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Indian nuke subs game-changer in next war : Pak analyst

@Nav84 You dont need to fall to his level mate.... The best you can do is avoid the trolls (especially when they are red).....
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Mr. nair I would like to avoid the troll but sometime they say such line which does not make sense. So it makes me reply as well.

@Nav84 You dont need to fall to his level mate.... The best you can do is avoid the trolls (especially when they are red).....
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Mr. nair I would like to avoid the troll but sometime they say such line which does not make sense. So it makes me reply as well.

You can but the result is..... Infraction and Bann... and believe me they troll and get away with it.....
Its a little misleading and at the same time romantic.
"I still remember with pride our naval supremacy in the 1965 war. It was primarily due to the presence of PN submarine Ghazi that the entire Indian fleet was forced to stay in harbour. India had none at the time"

How many years to 65 today???

The IN's capability lies not in its subs as such since the recent events have shown their fleet needs a massive replacement. While the leased Akula's are game changers. But greater numbers of diesel electrics is what it needs(and suits) its navy. The Scorpene's and others of it class.

At the end of the day, there is a requirement for two layers of subs(for India).. one to patrol its shores and associated EEZ lanes. The other to snoop around areas such as the string of pearls , spralty and gulf lanes.
The former two are easily accomplished by subs that fall in similar powerplant and weight class as the Kilo's.. the latter might warrant an Akula class sub.. but essentially it is not a requirement. Where it is a requirement is for floating India's nuclear deterrent at sea for longer periods. But that role is also waiting for the day India develops a long standing feud where it really needs to keeps its nukes armed for any eventuality.
For the Pakistan scenario, nuke subs and other thingamabobs are serious overkill and nothing more than fancy toys for a job where its overkill.
Its a little misleading and at the same time romantic.

How many years to 65 today???

The IN's capability lies not in its subs as such since the recent events have shown their fleet needs a massive replacement. While the leased Akula's are game changers. But greater numbers of diesel electrics is what it needs(and suits) its navy. The Scorpene's and others of it class.

At the end of the day, there is a requirement for two layers of subs(for India).. one to patrol its shores and associated EEZ lanes. The other to snoop around areas such as the string of pearls , spralty and gulf lanes.
The former two are easily accomplished by subs that fall in similar powerplant and weight class as the Kilo's.. the latter might warrant an Akula class sub.. but essentially it is not a requirement. Where it is a requirement is for floating India's nuclear deterrent at sea for longer periods. But that role is also waiting for the day India develops a long standing feud where it really needs to keeps its nukes armed for any eventuality.
For the Pakistan scenario, nuke subs and other thingamabobs are serious overkill and nothing more than fancy toys for a job where its overkill.

Our sainted RM has finally decided to expedite the 1500- up-gradation.

While the MoD's vendor selection and iron-clad policies for re-tendering after procuring a batch of items has caused delays with the Scorpene- now only to come about in 2016.

Never before has there been a country that can do so much but is hobbled by moronic policies, I bet my left nut on the veracity of this claim.

Btw when do I get to see your cannibalistic cat in action?
Our sainted RM has finally decided to expedite the 1500- up-gradation.

While the MoD's vendor selection and iron-clad policies for re-tendering after procuring a batch of items has caused delays with the Scorpene- now only to come about in 2016.

Never before has there been a country that can do so much but is hobbled by moronic policies, I bet my left nut on the veracity of this claim.

Btw when do I get to see your cannibalistic cat in action?

Which is why I spent last night convincing ten Indians that the flavour of democracy and bureaucracy that is there is perhaps not the best for the country. It has to suit the people and not the other way around, and judging by the varying level of quiet and shaking heads, I can safely assume frustration levels are such that they agree with it.

The issue is not of upgrading capabilities within the military, its rehashing the entire machine. Not overpowering it so that it decides to one up civilian oversight, but also not leaving it entwined in red tape which leads to explosions in subs and operational neglect abroad vessels due to a general frustration with the system.
Which is why I spent last night convincing ten Indians that the flavour of democracy and bureaucracy that is there is perhaps not the best for the country. It has to suit the people and not the other way around, and judging by the varying level of quiet and shaking heads, I can safely assume frustration levels are such that they agree with it.

The issue is not of upgrading capabilities within the military, its rehashing the entire machine. Not overpowering it so that it decides to one up civilian oversight, but also not leaving it entwined in red tape which leads to explosions in subs and operational neglect abroad vessels due to a general frustration with the system.

The only respite is that some of the tape is being cut, this time's DPP has made good headway- not enough but adequate from an otherwise dead government. Otherwise every single body that warms the chairs at the CCS table has been woefully bad at looking towards the needs and operational requirements.

After 15 or so years of concerns being raised did the govt. agree to raise two new air-mobile brigades, only now are they finally materializing. No CABs as of now for said brigades plus the 50th independent. Just last week they finally gave the required clearances for setting up the long awaited composite aviation base. The list is endless, one wonders how our men in uniform have kept us safe and largely victorious for so long.
The list is endless, one wonders how our men in uniform have kept us safe and largely victorious for so long.

One should wonder , how much of the frustration is now bubbling, writhing beneath the surface
One should wonder , how much of the frustration is now bubbling, writhing beneath the surface

Less than before for many but vocal nonetheless since the middle class here has only come into prominence in the last two decades.

As far as the army is concerned, they've learnt to navigate around such issues and make the best of what they have at hand.
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