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Indian Occupied Kashmir could face biggest protest against Indian rule in recent years: RT

What is the problem with Indians, where ever they go they spread hate. I mean look at whole internet filled with hate created by Indians. No one can give opinion or show truth and they starting disliking like crazy. They dont allow Indian civilian question its army. ................... I have been a silence view of this forum and all but i seriously want all this violence on Kashmirs to end peaceful with referendum.
What is the problem with Indians, where ever they go they spread hate. I mean look at whole internet filled with hate created by Indians. No one can give opinion or show truth and they starting disliking like crazy. They dont allow Indian civilian question its army. ................... I have been a silence view of this forum and all but i seriously want all this violence on Kashmirs to end peaceful with referendum.

Tell your forces to vacate the territories, delink Chitral from KPK, retake Shasgam Valley claimed by Khan of Hunza and ceded by Pakistan in Sino-Pakistan Boundary Agreement without consulting Kashmiris! Indians will be forced to go down that path.

However, all has been binned when you signed the treaty in 1972 - known as Shimla Agreement!
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Tell your forces to vacate the territories, delink Chitral from KPK, retake Shasgam Valley claimed by Kahn of Hunza and ceded by Pakistan in Sino-Pakistan Boundary Agreement without consulting Kashmiris! Indians will be forced to go down that path.

However, all has been binned when you signed the treaty in 1972 - known as Shimla Agreement!

Why, are we miss treating anyone there? no mass killing ,rape or anything unlike lok, poor Kashmirs cant even protest, live peacefully. 95 % kashmir pre 1947 to 2016 still didnt got there freedom to vote join pakistan or indian through un.
Oh yeah, if you are for kashmir cause then why Pakistan handover part of Kashmir to China.. lol crocodile cry ..
The day the separatists in J&K will get the support of all sections of the people from the state including hindus, sikhs, budhists, shias, gujjars, ladakhis, baltis to demand separation from India... the separatist movement will be taken seriously. Any protest by a section of people can not be considered a nationalist movement.
Why, are we miss treating anyone there? no mass killing ,rape or anything unlike lok, poor Kashmirs cant even protest, live peacefully. 95 % kashmir pre 1947 to 2016 still didnt got there freedom to vote join pakistan or indian through un.

specific answer to your specific bold portion.
Oh yeah, if you are for kashmir cause then why Pakistan handover part of Kashmir to China.. lol crocodile cry ..
Is china asking for kashmir no... but only its askri chin
So all iam asking if u dont support them Kashmirs please dont promote violence thanks
So all iam asking if u dont support them Kashmirs please dont promote violence thanks

Please do tell that to your politicians and army.

Back off Kashmir, force Indian Government to deal with the issue politically. You see, the moment you say Kashmir is an internal affair of India and back off, India will be hard pressed to justify lethal force as no 'foreign' support. But can Pakistanis understand that?

No Sir. All idiots on either side of the IB!!!!
but are we killing them hurting there family ? they are protest because everyone has right too.
So protest peacefully the police force will do no harm. Throwing rocks , grenades will certainly send few sunni muslims to their death by the armed forces. Its collateral damage for the minorities the extremist sunni muslims wiped out in the valley. Just returning the favor and keeping the pandits, shias, Buddhist, Christians safe in kashmir valley.
Tell your forces to evacuate the territories like Hyderabad, Bihar and WB which Bangladesh claims are their parts.

Tell your forces, to completely evacuate your forces from South India, as all Tamil nadu, Kerala, Karnataka territories belongs to Sri lanka as they till claims they are their parts. As, all these people roots goes towards Sri lanka.

Indian Occupied Kashmir is part of Pakistan, and our Kashmiri brothers are soon going to join Pakistan and be part of Pakistan with complete IOK land INSHALLAH

I am from kerala and a Syrian christian . I will fight till all extermist sunni Pakistanis are exterminated. we dont have occupying forces here. we only have our indian military brothers protecting us:-).. We are a state of India.
Tell your forces to evacuate the territories like Hyderabad, Bihar and WB which Bangladesh claims are their parts.

Tell your forces, to completely evacuate your forces from South India, as all Tamil nadu, Kerala, Karnataka territories belongs to Sri lanka as they till claims they are their parts. As, all these people roots goes towards Sri lanka.

Indian Occupied Kashmir is part of Pakistan, and our Kashmiri brothers are soon going to join Pakistan and be part of Pakistan with complete IOK land INSHALLAH

We will fight till the last dharmic and bhramin hindu, and in this fight dalits and Indian Muslims would join this fight too from inside, but would support outside US Pakistan.

Butcher of Gujarat and IOK brutality by your army, both won’t be spared and revenge would be taken from their lost Blood.


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