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Indian Navy’s lone nuclear attack submarine heading back to Russia, next one to take five years

Russia may need to scrap this submarine when they find out how poorly handled it was. Given how these naval geniuses tried to dive a nuclear sub without closing its hatches.
Russia may need to scrap this submarine when they find out how poorly handled it was. Given how these naval geniuses tried to dive a nuclear sub without closing its hatches.

What else can be expected when we know the skools that Indians are educated in?

Nothing can be simpler than bullets.
And India not even capable of making bullets.

As all Indians come from skools like below

Indian managers and engineers and technicians all from the same kind of background.

With Indian graduates from skools like below? :rofl: :rofl::rofl:

This is India! :enjoy: :enjoy: :enjoy:

:rofl: :rofl::rofl:

India filled with graduates from Indian skools like below

And India army got those graduates from Indian skools

Indian engineers and scientists and administrators and planners! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No wonder India cannot even make bullets and must buy from Russia and overseas.:rofl::enjoy::pleasantry:
And the artillery that India designed tend to explode and kill more Indians than anybody else.:rofl:

Relatives scale buildings to help Indian students cheat on exams - video

Students in Hajipur, north-eastern India, were given a helping hand from friends and family as they sat state exams on Thursday.

Can some body please confirm.have the indian navies two nuclear armed 6000 tonne subs the arihant and arighat been scrapped.
I say this as the title reads India only nuclear attack sub returned .

returned by India voluntarily by the way due to maintenance issues I hear
Can some body please confirm.have the indian navies two nuclear armed 6000 tonne subs the arihant and arighat been scrapped.
I say this as the title reads India only nuclear attack sub returned .

returned by India voluntarily by the way due to maintenance issues I hear

I too thought the same but thanks to @Arulmozhi Varman and @Archie they both clarified.....
Akula is a lone SSN an attack submarine to take on enemy naval asses whereas our Arihant and Arighat are SSBN designed for strategic nuclear attack on enemy territory....
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