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Indian navy, one of the strongest in the world: Navy chief.

what are you for real? your nuke sub is a rip-off soviet 1950s standard one but without engine``lol, you show it just to make your face look better, and you have zero experience of building mega ton cargo ships let alone more complicated AC, no wonder your sorry country has to buy blueprint, materials, tools and equipments DIRECTLY from foreign countries, and due to the nature of indian business and working ethics you wanted to copy them but failed as usual`sad.

lets take a look at your sorry defence industry

INSAS assault rifle, a failed copy of AK-47, FN FAL and HK G3

LCA, a failed copy of Mirage-2000 and Saab SA-37

Arjun tank, a failed copy of Lepord II

these are the only things that you labled as 'indigenious' and the rest of your sorry defense kits are the direct import from western countries and russia including from as small as ammunitions to ships.

so the only thing india can brag about is the low tech reqirement of call-centers which are called the 'incredible' IT power house by your media and government

hold on and just go through it wont take your time and come back till then stop trolling without facts
Russian said China copy weapons at an alarming rate, advanced missiles in only five years | WAREYE
Type 56 assault rifle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
China attempts to copy South African weapons now

hacking = e-stealing : Chinese Government Hack Caught On TV | eWEEK Europe UK
there are many more if you want more PM me okay..

after reading those links read this again..STOP TROLLING..first try to produce some thing geniune of your own, at least we have 'incredible' IT power house :)
^^^ do I have to remind how you got the possession of your so called own def projects ..... all stolen reverse engineered gizmos.... assuming whatever you said about us copying is true atleast we bought the designs!!! your J-20 is the result of MiG 1.44 i'm not even going into the details of other planes (fc-1, j-7...etc.)... your Varyag is a Kuznetsov class carrier...... so stop acting as though China makes everything it uses!!! what about reverse engineering the tomahawk or did you forget that???
hold on and just go through it wont take your time and come back till then stop trolling without facts
Russian said China copy weapons at an alarming rate, advanced missiles in only five years | WAREYE
Type 56 assault rifle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
China attempts to copy South African weapons now

hacking = e-stealing : Chinese Government Hack Caught On TV | eWEEK Europe UK
there are many more if you want more PM me okay..

after reading those links read this again..STOP TROLLING..first try to produce some thing geniune of your own, at least we have 'incredible' IT power house :)

Is it necessary to reply to the damn trolls every time bro??Let them underestimate us but don't return them the favour.
^^^^you are correct to an extent but an aircraft carrier never ventures out alone it goes with CBG which have frigates/destroyers equipped with AA defences..... and corvettes (sub hunting) .... sometimes they are also escorted by subs (all of USN's acc are escorted by boomers). In a war nukes are never the first option.... sometimes it's not an option at all!! it is just for deterrance.... any one in their right mind would not use it ....triggering a nuke war with deadly results for all the neighbourhood....

ACC are for portraying/projecting power..... ACC's can be very lethal ... they can deploy a/c to bring down ports... or CATOBAR ACCs can be used to deploy AWACS or other recon a/cs .... they have their pros and cons

ACC will not survive once a nuclear war occurs. The problem is that its much easier for a sub to detect and sink a surface ship than for ships, planes and other subs to detect another sub. For example, even with introduction of advance sub hunters such as P-8, this only narrow this gap. Even with this plane, the likely hood of the sub tracking and sinking a ship is still much higher than the sub getting sink first.

Also, boomers do not escort a task force. The attack sub provide protection for a AC task force. The boomers act along as strategic asset as nuclear bases. For example, one Ohio class sub has about 240 ICBM warhead mounted on it.
ACC will not survive once a nuclear war occurs. The problem is that its much easier for a sub to detect and sink a surface ship than for ships, planes and other subs to detect another sub. For example, even with introduction of advance sub hunters such as P-8, this only narrow this gap. Even with this plane, the likely hood of the sub tracking and sinking a ship is still much higher than the sub getting sink first.

Also, boomers do not escort a task force. The attack sub provide protection for a AC task force. The boomers act along as strategic asset as nuclear bases. For example, one Ohio class sub has about 240 ICBM warhead mounted on it.

Not quite true.At the end,it all boils down to the relative advancement of the active and passive sonars onboard the sub and the surface ship or the ASW air craft when it comes to who will detect whom further.For example,a USN DDG/FFG equipped with ultra low frequency sonars will be able to detect a submarie,say a Russian or a Chinese one(as both still use legacy low frequency sonars)with low frequncy sonar earlier than the later can detect the former.
Hope it helps.
LOL India can't even make one single modern warship on its own without Russian or other foreign help.

I suppose you never got help?


Modern Corvette U/C


Modern Destroyers U/C


Modern frigate
ACC will not survive once a nuclear war occurs. The problem is that its much easier for a sub to detect and sink a surface ship than for ships, planes and other subs to detect another sub. For example, even with introduction of advance sub hunters such as P-8, this only narrow this gap. Even with this plane, the likely hood of the sub tracking and sinking a ship is still much higher than the sub getting sink first.

Also, boomers do not escort a task force. The attack sub provide protection for a AC task force. The boomers act along as strategic asset as nuclear bases. For example, one Ohio class sub has about 240 ICBM warhead mounted on it.
this is not wwII the tech has been quite developed in high sea it has some problems with sub tracking but that too need luck to favor the submariner considerably its not that easy brothr
One of the warship was also destroyed bcoz the instruction for some extreme condition was not translated ..... bad enough as it was live experiment...:undecided:
ACC will not survive once a nuclear war occurs. The problem is that its much easier for a sub to detect and sink a surface ship than for ships, planes and other subs to detect another sub. For example, even with introduction of advance sub hunters such as P-8, this only narrow this gap. Even with this plane, the likely hood of the sub tracking and sinking a ship is still much higher than the sub getting sink first.

Also, boomers do not escort a task force. The attack sub provide protection for a AC task force. The boomers act along as strategic asset as nuclear bases. For example, one Ohio class sub has about 240 ICBM warhead mounted on it.
right and wrong. Air borne ASW assets are the kryptonit of any sub. The ability to deploy mines, sonar from the air is huge advantage over submarines. This is why Japan, and the US have a very large fleet of P3 Orions.
While subs are great in the open ocean, they can also be boxed in by ASW assets and harrased. There is good example of Russian boomers being targeted by Australian P3's and that to in the Indian Ocean. Not a small place.
Also surface ships with ASW assets should not be overlooked. The Sea King and other helecopters are a great asset when covering a medium range around a fleet against submarines.
Not quite true.At the end,it all boils down to the relative advancement of the active and passive sonars onboard the sub and the surface ship or the ASW air craft when it comes to who will detect whom further.For example,a USN DDG/FFG equipped with ultra low frequency sonars will be able to detect a submarie,say a Russian or a Chinese one(as both still use legacy low frequency sonars)with low frequncy sonar earlier than the later can detect the former.
Hope it helps.
I was going to get to that. The best Sonars are from a Canadian company. Pioneers in the field, America uses the same technology Canada developed in the 70's for sonars. India in the 90's started working with Canadians on similar sonars and were put on the Delhi class. During the sea trials a Austrlian P3 flew over the Delhi dunked its load in the ocean around Delhi to get a glipse at the sonar. The captian of the ship and IN Admiral were not impressed with the Austrailans.
The Delhi class has some powerful ASW assets including some very large torpedoes.
Strongest means one among the best (top 10) nothing wrong.
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