automatically assuming someone is 100% responsible for it.

Even the Chief of the mission has denied it, the usual non issue being drummed up:
However, India's chef-de-mission Gupta said there was no truth to reports of Goel's accreditation being cancelled.

On one occasion after the completion of the women's hockey game between India and Japan (where India did well to hold on for a draw), the minister was invited by the team to interact with the players.

"He went down to the field of play inadvertently to interact with the players and not knowing that he needed a field-of-play special pass.

"However, the moment it was brought to his notice, he left the field and met with the players outside.

"Thereafter on another occasion, he took the special pass and only then met the players. It is unfortunate that a non-issuse is being made into an issue without any reason," Gupta said.

Goel meanwhile, in a chat with India Today, categorically denied that he or his group behaved rudely with anyone.

So we will be facing Belgium for the quarter finals! will be a real test but these things done come easy.
Tennis and wrestling also looking good/hopeful. Might sneak in a badminton with Nehwal and maybe 1 or 2 in the remaining shooting...we shall see.

Archery was a big disappointment, the south koreans are just too darn good!

As a nation with 1.3 billion, India sure has lots of talent people, but you guys are not competitive at all in any world competition event, be it Olympic, PISA, Math Olympiad, WorldSkills, Competitive Coding, etc. You pride your military as one of the strongest in the world, but India is nowhere to be seen in International Military Games finals currently held in Russia. Your system is failing your people. Something needs to be done.
As a nation with 1.3 billion, India sure has lots of talent people, but you guys are not competitive at all in any world competition event, be it Olympic, PISA, Math Olympiad, WorldSkills, Competitive Coding, etc. You pride your military as one of the strongest in the world, but India is nowhere to be seen in International Military Games finals currently held in Russia. Your system is failing your people. Something needs to be done.

Thats what you get when you run near 60 years of bad economics with bad education. Each decade is now an improvement over the previous one finally, so we have to wait for about a generation by my estimate. A lot is also because govt still does not care too much about promoting image and gaining prestige....and we are not rich enough per capita like say the US to overcome it on a more individual basis.

International military games...we arent interested in sending our best for that (don't know if we even entered it). We tend to send our best for the army patrol competitions in the UK where we place pretty well from time to time.....and also focus on dealing with actual conflict. It does not leave much to spare outside of results oriented bilateral exercises.
As a nation with 1.3 billion, India sure has lots of talent people, but you guys are not competitive at all in any world competition event, be it Olympic, PISA, Math Olympiad, WorldSkills, Competitive Coding, etc. You pride your military as one of the strongest in the world, but India is nowhere to be seen in International Military Games finals currently held in Russia. Your system is failing your people. Something needs to be done.
Yes,our system is failing us & continues to do so. THis is a point which I would answer in a very very long post which I don't feel like doing.
Frankly speaking when it comes to education...

Unfortunately most Indians don't care about such contests-Olymiads & worldskills. Their only concern from 8th class to 12th class is to get into a good college in Engineering(the elite IITs by writing JEE) or in Medical(AIIMS). Those who are interested in sciences have to work more harder to get into IISC(Indian institute of science). They just don't have the time for these major events/

In some cases, I have seen the only students who care heavily about the Olympiads are those who wish to go & study abroad -_- . Though there are many who want to write out,they lack the time to prepare for it.

And at the basic level,our education system isn't good at all. & our Ministers & bureaucrats decided to act like ostriches & run away from PISA when they saw how terrible our performance was ;instead of staying & rectifying it.
& they have done nothing to improve our standards of learning & learnt nothing from the results. On the contrary I dare say they have made it worse by passing an act called Right to Education(Don;t go by the name).

Our people have got the talent & the brains+hardwork to do it!! They just need the time,opportunity & the reasons/dedication to do well in this competition & then they will be able to excel & rise in such contests.

& here I reproduce an old post I made a very long time ago on why India doesn't do well in sports usually & how much suffering our sportsman & woman have to go through:-
It;s on this page,do read it

The present govt. truly cares & wants to do a good job at encouraging sports in India & wants to increase funding in this sector & encourage atheletes. But such things take a lot of time & lethargy at the local levels is still to be targetted

Thats what you get when you run near 60 years of bad economics with bad education. Each decade is now an improvement over the previous one finally, so we have to wait for about a generation by my estimate. A lot is also because govt still does not care too much about promoting image and gaining prestige....and we are not rich enough per capita like say the US to overcome it on a more individual basis.

International military games...we arent interested in sending our best for that (don't know if we even entered it). We tend to send our best for the army patrol competitions in the UK where we place pretty well from time to time.....and also focus on dealing with actual conflict. It does not leave much to spare outside of results oriented bilateral exercises.
Yep International military games is something we don't care much about.
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