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Indian Navy’s lone nuclear attack submarine heading back to Russia, next one to take five years

Sure delusional Indians think every country wanting to buy from India. Too bad delusional Indians don't even know that India is not even in the TOP 10 weapons exporter in the world.

I know you and your fellow Indians are still hurt by China last year so I am going to help you to ease off some pain.

View attachment 750877

Whenever you are made to look like the fool you are here, you switch to these off-topic memes or obscure tweets from some unknowns.

Why did you brave Chinese leave your women and children behind and run away from the Japanese?
Thank you for the taxes constributions that we use for our anti_china policies. :yes4: :cheers:
Whenever you are made to look like the fool you are here, you switch to these off-topic memes or obscure tweets from some unknowns.

Why did you brave Chinese leave your women and children behind and run away from the Japanese?
Thank you for the taxes constributions that we use for our anti_china policies. :yes4: :cheers:

Spamming endless threads about China will not help with your humiliation pain.

We all know Indian soldiers are the best RUNNERS in the world as we can see. Can't not believe Indian soldiers are not in the Olympics.



Spamming selectively edited videos will not end your humiliation of nearly 60 soldiers killed at the hands of our Indian friends.

OR this...

60? I thought it was 45. Here is something to help you feel better since we saw a lot of sad pictures of BEATEN AND CAPTURED pictures of Indian soldiers done by China.


@GamoAccu I love reading this guy's every sly attempt at trying to prove so hard that he is "American" every time someone calls him out for being a false flagger Indian :rofl:
@masterchief_mirza this clown still going strong trying so hard to prove what has been so obvious since day 1.
Does it require a crash course from the ISI to figure out a Hindutva troll?!? Even a first couple of words should suffice......
60? I thought it was 45. Here is something to help you feel better since we saw a lot of sad pictures of BEATEN AND CAPTURED pictures of Indian soldiers done by China.

View attachment 750885
View attachment 750886

WAIT - ROFL. Did you guys not for the longest say no Chinese killed because you were too embarrassed to report your deaths, LOL? you even jailed citizens who called you out on your lie when you eventually gave a false number of deaths 8 months later.

Thank you for your tax contribution that we use towards our anti-china policy!

WAIT - ROFL. Did you guys not for the longest say no Chinese killed because you were too embarrassed to report your deaths, LOL? you even jailed citizens who called you out on your lie when you eventually gave a false number of deaths 8 months later.

Thank you for your tax contribution that we use towards our anti-china policy!

View attachment 750888

Is making up a Bollywood fantasy a way for Indians to get over the pain by China? There is so many humiliating pictures and videos of Indian soldiers getting beat up and captured by China. Indians can only comfort themselves is making up a fantasy.

Is making up a Bollywood fantasy a way for Indians to get over the pain by China? There is so many humiliating pictures and videos of Indian soldiers getting beat up and captured by China. Indians can only comfort themselves is making up a fantasy.

View attachment 750889

Why does BBC use images taken from Chinese recordings instead of Supapowan images? Oh I forgot. There aren’t any supapowan pictures.

Russians took this sub back earlier due to abysmal maintenance and running of it by Indian Navy. It was the same sub that Indians incompetencies resulted in damage to it.
But can't SSBN be multirole??? Sorry for my limited knowledge but apart from keeping it as a strategic strike platform can't it be equipped with some hunting/ attacking capabilities?

Ssbn needs to be heavier cos they need to carry lots of ballistic missiles. It needs to carry 12-24 ballistic missiles. With 12-20 torpedoes for defence.
SSN carries more torpedoes, for attacking along with cruise missiles for attacking enemy surface ships. They need to stay in the hunt for long. Ssbn don't go for hunt. They are like underwater moving silos.
@rent4country you have ruined the thread. This was about Indian submarines and you have littered this with Unrelated comments.
i Guess nuclear sub will be used against China. For Pakistan They may use diesels..

Pakistani waters are shallow and nuclear submarines don't operate in such shallow depths. 2000 tonne ssk are the most well suited for such conditions. But nuclear subs will be used to hit Pakistan with nuclear missiles if the need be.
@rent4country you have ruined the thread. This was about Indian submarines and you have littered this with Unrelated comments.

Actually he did not start... read post # 6 which all started ruining this thread.... anyways hope this good thread doesn't get ruined further....
Pakistani waters are shallow and nuclear submarines don't operate in such shallow depths. 2000 tonne ssk are the most well suited for such conditions. But nuclear subs will be used to hit Pakistan with nuclear missiles if the need be.

Shallow or deep should not make a difference in my opinion as anyways such submarines will be sitting far away from the enemy coasts with ballistic missiles more than 3000 kms range.....
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