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Indian Navy Running Short of Money for Modernization Program to Counter China

Don't tell me that in the entire world only Indian Military top brass is corrupt .

So if you neighbor is thief, it gives you the moral right to be a thief too?
Should not you worry about your own self?

Nuts & bolts of your dialogue:
Indian Army chief is corrupt.
Did not we know its coming:

Indian Navy to buy vessels from private shipyards in policy change

Modi's goal - to enrich Reliance.

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How is India's Government budget so small? China's Government budget is over $2.5 trillion every year.

Does that mean India's defense budget is around 1/4 of their Government budget? That is absolutely colossal, for China the defence budget is only around 5% of the Government budget.
Seems China-phobia had driven India crazy.

When a large scale war breaks out, the current weaponry of both sides will be destroyed in a couple of months at most, whoever can replace the destroyed weapons fast and with more will smile to the last.

It all boils down to one's industrial and manufacturing capacity
I thought India is very rich?
From the title ,india is always hostile to china,just like 'to counter china'.
I never saw this kind of title in chinese media,never gonna be like ' do sth. to counter india',and even little news about india.
From the title ,india is always hostile to china,just like 'to counter china'.
I never saw this kind of title in chinese media,never gonna be like ' do sth. to counter india',and even little news about india.
How can you counter a country whose GDP is 5 times of yours which also happens to be the world biggest industrial, manufacturing and trading nation on this planet consuming over half of the world's raw material. India is out of their mind.
How can you counter a country whose GDP is 5 times of yours which also happens to be the world biggest industrial, manufacturing and trading nation on this planet consuming over half of the world's raw material. India is out of their mind.
India can't run arm race with China, or he will be dragged down.

How can you counter a country whose GDP is 5 times of yours which also happens to be the world biggest industrial, manufacturing and trading nation on this planet consuming over half of the world's raw material. India is out of their mind.
India can't run arm race with China, or he will be dragged down.

25% of its population is living under the poverty line, can't field anything susbstantial to China before eleminate poverty and Kids Malnutrition. If India put too much money on military, it will collapse.

To me, India is more like a potential giant carrying serious disease, can't fully tap his ability.
So if you neighbor is thief, it gives you the moral right to be a thief too?
Should not you worry about your own self?

Nuts & bolts of your dialogue:
Indian Army chief is corrupt.

There might be some shortfall but do not and Never compare Indian Armed Forces with my neighbor military.

Our forces never power hungry and never a back seat drivers or Foreign relations decision makers or has economic interests like our neighbors. Instead they are obedient followers and guardians of our constitution.

Judiciary decides whether he is corrupt or not and procedures followed accordingly.
So the 6th largest economy with one of the biggest military budget is running short of chash ? Seriously do Chinese authors go to some kind of troll school?
So the 6th largest economy with one of the biggest military budget is running short of chash ? Seriously do Chinese authors go to some kind of troll school?
Talk this to your starving people, our economy is 5 times of yours and your foreign reserves are even smaller than Taiwan and Hong Kong's and almost all your weapons are bought from others.

How can Taiwan and Hong Kong, which basically a medium size Chinese city, both beat India, the country of 1.3 billion people, in foreign reserves?? That' s mind blowing...

If Hong Kong wants to be a military power it has more money than India to spend and India has been the top arms importer for many years in a row, it's just a matter of time that you run out of your foreign reserves.
How can you counter a country whose GDP is 5 times of yours which also happens to be the world biggest industrial, manufacturing and trading nation on this planet consuming over half of the world's raw material. India is out of their mind.

And that's why the article says IN is running short of money!! Secondly counter means respectable defence in India's sphere of influence. SCS or Pacific is never our piece of cake nor we have interest there.

We dont need to match China ship for ship. Even if China has 6 Aircraft carriers, Indian Navy doctrine is to have 3 AC(Max 4) to maintain its dominance in Indian Ocean.
Why does INDIA NAVY need 140 Capital ships ...........That is ridiculous demands by 2027

The Indians have no real Navl threat

Pakistanis have a modest brown water fleet.

China has no carrier battle group and is 3000 miles away

That leaves USA who is a ally

By 2027

2 carriers VIkrant & Viramditya
12 DESTROYERS kolkatta class only
24 Frigates
24 guided missle corvettes
5 nuclear arihant class subs
2 Akula class nuclear subs
6 Scorpene subs
8 new AIP diesel subs ie Sorya from japan or Barracudda France

200 aircraft including 80+ MIG29K for 2 carriers is all india needcs until 2027
Talk this to your starving people, our economy is 5 times of yours

So ? Our economy is still in the top6 , more than enough to fund a army , regardless of what your propaganda media says lol.

and your foreign reserves are even smaller than Taiwan and Hong Kong's and almost all your weapons are bought from others.

Lol the bullshit forex logic again, ya and indian forex reserves is 3x than that of USA, france , Germany.

Huge chunk of chinas forex reserves comes from borrowed cash by chock holding the banks with your communistic policies , what china does is essentially take loans and send the huge influx to reserves . Its like borrowing 10$ from one your friends putting it in your banks.

both hk & Taiwan nominal GDP is less than Pakistan.

Secondly why are you referring Taiwan? It's its own sovereign nation its not a part of china.

and India has been the top arms importer for many years in a row, it's just a matter of time that you run out of your foreign reserves.
Lol the irony , our forex reserves are literally at a all time high , its been continuously surging & statistically will keep its trend as the world's fastest growing economy.


Last i checked most of our long term defense deals are joint manufactured , we don't just buy stuff off the shelf like saudi arabia .
How can you counter a country whose GDP is 5 times of yours which also happens to be the world biggest industrial, manufacturing and trading nation on this planet consuming over half of the world's raw material. India is out of their mind.
the word is out of their league.
So ? Our economy is still in the top6 , more than enough to fund a army , regardless of what your propaganda media says lol.

Lol the bullshit forex logic again, ya and indian forex reserves is 3x than that of USA, france , Germany.

Huge chunk of chinas forex reserves comes from borrowed cash by chock holding the banks with your communistic policies , what china does is essentially take loans and send the huge influx to reserves . Its like borrowing 10$ from one your friends putting it in your banks.
Can I say that most of our foreign reserves coming from trade surplus we enjoy with most countries in the world including India and we are the biggest trading nation in the world.

Even India's foreign reserves are smaller than a tiny city Hong Kong, I am still curious where do you get them, since India produces nothing the world wants, maybe from helping foreign companies to answer the phone calls I guess.
Talk this to your starving people, our economy is 5 times of yours and your foreign reserves are even smaller than Taiwan and Hong Kong's and almost all your weapons are bought from others.

How can Taiwan and Hong Kong, which basically a medium size Chinese city, both beat India, the country of 1.3 billion people, in foreign reserves?? That' s mind blowing...

If Hong Kong wants to be a military power it has more money than India to spend and India has been the top arms importer for many years in a row, it's just a matter of time that you run out of your foreign reserves.

Your ecomomy includes tens of Ghost cities which are abandoned by local population, to say the least.

Problem with you and your satellites is that you keep your FOREX and GDP in USD. And when the time comes, it will be wiped out like clean slate by US. Most of your FOREX is invested or loaned to US. What would or can you do if US doesn't return your loan?? Send your rusted submarines or casino aircraft carrier ?

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